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Rated: E · Chapter · Drama · #2326539
Dark Society
By chance, vivid sunshine crowned the skyline as everyone gathered for coffee. Fortunately, the holidays had proved therapeutic, granting ample time for relatives and renewed friendships. Independent of that, students had again struggled to embrace a sense of normalcy. In this regard, Lyndsey and Tatum sat nestled together, perusing the synagogue's coming events calendar.

“I'm glad you came back.” Lyndsey whispered, snuggling.

Shifting, Tatum twinkled.

“Me too.”

For a time, life felt revitalized, though regional news regularly held attention. More importantly, as student absences made headlines, fears throughout campus escalated. Unknowingly, the girls had become entangled within London's dark society, but neither could join a sisterhood without a renowned bloodline.

Not only that, Sabrina and Karen held contrasting beliefs about witchcraft, so their mutual disdain and prejudices were obvious. Similarly, Lyndsey had begun to display the same contempt as her devotion to occultism thrived. In any case, Tatum didn't arouse suspicion or appear despondent. Instead, she nurtured Lyndsey's pursuits and kept her guarded. Furthermore, Sabrina's discernment weighed because she'd sensed everything.

Karen's jealousy, Lyndsey's impulsive passion for the synagogue, and Alex's uncommon fidelity, everything. Since all this happened, the second semester had begun, and students were welcoming in the spring season. Though, judging by Lyndsey's attitude, she merited more time away.

“Anything of interest?” Tatum murmured, gripping the brochure.

“No more than usual.”

Unexpectedly, Lyndsey remained subdued, pondering her and Karen's involvement. And though Tatum's concerns warranted tolerance, they were valid. Time and again, Lyndsey's expressions often fluctuated. Generally, she's cordial and outspoken, yet lately appeared reserved and ascetic.

Actions that mirrored the sisterhood exactly. Whatever the case, Imperial stood embroiled in a mystery of missing students. As a result, many scholars stayed secluded, still fearful of the unknown. Certainly, the housemates of Evelyn Gardens had chosen to weather the storm, but as everyone mingled, Lyndsey and Karen drew into a reclusive discussion.

“What's that about?” Tatum posed, glaring.

In a flash, Alex sneered, peeking.

“Who knows.”

All this time, he'd kept all verbal exchanges brief, so Tatum again recalled Sabrina's warning.

“She was right.”

“What's that?” Alex questioned, leaning in.

Without haste, Tatum snapped around with a solemn stare.

“Oh, nothing.”

After some time, Karen returned, appearing palpable, while Lyndsey seemed humbled. On a similar note, whatever the topic of discourse, they hadn't agreed. This means Lyndsey's bafflement was evident as she slumped into a seat. But even then, Tatum held discretion, not wanting a confrontation.

“Are you alright?”

“I'll be fine.” Lyndsey whispered.

Out of nowhere, Lyndsey began to struggle for breath while conferring a ghost-like stare. Upon which, Tatum recalled the other times she observed such a state; Sabrina's apartment. Meanwhile, Alex stood poised to resume his and Karen's previous discussion, though she seemed engrossed with Lyndsey's demeanor.

“Is everyone ready?” Karen queried, advancing.

“Yes,” Alex replied, standing.

“Is Luis joining us?” Lyndsey probed.

“I doubt it.” Alex insisted. “He has other things to attend to.”

Not unexpectedly, Karen appeared angered as everyone prepared to adjourn to the dorm. Because with Luis's abrupt exodus, the motive for worry increased.
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