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Rated: E · Chapter · Emotional · #2326485
Dark Society
In the time since her departure, Sabrina often considered the friends she'd left behind. And though seeing Tatum off remained sentimental, what she'd shared with Luis stood unforgettable. In which case, Sabrina frequently struggled with the outcomes of recent decisions.

Albeit, immediately upon exiting the terminal, disapproval gave way to a clamoring happiness. Considering Tim and Julia were waiting, sheltered among hordes of copious strangers. And so, as one might expect, she immediately texted her mother.

“Where are you?”

In short order, Julia replied.

“Gate 34,”

Anxiously, Sabrina chuckled.

“I'll be right down,”

In seconds, notice stood drawn to the raucous aroma of her father's cologne.

“I missed you too,” she exclaimed as Tim seized her and snuggled.

More often than not, he didn't confer his excitement, but as Sabrina looked into his eyes, he wept.

“Got one of those hugs for me?” Julia inquired, reaching.

Turning, Sabrina continued to weep while embracing her mother.

“You act like you haven't seen us in years,” Julia proclaimed, cuddling.

“It feels like it,” Sabrina asserted, drawing Tim close.

“There's so much to do while you're home,” he stated, securing bags.

Directly, Sabrina smiled and stared into his deep green eyes.

“Can we get to the lake?”

Gesturing, Tim smirked.

“Everything's ready,”

Gradually, Julia moved through Sabrina's hair.

“You must feel tired after so much traveling,”

Grinning, Sabrina shrugged.

“I am, though I'm equally excited to be home,”

Along the way, Sabrina glared through the window, admiring each familiar landmark. And though she'd vastly enjoyed London, she appreciated the semblances of home. In keeping with this, Tim drifted into the driveway and abruptly paused.

“What's going on?” Sabrina questioned, pitching forth.

Lovingly, Tim took Julia's hand.

“I reckon I forgot the mail,”

Without reservation, Julia glanced into the rear-view mirror.

“I don't remember getting it; would you mind?”

With enthusiasm, Sabrina exited and accessed the mailbox. As a child, she loved stowing the mail and racing Tim up the drive. And despite being older, Sabrina's passion for the trivial remained obvious.

“Well,” Tim announced.

“Let's do it!”

At once, Sabrina hightailed towards the house as Tim followed. Purely by chance, she'd remained brisk and hadn't lost a step. Although, nearing the front porch, someone unexpectedly stood waiting.


Following closely, Julia observed, amazed by Sabrina's recoil.

“You two know each other?”

Gazing, Sabrina hesitated.

“Sort of,”

Upon that, Julia approached Jennifer.

“I'm Julia Kole, and this is my husband Tim, we're Sabrina's parents,”

“Jennifer Connelly,” she reciprocated, shaking hands. “Sabrina and I met going to Boston, and since I was in town, I wanted to say hello,”

Everything considered, Jennifer had acted in good faith, but Sabrina didn't appear thrilled by the surprise visit.

“I see,” Julia retorted, turning to Sabrina. “I'll get you settled, and you can visit.”

Leisurely, Jennifer stepped from the porch, appearing ruffled and nervous.

“I know this isn't an appropriate time,”

Sabrina retreated, confused.

“Then, why are you here?”

Without demur, Jennifer seized Sabrina's left hand.

“Because of this,” she insisted, targeting the dark birthmark.

In no time, Sabrina stepped away.

“What about it?”

Full tilt, Jennifer locked eyes.

“It's why I had to find you, though it wasn't easy,”

Needless to say, Sabrina grew attentive.

“Go on,”

Cautiously, Jennifer settled on the railing, appearing hesitant.

“After we met, I couldn't stop thinking about you,”


“It's confusing, so I stayed away until I felt certain,”

Gradually, Sabrina eased.

“I don't understand,”

“As I said before, you remind me of someone,” she elaborated. “Plus, seeing that mark on your arm changed everything.”

Pitching forth, Sabrina gaped.


All at once, Jennifer began to tremble.


“The one you referenced before?”


Adjusting, Sabrina pondered.

“In that case, why do you look frightened?”

Slowly but surely, Jennifer adapted.

“Unconditional love and promises of forever will do that,”

Automatically, Sabrina agreed, minding Luis.

“Strangely enough, I can understand,”

Smirking, Jennifer ogled.

“How so?”

Again, Sabrina wavered.

“In London, there was someone, and things changed,”

Mostly, Jennifer seemed collared, but always feared such an entanglement.

“I figured as much, but how serious is it?”

Slowly, Sabrina neared and clutched the railing.

“I'm not sure,” she explained. “It's complicated.”

Jennifer shifted, staring.

“What are you going to do?”

Gradually, Sabrina groaned.

“Like everything else that happened in London, put it behind me and move on,”

“Can we visit together tonight?” Jennifer quizzed.

“Sure,” Sabrina retorted. “When it comes down to it, we have lots to talk about.”
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