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Rated: 18+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2317215
A place where I fight to survive
#1068810 added April 15, 2024 at 12:11pm
Restrictions: None
Door #16
Well, this is pretty easy. I choose Gaby ~ Way behind! to reign as Princess! I mean hasn't she proved she can get the job done, using her subjects? *SwordL* That's what all good royalty does!

Seriously, she'll do a fantastic job. She's creative and can come up with Community Activities that will keep the townspeople busy, plus bring in plenty of funds. Which she'll share with those who truly bend over backward, and bust their butt, to prove their loyalty to her. Okay, okay. It is true, she is fair and readily available. She doesn't let the power go to her head.

She'll award her willing subjects accordingly. She promises no one will starve. Though they may be too tired to eat, that's neither here nor there.

So reign on, Gaby ~ Way behind!. Your mighty minions hail you!!

(139 Words)

Ode To The Princess

Reign high mighty one,
For your subjects revere you.
You know we love you.
For your fairness is supreme,
And your punishment is just.

5 lines
24 Words

Tanka - 5-7-5-7-7

Promise Of A Prince/Princess
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