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Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #700269
hogwarts has some new students....(a work in progress) read and enjoy!
me and my friend sophie made this story a long time ago, and we are still working on it. please enjoy.

Harry, Hermione, and Ron were walking on Hogwarts grounds on a sunny Saturday afternoon.
“Man, I’m tired,” yawned Harry widely.
“When did you go to bed?” inquired Hermione.
“Around one,” replied Harry. “Hey,” he said suddenly, “did you see the new girls? They are weird…”
“What do you mean weird?” asked Ron.
“Well,” said Harry thoughtfully,. “their ears…they are more pointed than boxed…and their eyes…”
“Yes?” said Hermione, pushing him to go on.
As Harry opened his mouth to speak, Fred and George walked up. Hermione frowned a little; she was extremely curious about the school’s two new arrivals.
“Hey, don’t forget we have quidditch practice, okay Harry?” said George, slapping Harry hard on the back.
“Yea,” said Fred. “We have to meet our new captain anyway.” He lowered his voice and muttered, “Hopefully it’s not an eccentric Oliver…not like Oliver wasn’t eccentric, but…”
George and Harry burst into laughter.
“Hey, Fred, George,” Ron interrupted, “seen the new girls?”
“No,” George replied. “But I’ve heard many whispers about them.”
“I got a glimpse at them, but not a very good one,” spoke up Fred.
“Yea…” muttered George.
The boys went into deep thought, each looking in a different direction with a slightly different expression. Hermione stood, looking at them. It was actually quite comical.
“Um, I’m going to go now…” said Hermione, seeing she was plainly wasting her time, and walked off.
Harry began to walk, still deep in thought. All of a sudden, he bumped into something. Something that said “Oof!”
Coming back to reality, he found that he had walked straight into one of the new girls. She stumbled a bit and dropped 6 books.
“Craaap…” she muttered.
“Oh! I’m soo sorry,” he apologized, and began to pick up her books.
“It’s alright,” she assured him. “At least it’s Saturday and not Monday; I hate Mondays.”
“Yea, me too,” Harry agreed.
The girl bent down to help Harry with the books. After the last book was picked up off the floor, Harry stuck out his hand and said, “By the way, I’m Harry.”
She looked at his hand and smiled. Shaking it, she replied, “I’m Macbeth.”
Suddenly another girl Harry didn’t know ran up to them. Judging by her ears, he figured she was one of the two new girls.
“Hey Aeris,” said Macbeth.
Aeris fixed her eyes on Harry. Without shifting her gaze, she said, “Macbeth…we must go, it is urgent…”
Harry stared back, thoroughly confused. What language was she speaking?
Apparently Macbeth spoke it too, because she replied, in the same language, “What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know, but Dumbledore wants us a.s.a.p.”
Harry was thoroughly bewildered. He didn’t understand a word they were speaking except for Dumbledore. Even then, he wasn’t so sure they said that, because of their fast speech.
Macbeth sighed irritably and replied, “Alright.” She turned to Harry and said (in English, much to his relief) “Later Harry.”
She ran down the hall behind Aeris, but managed to wave good-bye to him, despite all of the books in her arms.
Harry looked down and realized he was still holding one of her books. “Wait…” he called out in a meek voice. She paused for a moment, turning to look at him, but Aeris turned back and pulled on her arm. She waved one last time, and turned the corner with Aeris. Harry stood there, confused.
Ron walked up to Harry a few seconds later.
“Hey mate, what’s up?” He noticed the look on Harry’s face and asked, “Why do you look like that?”
“Nothing, I just met those strange girls. Odd, they started speaking a strange language and ran off.”
“That is odd…” said Ron.

[Dumbledore’s Office]

“Why are we here Aeris?” asked Macbeth.
“I’m not sure,” replied Aeris. “It’s just that Cloud sent an urgent message from Dumbledore.”
“Well, where is he?”
“I’m right here.”
Dumbledore’s chair turns dramatically to reveal Dumbledore seated in it.
“What was it you wanted?” asked Aeris, going straight to the point.
“I want to make sure you remembered our agreement.”
Aeris bit her lip.
“Refresh my memory.”
Dumbledore turned to Macbeth. “Macbeth, do you?”
“Umm…not really…” she said, a bit embarrassed.
“We have a lot on our minds Dumbledore, especially since the wizarding government called us to this dimension to help,” pointed out Aeris.
“Yes, I understand.”
“We are after all,” said Aeris, “2,000 some odd years!”
“I want you to remember…” said Dumbledore.
“Yes?” asked Aeris.
“…Here you are not elves. They do not exist in this time, in this place, only in memory. You are two normal 14-year-old witches…well, if that’s considered normal.”
Aeris paused before speaking.
“Try not to speak too much Elvish,” advised Dumbledore, “and hide your rings…hide them well, there are some very curious students in this school.”
Aeris eyes widened.
“And don’t discuss your past with anyone at this school,” he cautioned. “Even the faculty and staff do not know this.”
Her eyes widened even more.
“They believe the only elves that exist are house elves.”
In a sudden rush of anger Aeris cried out, “House elves?????”
“You type are found only in a story based on one ring, which everyone believes is fiction even though it is fact, our history,” he explained calmly.
“You mean…they think out father, King of Mirkwood…a story?” Aeris couldn’t believe it. How could her beautiful home be considered a work of fiction?
“Yes, they do.”
Aeris expression was a mixture of stunned and saddened. “What a world…without our kind.”
“They’re getting along fine,” assured Macbeth. “I told you we could trust Aragorn to lead mankind.”
“There are some in North America, but they are well-hidden and also pretend to be wizards or muggles…some have stayed here, in Europe,” he added.
“Alright, we won’t speak of our past, but…can we still play our instruments? And out stories and poems? They’ll just think we really like that book…”said Macbeth.
“I want my daddy,” whimpered Aeris. Macbeth giggled, causing Aeris to pout.
Dumbledore smiled. “Yes, you may, as long as you remember that it’s based on a fictional book.”
“Alright thank you..” said Macbeth softly. “Is that all?”
“Yes, you may go now.”
Macbeth and Aeris left Dumbledore’s office and began to talk.
“I want my daddy right now,” said Aeris.
“Oh calm down. Look at this! Man built this! They can’t be all bad by themselves if they can do this.”
“Man…ugh,” muttered Aeris.
“Besides…” said Macbeth with a smile, “they have a new kind of ‘cute’ here…”
“They are all the same, wanting to destroy the land for better ‘communities’,” she growled darkly.
“You’re so negative,” remarked Macbeth, and ran off to find Harry.
Aeris sighed, watching Macbeth run off, and wished aloud, “Michael…I wish you were here…” She slowly walked away from the door.

[Back to Harry and Ron]

“Was she hot?” asked Ron curiously.
“Yeah,” said Harry. “She had a nice body, they both did.”
Hermione walked down a staircase, listening to them, and said, disgusted, “Look at you two. You’re so shallow, and…ugh!”
Harry looked down at the floor.
“And Ron,” she continued, “since when have you used American slang?”
“Don’t be jealous…” said Harry quietly.
Hermione turned red. “I…I can’t believe you two!” She turned around and ran off angrily, leaving the two boys alone.
“Hmm..” said Ron. “It’s amazing how MTV can make you use a different slang…”
“Ahh…you know…Macbeth was really pretty…” said Harry slowly. He shook his head and walked away.
Ron was still pondering about the wonders of MTV when Seamus walked up.
“Hey, can you help me with the transfiguration homework?” he asked.
Ron look at him. “You’re asking me?” Seamus nodded.
“Why? You know I’m horrible when it comes to transfiguration.”
“’Because I can’t find anyone else to!!!” he protested.
“Oh, well, copy my homework, and if you fail, don’t blame me. It’s in my trunk. At least, I hope it is…”
“Ah, never mind,” said Seamus as Ron ran off to look.


Seamus walked in, and saw Aeris sitting at a table reading a big astrology book. He nervously walked up to her and asked, “Er, can you help me with my transfiguration homework?”
Aeris sighed. “Sure…what’s your name?”
“S-S-Seamus…”he stuttered.
“Hello Seamus, I’m Aeris, let me see your paper…” He handed her his parchment with a shaking hand.
Aeris skimmed over it for a few seconds, then finished it in another five. Macbeth walked by and saw Aeris doing his homework. Aeris noticed her and quickly said, “You want me to explain it to you?”
Macbeth smiles, watching her explain to Seamus for a little while, then walked off. “Oh Aeris,” she muttered to herself, “You know I hate it when people cheat…you always change your attitude about it when I catch you in the act…it’s so funny.”

[Quidditch field]

“So...” said Fred, “ where’s our new captain?”
“Dunno, hope he’s not snitty though,” said George. (note: ask Logan about snitty)
Harry sat on the bench quietly, not joining in Fred and George’s questions and ridiculous answers.
Angelina noticed Harry’s silence and asked what was wrong. He didn’t respond. She began to get worried.
“It’s nothing,” he finally said.
“You sure?” she asked.
“Er, I don’t think so,” said Alicia.
“Yea, it’s no problem.”
“Hey Harry!” called out an unseen voice.
Turning around, he saw Aeris running over to then Gryffindor House team with Macbeth walking behind her. He realized that Macbeth had called out, and waved in response.
“Who are you?” asked Fred.
“Okay!” said Aeris. “I am your new coach! Coach Aeris! And this is sub-coach Macbeth!”
Harry’s mouth opened in surprise. No one said anything.
“Sorry I’m late!” she apologized.
“Coach?” spoke up Macbeth. “Uh-uh. I’m not going to be called Coach. I’m Assistant Captain.”
Aeris giggled until Macbeth said, “It sounds cooler.” Her eyes opened wide and she said, “Yes. It does…me too then!!!!”
Macbeth, Angelina, and Katie began to giggle. Harry and George made “Oh goodness” faces.
Macbeth leaned over and whispered to Harry, “Maybe I should be Captain.” She winked at him.
“Umm this is a surprise…” said Fred.
“Hm, well, let’s see…I want everyone, when I call your name, to tell me your position,” said Aeris.
“Katie? Alicia?”
“Ditto,” Katie answered for both of them. She tossed the quaffle into the air and caught it.
“Okay…can you tell me who we are up against next game…?” asked Aeris, a little embarrassed.
“Hey, what about us?” asked Fred.
“Okay, umm…you two, the twins…Fredrick?” said Macbeth.
“FRED,” he said angrily.
“Oh, sorry Fred. George?”
“We’re both beaters,” said Fred.
Aeris giggled.
“Okay…Harry?” Macbeth continued.
Aeris suddenly stopped and turned her head sharply in his direction.
Macbeth smiled. “Okay, well I’m Macbeth, and I’m a sub, so if one of you can’t play, I’m going to take you place. Otherwise, I just watch and yell at you from the sidelines.”
“Argh…let’s get started,” said Aeris, putting on a smile.
“Oh, she’s the keeper (duh),” whispered Macbeth.
“We’re playing Hufflepuff first,” said Fred.
Aeris scowled. “Er…so what’s the game plan?”
“YOU’RE the Captain,” Katie pointed out.
“Oh!” said Aeris, and began to think hard.
“I can’t stand this. We’re playing Ravenclaw first. Fred, don’t give her a hard time, it’s her first day,” said Angelina.
Aeris’s eyes widened.
“Fine,” Fred grumbled.
“Hmm,” said Aeris, beginning her game plan. “I say we beat them into the ground with our wild winging-it skills.”
Macbeth giggled. Harry and George made the “Oh goodness” faces again.
“Hey, un Aeris, is it?” asked Katie.
“Can we practice? I’ve wanted to fly for a week.”
Her eyes widened in embarrassment. “Yes.”
“Great!” Katie walked off with Angelina and Alicia, chatting.
Aeris grabbed her broom and started to fly after them. Harry began to follow them but stopped when Macbeth called out to him.
“Huh?” he asked.
“Umm I have no idea how to catch that thing it’s so small…what if I break it?” said Macbeth timidly.
“You mean the snitch?”
“Yea. I can find it easily, but catching it…”
“It’s not delicate, it’s quick as lighting, though…it’s been used for a lot of years so I’m sure you won’t break it,” Harry assured her with a smile. She smiled back gratefully.
“Wanna race?” asked Macbeth. “I’ll get Aeris to let it loose.”
“AERIS!” yelled Macbeth. Aeris turned to look at her. “Can you let out the snitch or whatever please?”
“You hussy,” Aeris grumbled softly. She let the snitch out, then-
Macbeth zoomed off, trying to forget about everything except catching the snitch. Flying closer and closer to the swift golden ball, she began to mutter, “Please don’t break, please don’t break, please don’t break…” Suddenly, Harry came out of nowhere, swirling around and grabbing the snitch. Macbeth gasped in her surprise.
“Darn it!” she cried. “Well, she said, looking at Harry, “you’ve played this position longer then me…”
She heard Aeris’s distant laughter and yelled at her to shut up. Aeris just began to dance (as much of a dance as possible on a broomstick). She got even angrier when Harry began to laugh.
“Katie, pass me the quaffle will ya?” asked Macbeth.
Katie tossed over the quaffle to Macbeth, and she threw it as hard as she could at Aeris. “I feel better now,” she said, smiling wide.
Aeris gave out a small “oomph!” and fell off her broom.
“Oops,” said Macbeth.
Aeris screamed as she fell (which, thankfully, wasn’t too far) and landed on the grass with a THUMP.
“You okay?” called out Fred.
Macbeth flew down as fast as she could and quickly preformed an Elvish spell. “I hope Dumbledore doesn’t find out,” Macbeth whispered. “Better?”
Everyone else flew down to see if Aeris was okay. To their amazement, she stood up and brushed the dust off of her clothes as if she had just fallen off the bed onto a pile of pillows.
“If looks could kill…” muttered Fred.
Aeris was glaring daggers at Macbeth, who stupidly laughed and said, “My bad!”
Aeris said an Elvish curse under her breath, and Macbeth “eep!”-ed.
“Okay…let’s get back to practice…”
Everyone was amazed and slightly freaked out by Aeris’s reaction to the fall. “Err…” said Harry.
“Umm I gotta go I just remembered I…uh…have to…do my potions homework! Uh, so bye!” said Macbeth, and ran off before Aeris could hit her.


“What is this?” muttered Macbeth.
Aeris sniffed the food and recoiled. “I haven’t got a clue…” All she knew was that the minute she laid eyes on the meal she knew she’d hate it.
“Want some?”
Aeris looked under the table and saw Macbeth holding out some lembras. She gladly took a large chunk of it.
“Careful, I don’t have that much…” cautioned Macbeth.
Seamus walked up to them, and suddenly, Aeris stiffened up. Macbeth gave her an odd look.
“Hullo, who are you?” asked Macbeth.
“I’m Seamus. Hullo Aeris,” he greeted.
“Hi I’m Macbeth.”
“Hullo. You two are the new girls, huh?”
Macbeth blinked in surprise and said, “Y-yes…”
“I knew it,” he said, smiling.
“Umm, okay…”
“Oh,, thanks for helping me with the homework Aeris. Nice meeting you Macbeth,” he added, and walked off.
“Oh, it was Seamus you were helping,” said Macbeth with a wink.
Aeris mouth hung open.
Macbeth laughed and said, “Just kidding.”
“I was just helping him with homework. That’s all.”
“Yes, that’s good because I heard this girl named Lavender liked him.”
Aeris eyes widened.
“Let’s try some of this chicken stuff…” said Macbeth. She took a bit of a chicken leg, chewed thoughtfully, and swallowed. “Hmm…not bad,” she commented, and served herself some more chicken and decided to add some potatoes. Aeris sniffed once more, and refused to try it. She contented herself with a cup of tea.

[Gryffindor Common Room]

“Ah…” Harry put his hand to his scar. It was burning; not excruciating pain, but not quite dull either.
“Do…do you think -You-Know-Who is near?” Ron asked worriedly. His face paled at the thought.
“Don’t know…I hope not.”
Hermione was still mad at Harry for their quarrel that afternoon and didn’t say anything. She put all of her concentration into her book instead.
“I-I’m sure it’s nothing…” Harry said.
Hermione tried to block out their conversation, but it kept shattering her concentration like a nail through glass. She refused to forgive Harry.
“I don’t know, it started to sting a little bit when that Macbeth and Aeris were around…but then it went away.”
Hermione struggled harder not to listen.
“But…it’s really hurting now…” Harry winced and grabbed at his forehead.
“OH STOP IT! It’s SO hard to be mad at you when your scar hurts!” cried out Hermione in frustration.
Harry winced at the pain in his scar.
“Should I tell someone?” asked Harry.
“I don’t know, tell Dumbledore,” said Hermione testily. And with that, she slammed her book shut and ran upstairs so she could be properly mad at Harry.
“Girls…they are soo fickle,” thought Harry out loud.
“Tell me about it,” agreed Ron. “Her most of all.”
“Yah…” Harry rubbed his forehead again. Ron sat in his chair and wondered about Hermione and her crankiness.
Aeris and Macbeth entered the room.
“I wanna play…” whined Macbeth.
“Telithiiy!! NAI NAI NAI!!!!” said Aeris rather loudly.
Macbeth hit Aeris and hissed, “Shut up!”
Everyone turned to look at Aeris.
“Don’t speak Elvish, remember?” Macbeth reminded Aeris harshly.
Aeris’s eyes widened. “Err, yah…just practicing some…gibberish…” She smiled, hoping people believed her. Macbeth put her face in her hands. “Oh goodness…” she muttered.
Aeris sat down in a chair, thoroughly embarrassed.
“I’ll go get my harp…” muttered Macbeth, and hurried up the stairs.


Hermione was sitting on her bed, reading a book. Or, at least, trying to. She was still a bit put off with Harry and Ron. Ginny was also in the room, relaxing.
Macbeth entered the room, and recognized the girl she met in the library while spying on Aeris and Seamus. Her hair seemed even fierier here, surrounded by red and gold sheets.
“Hey Macbeth!” Ginny said cheerfully.
“Hi. Ginny, is it?” Ginny nodded. “What’s up?” She suddenly realized that she didn’t know the name of the girl reading. “Oh hullo! Haven’t met you yet! I’m Macbeth, what’s your name?”
Ginny smiled and shook her head.
“Wha-?” Hermione looked up at Macbeth. “Oh hello Macbeth. I’m Hermione.”
Macbeth began to rummage through her overly-stuffed trunk. She finally took out a lap harp with levers on all of the strings. It was made of beautiful rich Iroko, and had Celtic designs on its frame.
Ginny squealed. “Ooohh!!! Macbeth!! Teach me how to play the harp!! Please?”
“Huh? Oh, sure, lemmie just warm up…c’mon, I’m going downstairs…” She began to walk towards the door, but stopped and turned around.
“Hey, is Harry single?” Macbeth asked without a bit of shyness. “He’s kinda cute.”
Hermione, who had gone back to reading, looked up, shocked.
“Yeah!” said Ginny excitedly. Her eyes widened, remembering something. “I don’t know…I THINK he’s taken…” she said softly.
“By who?”
“Er, um…umm…” Ginny looked up at the ceiling.
“I’ll back off if he is,” said Macbeth indifferently. “I saw another blond hottie in the hall earlier.”
Ginny couldn’t contain herself. “HERMIONE.”
Macbeth almost dropped the harp.
Hermione gasped. “Shut up! That’s not true!”
“Sorry…it’s not true…” said Ginny, ashamed.
"I wish it was…I think…" muttered Hermione softly, thinking no one could hear. Ginny heard this comment, and was extremely surprised that Hermione would almost share her secret with someone she just met.
“Uh, what’s the blonde’s name?” asked Macbeth in hopes of changing the subject. “His hair is all sleek and shiny…he hangs around with these two big dolts…a crab and doyle? Moyle?
“Goyle,” answered Hermione automatically.
“MALFOY?” shrieked Ginny. She almost fainted.
“Wait…what?!” said Hermione loudly, slightly confused.
“His name is Malfoy? Weird first name…well, then again, so’s Macbeth, so…”
“His first name is Draco,” said Hermione. Her voice trembled at the surprise and shock of this fatal attraction.
“Ooooooh,” said Macbeth, obviously very happy.
Ginny managed to contain herself. “Lordie lordie…” she muttered.
“What’s wrong?” asked Macbeth.
“Urm…” said Hermione, biting her lip.
“Let’s go upstairs…” suggested Ginny.
“I’ll stay up here,” said Hermione.
“K,” acknowledged Ginny, still slightly out of it. She decided to change the subject. “I heard Seamus likes that new girl you hang out with.”
“Oooo….Aeris,” said Macbeth. She laughed. “Oh she’s gonna LOVE this…let’s go tell her!” she said, excited. She cracked an evil grin.
“You know,” Hermione said, “you remind me a bit of Fred and George.”
Ginny gave Hermione a “what are you talking about?!” look. (note: ask Logan about -.-?!)
“Just a bit…”
Macbeth shrugged. “Well, shall I teach you the harp?” proposed Macbeth, turning to Ginny.
“Okay!” she agreed. They began to walk downstairs.

[Gryffindor Common Room]

“You speak gibberish?” Ron asked Aeris.
“Quite fluently actually,” she replied. She said a few phrases in Elvish, convincing Ron that she could speak gibberish.
“Hmmm…” he said.
Macbeth and Ginny appeared on the steps, Macbeth carrying her harp.
“Got it,” she said cheerfully.
“Finally…” muttered Aeris.
“I’m gonna teach Ginny, okay?”
Seamus and Neville entered the room at that moment.
“You wanna play a quick something after I warm up and remember how to play?” suggested Macbeth to Aeris.
“Okay…” said Aeris slowly, eyes widening when she saw who had just entered the room.
Macbeth quickly preformed a few scales and played through Dona Nobis Pacem before giving Aeris the harp. “Here ya go.”
Macbeth turned to Seamus and tried desperately not to laugh. “H-hi S-seam-mus…”
“You guys play the harp?” asked Neville.
“Yup,” answered Macbeth.
Aeris gulped nervously and proceeded to practice her scales.
“Hi Seamus,” she greeted with a smile. Macbeth raised her eyebrows, and Aeris whispered something under her breath. Harry watched Aeris and Macbeth practice intently.
“Can you sing with that thing or is it hard with the weight?” asked Ron.
“Depends,” answered Macbeth. “I suppose you can, but Aeris and I do mostly duets…”
Aeris smiled widely and said, “Hehe, let’s do one now!”
“Can I sing this time?” asked Macbeth. “You did last time.”
Aeris pouted a bit, but then changed her mind and smiled. “K.”
Positioning her fingers, she began a slow gentle song.
“O môr henion i dhû:
Ely siriar, êl síla
Ai! Aníron Undomiel.
Tiro! Êl eria e môr
I 'lir en êl luitha 'uren…”
Aeris’s eyes began to tear at the edges. She remembered this song.
“Ai! Aníron…” finished Macbeth.
Hermione was standing at the stairs, listening. Wow…she thought.
“Ah, excuse me…” said Aeris. She put the harp down and went upstairs.
“Whoa…” Fred whispered.
Harry sat there, confused and suspicious. “I think there’s more going on than meets the eyes…” Harry muttered to himself.
“Was that, erm, gibberish or something..??” asked Ron awkwardly.
“That sounded like Elvish to me,” said Neville, “from The Lord of the Rings.”
Macbeth freaked out a little. “Yea, we love that book!” She laughed nervously.
Harry got up and went upstairs to sleep.
“Night Harry!” Ron told him.
All of a sudden, Aeris bounced down the stairs. “TELITHIIY!!!!”
Everyone looked at her. She realized what she had just done.
“What??” she asked. “People who don’t know gibberish…” she muttered loudly. Hopefully they believed that she was simply put off that not many people spoke gibberish.
“Telithiiy?” whispered Macbeth so only Aeris could hear.
“It’s stuck in my head.” She whispered back.
“Look, they figured out we know Elvish, now remember, we just really like Lord of the Rings.”
“I’m gonna go into the forest and visit Bain…” Aeris told her. “K, namarie.”
Macbeth turned to Ginny. “So…how about a lesson, Ginny?”
“Ah, yes,” said Ginny.
Macbeth began to explain the properties and rules of the harp to Ginny.
“Ohh, this is so fun!” said Ginny.
Macbeth smiled. “Okay, so play ‘do’ for me.”
“How do you all know Elvish so well?” asked Ginny, trying to find the correct string.
Macbeth turned red. “Uh…we-we saw the movies and…read the books and we…we became BIG fanatics! I took some classes at a nearby college with Aeris…they have Tolkien cults there, ya know…”
“Ohhh!” Ginny paused. “A college?”
“In the human college?”
“Human?” asked Macbeth. “You mean muggle, right?”
Ginny gave Macbeth a blank stare. “Yeah…whoa, where did ‘human’ come from?”
“Uh…I dunno!” She had a grave expression, but quickly went back to her happy self. “Now let’s get to work! Play me a ‘do’,” she instructed with a smile.
“K.” She played a Do.
“Yay! You’re doing good!” Macbeth clapped, and Ginny turned red and beamed.
Suddenly she lowered her voice and said, “Can I ask you something?”
“How do you have pointy ears?”
She was silent for a moment, then replied, “Genes.” Ginny’s eyes widened a bit, plainly saying, “Oh!”
“Man…I’m tired,” said Ginny, trying to leave an awkward situation.
Macbeth yawned. “Yea.”
“Well g’night,” said Ginny, going upstairs.
“Night…,” called Macbeth.
“I should go to bed too,” she said to herself, yawning. She tried to get up, but found that she couldn’t. “Uh, I should move that harp first, huh…” She attempted to move it, but all of her strength had left her. “Why...am...I...so...tire-” She never finished her thought, because she fell into a deep sleep.

[Forbidden Forest]

“Hello Aeris,” greeted Bain the centaur. “What brings you here?”
“Came to visit you…do you have any news on Voldemort?”
“The stars are beautiful tonight…but it is unusually cloudy to night…I did not predict this…”
Aeris looked up and muttered under her breath something about “back home”.
Bain turned to look at her. “Hm?”
“I said, ‘the stars are much clearer and beautiful back home…”
“I haven’t been there in centuries…has it changed at all since I last cam to visit you?”
“No…it’s still as beautiful as ever.”
“Why are you here?” he asked. “You haven’t been here since you were born…”
“Dark times are ahead, if ‘he’ is not stopped you know…” she replied.
“ I see…”
All of a sudden, she looked at Bain, alarmed. “Do you not smell the blood in the Air?”
“You know I cannot.”
Aeris sighed.
“This world is so cold, so unopen…”
“Humans have multiplied…covered this Earth…”
Aeris wiped imaginary dust off of her cape.
“You should be getting back,” said Bain. “It’s getting late, and they don’t want students out at night, especially here.”
“Yes,” agreed Aeris. “Numarie Bain…”
“Numarie, and be careful…”

[The following morning in Macbeth and Aeris’s dormitory]

Macbeth and Aeris woke with a yawn.
“What time is it?” She looked at the clock. It glowed 10:00 in bright green letters.
Aeris eyes widened.
“GOOD LORD! AERIS, WHAT DAY IS IT??” yelled Macbeth, highly alarmed.
“Umm, mars? Vendredi?”
Macbeth stared at her. “A Friday in March?”
“Mercredi? Sacre bleau!”
“Why are you speaking French?” asked Macbeth.
Aeris thwacked her head. “Good Lord…I had a good dream,” she said, sighing dreamily.
Macbeth jumped up. “That’s lovely, but it’s Sunday, its 10, and I’m starving.”
“D’Arvit...” muttered Aeris. She rolled out of bed with a thunk.
“I’m surprised you didn’t go to greet the sun again like you do every morning at home.”
Aeris blinked. “Oh dear…”
“This realm sure makes you lazy,” commented Macbeth.
“Hey, this world is a lot slower than ours too,” grumbled Aeris.
“Whatever!” said Macbeth. Fully dressed, she headed down the stairs. Suddenly, she stopped.
“Pooey…pooey…where is my shirt?”
Macbeth’s eyes widened. “How did I…”
All of a sudden, Aeris’s eyes began to bulge, but Macbeth was too confused to notice.
“I…I-I was…I don’t get it…how did…unless…but who?!”
“Lordie, your mind is hurting me! Stop IT!” cried out Aeris.
“B-but, but…”
“STOOOP!!!!!!!” yelled out Aeris.
“I fell asleep in the Common Room yesterday! I never came upstairs! I was too tired!” said Macbeth, still too freaked out to listen to Aeris very much.
Aeris blinked back tears.
“How did I get here? In my pajamas, none the less!!” Macbeth ran to the trunk and opened it.
“LET GO OF MY MIND!!!” screamed Aeris.
That brought Macbeth back out of her confused and scared thoughts. She dropped the top of her trunk in surprise.
“W-what are you talking about?”
Aeris cringed.
Macbeth quickly opened the trunk and saw her harp, safe and sound. “Oh thank goodness…”
Aeris began to sob.
Macbeth closed the trunk and walked over to Aeris. “Are you okay?!”
Macbeth stopped in her tracks. She gasped. “A-are you talking to me?”
Aeris fainted.
Macbeth’s eyes widened in fear, and she bolted down the stairs.

[Gryffindor Common Room]

Harry, Hermione, and Ron were the only ones there.
“You guys! Help! Something is wrong with Aeris!”
“What happened?” asked Hermione.
“S-she…she kept talking about someone in her mind or something…and then she started crying…then she…she just fainted.”
“Where is she??” asked Harry.
Macbeth was extremely pallid. “U-upstairs…I didn’t know what to do.”
“Come on!” said Harry.


“But…are we allowed to go upstairs?” asked Ron. “To the girls’ dormitory?” He gulped.
“Er…” said Harry, but he kept running.
“I’ll go tell Dumbledore then…he oughta know, right?”
“I suppose…” said Macbeth, panting.
“Right,” said Harry.
Ron turned around and ran towards Dumbledore’s office.
“What exactly happened??” asked Harry.
“I told you!” said Macbeth.
Harry frowned in concern and worry.
“What, you don’t believe me?”
“I hope Ron hurries…I believe you.”
Macbeth look doubtful. “Here we are.”
She tried to open the door. “It’s locked!” She cried out in anger and fear, and kicked the door.
“WHA??” said Harry, quite alarmed.
“Calm down Macbeth,” soothed Hermione. “Alohamora!”
Nothing happened.
“What? It didn’t work!” Hermione cried in disbelief.
“WHAT IS GOING ON?” yelled Harry.
“I don’t know!” said Macbeth in a high voice.
“Let’s try all at once, maybe that will work,” suggested Hermione.
“Ok…” said Harry. He began to count aloud.
The door burst open, and Macbeth ran in.
“Thank goodness,” said Harry.
Then he saw Aeris lying down on the floor.
He knelt down next to her. Hermione followed suit.
“Is she breathing?”
“Yes,” said Hermione.
Macbeth squeaked. They both looked up at her. “Sorry,” she said in a small voice.
“Where is Ron??” wondered Harry aloud.
“He must still be getting Dumbledore,” said Hermione.
Harry shook Aeris, hoping it would wake her. “Err, wake up…!” he said lamely.
Aeris said nothing, still unconscious.
Macbeth put her face in her hand. “I could have done that…” Suddenly her eyes began to bulge.
Aeris was still unconscious.
“Ow...ow…OW...” said Macbeth.
Aeris eyes opened.
“Sacre bleau…” she whispered.
Her eyes widened when she saw Macbeth, and she sat up quickly.
“OW…I see…Ow…what you meant…OW…Aeris…” she whimpered.
“MACBETH!” cried out Aeris.
Macbeth squeezed her eyes shut.
Aeris looked at Harry.
Macbeth squeaked. She slowly got louder.
Aeris stood up, but she was still rather wobbly.
Hermione turned white and began to shake. “What’s happening?!”
Macbeth began to scream.
“Macbeth! Don’t fight it,” advised Aeris.
Macbeth staggered back, clutching at her head. She fell to her knees and began to scream a long string of words in various unknown languages. Her voice changed pitches often, going from low to high, then her regular voice. She craned her neck back so her face was looking towards the ceiling.
Aeris shook violently with fear.
And suddenly, as fast at it started, she stopped, and her body relaxed.
“Is it gone???” asked Aeris.
Macbeth got up. “I have a headache,” she moaned. “Whoa!” she cried as she almost fell, catching herself.
She giggled. “Yea, it’s gone…just a killer headache…seriously.”
Aeris caught on to Macbeth’s explanation. “Yeah, bloody headaches…” She siddled out of the room. (note: ask Logan what siddled means)
Hermione looked at Harry doubtfully. “Headache? Somehow I don’t think so…” she whispered to him.
“Hmmm…” said Harry, frowning.
“It’s true,” assured Macbeth. “Genetics. They suck huh? Kinda like the things Harriet Tubman had except we got no blow to the head and we don’t black out as often. We also get them a lot less often.”
“Aeris fainted,” pointed out Harry bluntly.
“Okay,” said Macbeth, “Well I haven’t fainted yet.”
“Are you sure that’s normal?” asked Harry.
“My mom did once, come to think of it…” said Macbeth. Turning to Harry and acknowledging his question, she answered, “It’s not, but then again, define normal.”
Aeris’s head popped back through the edge of the open door. “MACBETH.”
“Yes?” asked Macbeth, in a syrupy-sweet way. Her smile was enough to give Aeris a cavity.
“I think WE SHOULD GO,” said Aeris, giving her a cold look. She secretly winked at Macbeth.
Macbeth looked at her weirdly. “Oooookay…later guys, and thanks a lot. I always freak out when the headaches come, ‘cause there’s no way of getting rid of them except by, like, waiting…”
And with that, Macbeth and Aeris left a very freaked out Harry and Hermione.

[In the corridors]

Walking through the corridors, Macbeth and Aeris discussed what had just happened.
“Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary...,” muttered Macbeth happily, practically skipping. Very odd behavior for someone who had just had a killer headache, but then again, it was Macbeth.
“We should tell Dumbledore immediately,” said Aeris.
“Hm?” Macbeth looked over at Aeris. “Oh, Ron already went.” She continued to recite: “Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore-”
“We never had headaches like that before!! I think its serious!!!” cried out Aeris in frustration.
“We’ve never had headaches before period, remember?”
“All the same but THAT WAS PAINFUL!!!” Aeris sighed.
“Alright, we’ll go, but can we eat first? I’m really hungry.” Macbeth was really amazingly unperturbed by the whole affair.
“I’m not hungry…”said Aeris wearily. “I’ll be in the library.”
“Oky doky then…do I call ya when I go to Dumbledore’s Office?” asked Macbeth.
“Sure,” said Aeris.
They separated, each going to their own personal destinations.


Aeris rubbed her temples and sighed. The headache’s aftershock just didn’t want to go away.
Ron came up to her slowly, noticing her discomfort.
“You’re up!” he said, evidently surprised. “Urm…Dumbledore want to see you and Macbeth in his office.”
Aeris groaned. “Bloody…bloody…Hell…” She turned to Ron, who had on an apologetic expression. She suddenly felt a pang of guilt. “Oh, k, thanks Ron.”
“Er…feel better?”
“Yes, a bit.”
“That’s good.”
There was a very awkward pause.
“Well, I go now…bye…”said Aeris, getting up to find Macbeth.

[Great Hall]

“Come on Macbeth, we need to go to Dumbledore’s office,” said Aeris, running in and skidding to a stop in front of Macbeth. There was a strong tone of urgency in her voice. Macbeth looked around to see if anyone had heard Aeris’s message. The Hall was mercifully deserted.
“Alright,” said Macbeth, getting up.
Together they ran to Dumbledore’s Office.

[Dumbledore’s Office]

Aeris and Macbeth stood before Dumbledore, awaiting his questions. They were unusually uncomfortable.
“So,” he began, “I heard you got unusually strong ‘headaches’.”
“Uh…umm…” said Macbeth.
“Hm...” said Aeris, attempting to sort out her thoughts.
Dumbledore leaned towards them. “What really happened?”
Aeris looked at Macbeth, and Macbeth looked at Aeris.
“You got it first,” pointed out Macbeth timidly.
Aeris took a deep breath and tried to remember everything.
“At first it was like a keening (note: ask Logan what keening means)…then it grew to screams…like my whole body was being ripped apart. Everything was blood-stained.”
Dumbledore’s eyes widened.
“Really?” Macbeth interrupted. “Mine was different.”
Dumbledore turned to Macbeth. “How so?”
Aeris stared silently at the floor.
“Well, I felt a pulsing in my head, and it got bigger…like…if you get a cut or bruise or something…or you get a bump on the head…it slowly gets bigger.”
Aeris said nothing.
“I heard a voice after that,” Macbeth continued. “It sounded oddly familiar…it was in another language. Then there were two saying the same thing, so I yelled back at it, but instead if English, French, or Elvish, something else came out. Then it just left.”
Aeris muttered something.
“And it left me with a killer headache…ya got any aspirin?” added Macbeth.
Dumbledore leaned back against his chair.
“Use your magic,” suggested Aeris quietly.
“And risk making my headache bigger? No way.”
Aeris didn’t respond.
“I wonder why thing were different for the two of you,” said Dumbledore.
“Dumbledore,” said Aeris, “you may have already heard this somewhere…but I feel a shadow of a threat in my mind…it’s scaring me.”
“Did you two grow up in different places?” asked Dumbledore. He leaned in again.
“Yes, we did,” answered Aeris.
“What were they?” inquired Dumbledore.
“I grew up in Mirkwood…”said Aeris. “And Macbeth…”
“I grew up in two places,” interjected Macbeth. “They kept switching me for some reason, between Lothlorien and Rivendell. I stayed at Gondor for a year as well…”
“Ah...” said Aeris.
“Do you think that may have to do with the way whatever happened effected you two?” asked Dumbledore.
“Minas Tirith…Osgiliath…hmm…”whispered Aeris.
“And about this threat…what do you sense?” he continued.
“Dumbledore, could it…be…like a sixth sense…something’s coming…or already here, something hidden in the shadows…”
Macbeth look at Aeris worriedly.
“Like a predator after it’s prey…a fear…” she continued softly.
“That’s what you get for hanging out with Legolas for so long…you get his sense…” said Macbeth.
Aeris lowered her head so that her hair concealed her face.
“Oh!” said Macbeth, suddenly remembering something. “I fell asleep at a couch in the Common Room with my harp on me, and I woke up in my bed with the harp in the trunk.”
“Really?” commented Dumbledore.
“Uh…yea,” she said uncomfortably.
“Do you know who moved you?” he asked.
“No idea…”
Macbeth stopped. She heard a light snoring noise. Turning around, she saw that Aeris was sleeping sanding up. She hit Aeris on her arm.
“Oomph!” Aeris looked around wildly. “Woh! Alright! Yes the STAIRS!”
Macbeth looked at Aeris. “….Stairs? Stairs? What are you talking about?”
“Ohh, nothing…” she said. Changing the subject, she asked, “Who do you think could’ve moved you?”
“Noooooooooo idea.”
Aeris frowned.
“Was anyone else there?” asked Dumbledore.
“I-I don’t remember…”stammered Macbeth.
“Confound it all…” muttered Aeris darkly.
“Well, thank you, I suppose…you may go now…”

[Corridor outside Dumbledore’s Office]

“Now what?” asked Macbeth.
“I don’t know, it’s strange,” answered Aeris.
“No one in this realm should be powerful enough to tap into our minds!” said Aeris, slightly hysterical.
“Really? You think so? That Voldemort guy sounds strong…”
“Uh, puleez, nothing can stand against us man…he’s probably just a cheap fakie,” said Aeris confidently. (note: ask Logan about the word fakie)
Macbeth looked at Aeris oddly. “PULEEZ? Did you just say puleez?”
Aeris’s eyes widened.
“I think I did…” she said, a mixture of amazed and appalled filling her voice.
Macbeth started to laugh like a maniac. “AERIS SAID PULEEZ! AERIS SAID PULEEZ!”
Aeris stomped her foot. “NOT FUNNY.”
Macbeth began to sing her little chant over and over. Aeris reached over and smacked Macbeth’s arm as hard as she could.
She giggled. “Okay okay.” Macbeth stuck out her tongue. “You’re just mad because you let your guard down and said a Human slang word.”
“I gotta be careful. Next thing I know I will be liking it here.”
“Whatever,” said Macbeth. “I have made no such promise to myself or to anyone else. I’m gonna try and enjoy myself as much as possible.”
“Hmm…” said Aeris. “I can’t wait to get back home!” she exclaimed.
“Ah, well, I could use a break from all of that war…” mused Macbeth. “The Third Age isn’t exactly the most peaceful…”
“I guess…” replied Aeris.
“So…now what?” asked Macbeth. “I don’t think Harry and Hermione believed my story on our headaches.” She smiled and crossed her arms.
“I dunno…for our sake of secrecy I hope so,” said Aeris.
“Ha,” laughed Macbeth. “I doubt it. Haven’t you heard the stories? Those three are quite the little detectives…”
Aeris looked at Macbeth. “Looks like we will just have to be careful then won’t we?”
Macbeth smiled. “Yes, I suppose we will.”

[Gryffindor Common Room]

Harry, Ron, and Hermione were sitting in the Common Room, quietly discussing what happened.
“Somehow I don’t think that was just a headache,” said Hermione skeptically.
“It was really weird,” agreed Harry.
“What happened?” asked Ron.

[Gryffindor Common Room]
Harry, Ron, and Hermione were sitting in the Common Room, quietly discussing what happened.
“Somehow I don’t think that was just a headache,” said Hermione skeptically.
“It was really weird,” agreed Harry.
“What happened?” asked Ron.
“Well...” said Hermione uncertainly. She rubbed her arms, as if she was cold, even though they were sitting next to the fire.
“Hmm…what if we just ask them?” suggested Ron.
“What if we do some research…on elves?” said Harry mysteriously.
“Elves?” said Hermione curiously.
“Yes,” replied Harry.
“Why Elves?” asked Ron.
“Isn’t it obvious?”
Hermione thought hard, but nothing came to mind. Ron, however, skipped the thinking and went straight to the point. “What? Not really, clue me in mate!”
“They have pointy ears…”
“So?” said Ron. “Ginny told me they were genes, she asked them already.”
“Their alluringness!” continued Harry. “We don’t know anything about them besides that they are new at Hogwarts.”
“That is true,” said Hermione.
“See what I mean?” said Harry.
“But, Harry, Elves? Why Elves?” asked Ron.
“I dunno, I have a hunch,” he replied.
“Harry, I see what you mean,” said Hermione, “but Elves don’t exist!”
“I know, I know…” Harry sighed. “I’m not sure then.”
“There are so many kinds of Elves,” reasoned Hermione. “They’ve been around for centuries…House-Elves, the Elves in Lord of the Rings-”
“Lord of the Rings?” interrupted Ron.
“It’s a trilogy written by J.R.R. Tolkien,” she explained.
“Yes, I’ve read that,” said Harry.
“I have too, its really good, but really long,” said Hermione.
“It seems soo ironic,” mused Harry. “Like they just stepped out of the pages.”

“Yea…but…it’s not real…right?” asked Hermione.
There was a long silence.
“What if…” began Ron. “What if it is?”
“Oh don’t be ridiculous Ron, it’s not,” snapped Hermione. “It can’t be…”
Despite herself, she began to believe this impossible theory. She struggled to find a reason, any reason, to prove that it was just that, impossible.
“Lots of things are possible in the wizarding world,” said Harry.
“But,” she said desperately, “J.R.R. Tolkien made it up! He made it up! He…” She trailed off.
“Or did he?” said Harry darkly.
Ron put a hand on Hermione’s shoulder comfortingly. “Hermione, it’s possible…”
Hermione put her face in her hands. There was another silence.
“Okay…” Hermione said at last, voice shaking a bit. “Lets say it is…where would we research this?”
“Where else?” said Harry. “The Simarillion.”
Hermione’s eyes widened. “Of course…” she whispered.
“Let’s get started,” said Harry.
Hermione suddenly dashed upstairs, and returned a few minutes later with a large stack of books.
“WHOA!” said Ron, eyes as round as saucers.
“Do we really need all of them?” asked Harry as she dumped them onto the table.
Hermione grinned. “Unbeknownst to you, I happed to own every books related to Lord of the Rings. I brought them from home. I had a feeling I would need them.”
“Oh,” said Harry.
Ron groaned. “So many books…so big…” He picked up one of the books and flipped through the pages. “Such little print…” He dropped it onto the table. Groaning, he closed his eyes and leaned back into the chair. Harry, on the other hand, eagerly picked up the book Ron put down and started at the beginning.
And so Harry, Hermione, and Ron worked tediously throughout the rest of the afternoon, only stopping to say a few important or interesting notes aloud or to ask what a certain Elvish word meant. After three long hours, Ron said, “I’m hungry.”
“Me too,” said Harry, putting down the book he was reading.
Hermione checked her watch. “We’ve been reading for three hours now,” she stated.
Harry sighed. “We haven’t even found anything yet!” I suppose we should go down for dinner…" said Hermione, her voice reflecting her weariness.
"Yeah…" agreed Harry.
"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!!" Ron jumped up and did a silly superhero pose, looking as if he expected to go off flying. Hermione giggled, and Ron and Harry began to laugh.
As they were walking down to the Great Hall, Harry started to hum The Eye of the Tiger.
"It's the eye of the tiger…" he sang, his voice horribly off key. Ron was laughing so hard tears were streaming down his face. He had to stop and hold on to the wall for support.
Hermione smiled and shook her head. "Come on guys, its getting late, and I'm hungry too." After a few minutes, Ron calmed down, and they arrived at the Great Hall.

[Great Hall]

Harry, Ron, and Hermione walk towards the Gryffindor table and saw Aeris and Macbeth already eating. Aeris was picking at her sandwich. Macbeth rolled her eyes and took a big bite of hers.
"Hey guys!" greeted Hermione, sitting down next to Aeris. Harry sat down next to Hermione.
" 'Ello 'Irmione…" said Aeris, her mouth full of sandwich.
Ron sat down next to Macbeth and rubbed his hands together. "So, what's to eat?" he said, obviously eager to stuff his face.
"Hmm…'andweeshes," said Aeris.
Hermione took a ham sandwich, and Harry took a peanut butter sandwich.
"So…" said Aeris rather awkwardly.
Macbeth swallowed her bite. "Yea…"
She turned to Ron, and her eyes widened in amazement as he began to take two of each kind of sandwich.
Aeris laughed. "Can't wait till our first game!" she said.
"Who are you playing?" asked Hermione.
"Ravenclaw," said Macbeth.
"They should be a cinch," said Aeris confidently.
"I dunno, they're really good," said Ron doubtfully.
"Ah, don't be such a party pooper," said Macbeth teasingly.
"Trust me, Gryffindor is the best!" assured Aeris. Ron was too busy eating to answer her back.
Macbeth looked at Harry. "Harry, you're rather quiet, is everything alright?" she asked.
"Yea, just a bit tired," he answered.
Macbeth frowned in concern. "Why? We haven't even started classes yet."
Harry yawned. "I dunno." He hoped that she believed him.
Macbeth's eyes narrowed disbelievingly, but she didn't say anything.
While Harry, Hermione, and Ron ate, Aeris leaned towards Macbeth and whispered in Elvish, "Macbeth, what do you think is up with Harry?"
" I think they've found something…maybe they're on our trail," she whispered back.
Hermione side-glanced at Aeris. Were they speaking Elvish?
"We better be careful," whispred Aeris.
Yes, it was Elvish. She recognized the word we: lye. Her eyes narrowed. Yes, it was Elvish. She recognized the word we: lye. Her eyes narrowed. Harry and Ron saw her _expression and stopped eating to look at her. Macbeth and Aeris noticed their actions, and there was an awkward silence.
Hermione cleared her throat. “U-um…I’m done…I’m going up to…to finish my homework…” She gave Harry and Ron a meaningful glance. “See ya.” She put down her half-eaten sandwich and left the Hall.
Aeris wiped her mouth with her napkin. “Yah, I’m gonna go to the library…see ya later.” She got up and left. “Okay…see ya,” Macbeth replied quietly.
She turned to Harry. “Hey Harry, I need to ask you something.”
“What is it?” said Harry.
“Have you seen my book? I’m missing one. Maybe you found it when we first met; I think I had it then,” said Macbeth.
“Hmm…," thought Harry, “I think so. What was it called?”
“Um, I think it was Return of the King, by J.R.R. Tolkien.”
“Yeah, I got it,” said Harry. “Let me go get it for you.”
Macbeth smiled gratefully. “Thank you Harry.”
Harry got up, left the Hall and headed towards Gryffindor Tower.

Harry began to hum Eye of the Tiger again. “It’s the eye of the tiger…”
Return of the King, Return of the King…did he have it? He wasn’t so sure he had it now…Wait a minute, Return of the King? Written by J.R.R. Tolkien? Wasn’t he, Hermione, and Ron just discussing that? Didn’t that have elves in it? And come to think of it, Hermione had a weird look on her face, as if she remembered something…And wasn’t Macbeth singing in Elvish that one day in the Common Room? Harry tried to remember what the two girls had said at the table…
Another Elvish word! Maybe…just maybe…his theory was correct. He quickened his pace to Gryffindor Tower.
Walking around the corner, he heard an soft muffled noise. He slowed down instinctively. Listening closer, he heard an odd noise, like someone was making noises with their teeth or something…Turning the corner, he saw Seamus and Aeris kissing.
His eyes widened, and he turned around and ran away, hoping they didn’t notice him.

[Gryffindor Common Room]

Harry raced up the stairs, feeling both eager (due to his recent revelation) and slight fear and disbelief (due to Aeris and Seamus’s snogging).
Entering his dormitory, he ran over to his bookbag and began to look through its contents. Ah ha, he thought, finding it.
He opened up the book and looked at the first page. He saw an untidy scrawl in a language he didn’t recognize. He quickly compared it to the writing on the cover page, and was almost sure it was Elvish. If only Hermione could see it…
Hesitating, he stuffed the book back into the bag, hoisted it up onto his shoulder, and walked down the stairs, wondering what to tell Macbeth.
Unfortunately for him, Macbeth had apparently been waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs.
“Hey Harry!,” she said brightly. “I finished dinner, and I thought I’d save you some walking.”
“Oh, sorry,” stammered Harry, not expecting to have to come up with a reason so soon. “I can’t seem to find it. I might’ve mistaken it for a library book!” he finished quickly, hoping she believed him.
“Oh,” said Macbeth, obviously very disappointed. “Well, that’s alright, I suppose I’ll go ask someone else…you tried your best…”
“Hope you find it,” he said, hoping to compensate.
“I hope so too,” she murmured. “See ya.” She walked away and sat in front of the fire.
Harry dashed off to find Hermione. At the same time, Aeris and Ginny entered the Common Room.
Aeris plopped herself down in a chair next to Macbeth, and Ginny sat herself down as well. “You alright Macbeth?” asked Aeris.
“Yea…” she murmured. She was gazing into the fire, chin resting in her hands. The flames reflected in her eyes and played mysterious shadows on her face.
Ginny laughed softly a bit before saying, “Macbeth, you still like Draco?”
Macbeth blushed. “Well, I haven’t seen him…”
“Hehe…” grinned Ginny evilly.
The fact that Macbeth was looking at the fire didn’t help the red in her face. In fact, she was positively glowing now. “And I haven’t even spoken to him…”
“Honestly,” said Ginny, “He’s pretty slimy. He may look nice but I don’t think-”
Macbeth turned to look at Ginny. “You think he looks nice?”
Ginny turned red. “No! Of course not…I’m just saying…”
Aeris laughed.
Macbeth smiled and looked back at the fire. “What are you saying Ginny?”
“Uh, nothing…just, oh fine, he’s a cutie! But he’s horrid!” said Ginny hotly. She buried her face in her hands and began to giggle madly.
Macbeth chuckled. “From what I’ve heard, every Gryffindor thinks that every Slytherin is crud…and that’s a lot, especially since I’ve only heard two people’s opinion on it. “And yet…” She leaned back in her chair. “I can tell, quite easily, that every one of you think the same thing.” Macbeth quickly turned to Ginny. “Not that I’m angry or anything…”
Aeris bit her lip, stifling a laugh. Ginny sucked in a breath. “Okay…”
Macbeth smiled. “But it’s good to know that a Gryffindor, no matter what, can think that a Slytherin is a ‘cutie’. Means there’s hope…for the Houses, I mean…Now for my future marriage with Draco Malfoy, that presents a problem, since now I have a little competition…” said Macbeth jokingly.
Ginny’s eyes widened, and she began to laugh.
“Hmm…” thought Aeris.
Macbeth looked at Aeris. “Yes, Ms. I-love-to-act-mysterious-and-keep-secrets-from-everyone?” she asked facetiously.
Aeris laughed. “I don’t keep secrets!” She smiled, as if to prove it.
“Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure…” She turned around. “Oh look, there’s Seamus.” She cracked an evil grin. “HEY SEAMUS!” She waved in a way painfully obvious way.
Aeris turned around in time to see Seamus waving at them. “Eep!” Her eyes widened and she began to giggle.
Macbeth smiled and shook her head. “Lavender is going to kill you…”
“Pish posh on Lavender!” said Aeris. “My method is, ‘Oops, too slow, he’s taken already.’”
“Oh goodness,” said Macbeth, rolling her eyes teasingly.
“AERIS…” Ginny’s eyes were popping with shock. “YOU…and…SEAMUS??”

"Can you believe it?" said Macbeth. Aeris began to giggle. Macbeth laughed and grinned at Ginny.


Harry's feet pounded on the stone floors. He pumped his legs as fast as he could, trying to get to Hermione in the library. He had to show her the book.
Suddenly, he stopped, teetering on his right foot. His head seared with pain, and he clapped his hand to forehead.
"My scar!" he managed to croak. He fell to his knees, both hands over his scar. His eyes watered with the pain; he couldn't see, everything was turning black…

"I just got word from Madam Pomfrey that you found Harry passed out in a corridor a little while ago," said Dumbledore.
"Yeah," said Aeris.
"May I ask how you knew he was in trouble?" asked Dumbledore.
"I…I don't know, we just sorta…knew."
"We felt something…" said Macbeth.
"I see," said Dumbledore.
"It was odd, I've never felt that before," said Aeris.
"It may be that you're growing a connection with Mr. Potter.," said Dumbledore. "Some elves have been known to feel when a comrade or dear friend has been injured."
"How??" said Aeris.
"It may be friendship that makes the connecton, but it can also be the urge to protect, suspicion, extreme hate, or love"
Macbeth's eyes widened.
"But…" Aeris muttered.
"Yes, Aeris?" inquired Dumbledore.
"I…WE don't know him that well…do we?" she finished.
Dumbledore smiled. "Well, it must be something that connects you to him, otherwise, you would have felt nothing."
Aeris looked sideways at Macbeth, who was staring at the floor, determined not to make eye contact with anyone present.
"Um…" she finally began, "What do you think Aeris? Because I…I don't know…"
"I dunno," said Aeris, "I suppose perhaps, it would be easier…to understand it, maybe, if…if we told Harry where we are from."
© Copyright 2003 Elijah Ridic (lanaylor at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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