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Rated: 13+ · Book · Mythology · #1546673
A secret Society, Stonehenge, & a very special ceremony. Bk item for 14-7-1 Contest Rd. 2.
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#650246 added May 19, 2019 at 12:49am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 1
Clive Marsden couldn't believe his good fortune.  He read the letter once more: "Esteemed Fellow Searcher:  It is our honour and privilege to announce that you have been selected to accompany certain senior members of our Society on a private visitation to the center of the Stonehenge circle the evening of this year's Winter Solstice.  To help defray your costs, a bank draft in the amount of 50 Euros will arrive via mail service within the week."

He was almost beside himself with excitement.  The very center of the henge, and on one of the most special nights of the mystics' calendar!  Simply wonderful!  He fairly bounded up the stairs to his computer, switched it on, and began searching for accommodations in nearby Salisbury. Hmm, Grasmere House.  He clicked on the Rates link and found that the stipend would cover almost half the cost.  Going back to the search results, he reviewed the pictures of the various hotels once more.  Yes - Grasmere House would do just fine.  He returned to their website and began booking his room.

* * *

In a secluded corner of a small private club in London, two well-dressed, middle-aged gentlemen were very comfortably seated in antique cherry wood chairs covered in a beautifully embroidered fabric.  They were speaking quietly over after-dinner drinks.

"So, Roderick," asked the elder man, enjoying the warmth the fine Irish whiskey imparted, "you're sure the opportunity will arise this year?  We can't afford to act too soon."

Roderick sipped at his own drink, then leaned forward.  "All the calculations make it as certain as something like this can be.  All available data on 'localised disturbances', shall we say, taking place at or near Stonehenge have been gathered, collated, assigned mathematical values for weighting, and analysed.  And I mean ALL data, Geoffrey, from detailed scientific observations to the most obscure reference from ancient legend.  This year, the portal will open and we will have our chance!"  Roderick's emphatic reply left no doubt in the other's mind.

"Very well.  Continue the preparations and make sure everyone is notified.  Oh, yes: instruct Cedric to cover our man; it wouldn't do to have to replace him at this juncture."

"I'll see to it straightaway," Roderick replied.

The men finished their drinks, shook hands, and departed.

Chapter 1 word count = 379
Running total word count = 379
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