Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/679113-The-Princess-Thief
Rated: E · Non-fiction · Other · #679113
a young thief and her brother search for their past.. A work in progress
The small country of ChazaAn had no time for petty criminals. Once thieves were caught they were always hanged. Thats why we had to be perfect. No time for error. Me; Whisper and my little brother Betray. Those weren't our real names of course. Everyone in the clan had names that were given to us by the Thief Lord. No one really remembered their real names except I. My real name was the last thing I had from my past. I daren't speak it aloud though, it was a secret just for me. Me and my little brother had been with the clan for as long as I can remember, Things before were hidden in complete shrouds. Ecinev is where we have refuge at the moment in an abandoned watch tower. The Thief Lord has us here for a particular reason, But I'm still not sure what it is yet. Probably a big raid coming up. My little brother has always dreamed of coming on a raid with us ever since he knew what one was. I myself have not been on that many raids, but silence was my prized attribute. I could do a lift so quietly and quick it would make even the thief lord's head spin. My brother, Betray, was an oaf. Loud and clumsy and still too young to go on any raids. This night was warm and windy, the soft snores of my family were all that could be heard in the silent early morn. My dark brown hair splayed out as I turned onto my back looking up into the pitch rafters of where I slept. My brother slept peacfully whilst I was restless. I could see the Thief Lord sleep from where I lay. His gray eyes were closed and a few strands of his jet black hair fell into his face. I felt my heart skip a beat as I looked at him. I sat up to get a better look at him. He slept so peacfully and calm. I looked away quickly. My long hair fell across my face hiding it like a veil. For as long as I can remember, my heart had always belonged to him. I kicked off my blankets of hide and climbed down the creeky stairs. The morning dew tickled my feet as I walked slowly to the forest. The sun was barely peeking over the shadowy mountains. The dark clouds foretold a storm to come. The soft spongy floor of pine needles gently pricked my feet. I walked aimlessly, lost in my own quiet thoughts. The question that was like a thorn in my mind and it agitated me. Where do I belong? Where am I from? I could barely remember who I was before I became a thief. I closed my eyes tightly, trying to decipher the whispy memories. All I could makeout in my foggy memory was a feeling of fear and hate..running, always running. I came across a little stream. I saw my tiny face look back at me. The ends my hair dipped into the stream. "Who am I?" I inquired to the river. "How should I know?" said a bubbly voice. I jumped back in fear, falling painfully on my tailbone. A turrent of water gurgled up like a tiny fountain. I looked at it speechlessly. "I....I...What are y..you...?" I stumbled. "I am the great river spirit Falt Stjernevæske," said the water. I looked at the great water spirit in awe. "Although, you do look familiar," said the great river spirit. "Familiar?" I replied. "Yes, long ago...hmm...you must've been a babe when it was," The river spirit said thoughtfully. "Oh please tell me!" I said leaning forward. "Hmmm, someone threw you in me...long ago." The river spirit said gurgling about. I opened my eyes wide. This is all I knew, just feelings and someone had thrown me in this river long ago. "Are you sure, that it was in fact me?" I asked thinking that maybe I was just another abandoned child. "I never forget a spirit dear human." the spirit said promptly. "In fact..I have something that belongs to you..." The river said quickly disappearing in a flash of water. I sat on the bank looking at the turrents of water hoping that the spirit was going to come back, The sun had now risen, its golden rays lit the green forest casting its dark and threatening shadows back. After moments past, I began to think the river spirit had left me. I stood and turned to leave and suddenly felt a sharp twang in the back of my head. I twirled around to see the river spirit laughing down the stream. I looked down into the grass. There, what the river spirit had thrown at me, was a necklace. Its long chain was made of spun gold and the jewel at its base shined of a black diamond. Tiny white diamonds encrusted the golden chain. I picked it up gingerly. This was the item I had lost in the great river? It looked like a piece of royal jewelry. I slipped the necklace over my slender neck. I walked back to the tall guard tower. The woods smelled so sweet and tender, as if the heavens had blessed this forest with serenity. I closed my eyes and listened closely. Creeping ever so quietly through the peaceful silence was the sound of music. I fluttered my eyes open. Who could be playing such a beautiful song? I strained my ears and followed it through the forest. I came to a circle of mushrooms crowded around a large willow. I stopped in mid step as I laid eyes on the Thief Lord. His playing soothed me and yet my heart raced. I stood frozen, locked in a trance of awe. As his song finished, he looked over to me with his large gray eyes. They were gentle and kind. "Whisper..." he said with his silky voice. "Come, talk to me." he said setting his mandolin aside. "You play beautifully." I said walking to the tree and sitting next to the Thief Lord. "Hmm, it is nothing." The Lord replied with a smile. I felt my cheeks get red. We sat in an awkward silence. I cleared my throat. I looked over at the Thief Lord. He was fast asleep. I felt a small smile come to my lips, he looked so handsome whilst he slept. I stood slowly and went back to the guard tower for breakfast. Little dew fairies swarmed low in the grass, my feet soon became numb from all the nips I was given. I soon smelt the fire of the camp..and shouting? My eyes widened in fear. I ran, ignoring the screams of the dew faeries. I began to smell the burning of flesh and the shouting became louder.. branches whipped over my bare face as I ran faster and faster. "God please no." I thought. I stopped dead as my worst fear came true. Fear gripped me as I surveyed the charred bloody remains of the thieves encampment.
© Copyright 2003 Elijah Ridic (lanaylor at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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