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Rated: 18+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2317215
A place where I fight to survive
#1068578 added April 27, 2024 at 1:20pm
Restrictions: None
The Soul of the Sea
My ship called the "The Soul of the Sea," was sailing through tumultuous waters, when a vicious storm descended upon the sea. The wind howled, the rain pounded, and towering waves crashed against the vessel. Lightning shot like a bullet out of the sky, illuminating the black clouds, and the chaos surrounding me.

I and my crew of three fought hard to keep the ship upright. We worked fast doing all we knew to do to keep us safe. But the storm didn't let up. It kept banging us around like we were a toy in the bathtub. Water showered us, knocking us off of our feet. The boat tilted to the side, and then back to the other side. A massive wave slammed into the ship, causing it to groan and creak. The main mast snapped like a twig, sending splintered wood flying. The ship perilously lifted to one side, before lifting and plunging into the sea. One by one my crew was washed overboard. I soon followed. I found a piece of driftwood and with as much effort as I could muster, I clung to it for dear life. I called out to my missing friends. There was no answer. As the waves kept slamming me, I inhaled and drank so much sea water, that I couldn't catch my breath. Inhaling deeply, I couldn't exhale, I inhaled again, and again. Then I lost consciousness.

Coughing and gagging, I opened my eyes. I was lying stomach-down, with my face in the wet sand. The ocean had lost its fierceness, and the waves were gently lapping over my legs. I don't know how long I was lying there before I woke. I looked up and down the shore but did not see my friends. The ocean was as alone as I. The shoreline was dotted with palm trees, driftwood, and parts of the ship. Behind me, the island was lush and green, with towering cliffs. When I regained my strength, I would need to explore the island, make a shelter, and forage for food and fresh water.

Exploring the island, I pretty quickly found a freshwater source. It's only about a half-of-a-mile from shore. I've made a shelter from palm fronds among the tropical trees. I have a clear line of sight of the ocean and skyline, to watch for boats and helicopters. There are wild mushrooms, berries, and coconuts as a food source. I also dig for mussels and have caught a few fish here and there with fishing line, and hooks I found among the wreckage.

I think I've been here for a few months. I'm growing weaker. I now have a fever that comes and goes, but lately, it has been staying longer, than for the length of time it leaves. My mind is growing foggy, and I think I'm having hallucinations. I'm seeing shadows moving all around me. But when I try to concentrate on a single one, it disappears. I hear whispering, or murmuring but can not make out any words. I'm afraid if help doesn't come soon, I won't make it.

I was awakened from a deep sleep, by a noise in the direction of the shore. Turning over on my side, I look out to see rafts approaching the shoreline. One raft is unloading something but I can't quite tell what it is. Shaking my head, trying to get my eyes to focus, I roll onto my stomach and push myself to a standing position. I tip-toe quietly behind some bushes for cover. They're talking in loud voices, with one, I assume it's the boss, giving directions.

The voices seem foreign to me. It's been so long since I've heard and seen another human being. The leader is standing on shore with his hands on his hips. He lowers his sunglasses and looks up through the lush foilage toward the back of the island. He's staring with an intensity of searching for something — Something he knows is supposed to exist. My head spins and I feel like I'm about to faint. I sit before I fall down. I don't want to alert them of my presence yet. I don't know if I can trust them or not.

They're unloading crates on the sand. I can't tell what's in them. But I hope one of them holds medication. I need aspirin and antibiotics.

When the first lid is removed from a crate, they pull out what looks to be some kind of scientific equipment. Another crate holds a generator and the other basic supplies for survival. With military precision, they quickly have four different sections set up. A sleeping area, a work area, a mess hall, and a latrine.

I must have passed out again. As when I awaken I'm still behind the bushes. Shadowy figures are all around me. They're like a shadow of a human but without any distinct features. They don't get close enough to touch me, but they scare me. When they're near, I have an immense feeling of dread. I know it's probably just a vision from a fevered brain, but it feels so real.

I must have passed out again. This time when I wake up, I'm lying on a cot, with an I.V. in my arm. A person whom I assume is the doctor is there with me.

"Hello, Miss. We thought we lost you. You've been very ill. You're lucky we found you when we did. How long have you been on this island? Are you here alone?"

"Wh ... what? Who are you?"

"We're from Regency Exploration. We're a Scientific Team from Atlanta."

"Why are you here?"

"Never mind all of that. You just get some rest and you'll be up and about in no time flat!"

With those words, he exited the tent. I heard him speaking with the boss.

"No, she doesn't know why we're here. I told her who we were and that we're a Scientic Team, but I didn't tell her what we were looking for. She wouldn't believe it if I did. It's not every day, one goes searching for a portal into another world."

After a couple of days, I was able to get my bearings. I felt better than I had since arriving on this deserted island. It's amazing what fluids, medication, and soup will do for a malnourished, sickly body.

I found the bossman. It was time he and I talked.


"No, I'm just the boss. The captain's on the ship," he grinned. "The name's Max. And you are?"

"My name's Annie. I've shipwrecked on this island a few months ago. It's so good to have human contact again. Not to mention life-saving equipment and medicines. But if you insist on finding this portal, I might be able to help you."

Max raised his eyebrows, shocked that she knew about the portal.

"I heard you and the doctor talking. I might have an idea where this portal is. But I'd advise against it, I've seen what comes out of it. They're black as the darkest night, there's no detail to them at all. They whisper and murmur, but I can't make out anything they're saying. But worse than that is the feeling that envelopes me when they're near. They feel evil. I feel I want to run away from them as fast and far as I can. I don't think we need to toy around with trying to open the portal further. And I surely wouldn't advise us going into their world".

"Look, Annie, I understand what you're saying. But you were very sick when you encountered them. Maybe it's not quite as bad as you remember".

"If I show you where I always encountered them, will you ensure me that I get a trip home when ya'll take off from here?"

"I'll do better than that, Annie. I'll ensure you get home, but until then, you can stay on the ship. It has all the creature comfort of home away from home."

Annie took Max to the spot behind the bushes. A faint murmuring could be heard. But it sounded like it was miles away. Max inspected the area with a couple of hand-held electronic devices. The look of excitement showed on his face.

"Annie, I could kiss you! Come with me."

Walking back to the beach, he ordered one of his men to take Annie on the raft to the ship.

Not long after arriving on the ship, there was a loud clap and boom. Looking toward the shoreline, men were running, scrambling for the rafts. A darkness seemed to crawl across the ground, swallowing all of the light.

The screams subsided. All was quiet and the beach was empty.

The captain started the engine. He wasn't waiting around for the darkness to creep across the water

(1562 Words)

Door #9
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