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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1762035
A little bit of everything, colored my own way.
#767601 added December 6, 2012 at 6:40pm
Restrictions: None
This one's about the limit. Part 2.
What's goin' on y'all? Greetings from sunny Cortland, NY, where it's been shorts weather for two days in a row now and probably won't be again until April of 2013.

So, I haven't been on a really good rant in a long time. Every damn time I think about it, I reference myself to this entry, "War Points, from a few years ago. Reading it now reminds me of how silly and dated it is, but dammit I was pissed off that day about something, that much I know. I remember the people commenting on it at the time telling me to calm down. And I'm getting all worked up thinking about it.

Yesterday I began to tell you about the library situation here in Cortland. Here's the difference between the system I'm used to (BECPL) and this one here.

Using their exceptionally easy and non-obtrusive check-in and reservation system, you can easily sign in to a computer and waste up to 8 or more hours of your time surfing the internet for the latest news and trends, hottest music, fabulous writers, best games, and lots more. While most branches have around 15-20 computers with little waiting, the flagship central library location downtown has almost 100!

Six computers. Check in at the librarian's desk and sign in for a half-hour session. Better make sure you save your work, because once that time's up, time's up. Take a break. Find something else to do, because you're not gonna be back allowed on our computers for another hour. And even then, you'll only get another half-hour of our time. Oh, you're the only one here? And you're creating a blog entry?? What's that? That's nice, but you've used your allotted time for the day. Sorry.

Yeah, that's kind of pretty much what it's like here. And all of the people who work or volunteer or do anything in any kind of capacity that I've had the courtesy of dealing with here? Yeah, at one time or another, or pretty much every time except for the chick who helped me get my library card, they've all been above-and-beyond rude to me. Sorry I didn't realize your "Young Adult" section was different than the rest of the library. Sorry that I put the books I was returning on the wrong side of the counter...didn't know it mattered because frankly, it's not that fucking busy here.

To illustrate my point, it's almost 5:30 in the afternoon, I've been here for 35 minutes (about 25 to go!) and just once have all six computer workstations been used at the same time. I, in fact, am the only person using one currently. Meanwhile, outside of the rare occasion that a woman has brought in about six screaming kids, this place is dead. I could start a bowling league in here with the non-fiction. One of the only other people in here is a woman I see in here rather often, actually. She's got a bunch of duffle bags with her, and...a hardcover on her chest...and, yup, she's sleeping. Again. Fucking sleeping. Let me tell you, this woman's always fucking sleeping on the couch, sitting up, in the sitting area. And me? If it were me, they'd have no problem making an example out of me by asking me never to return the minute I grab The Cortland Standard and try to catch some shut-eye. I know for a fact that if you pull this behavior anywhere (besides the comfort of your own house) in Buffalo, not only are you frowned upon, but usually the police are invited as well, and they don't show up to participate in your love-in for peace on the park bench. Naw man, fuck that. Fuck that and fuck this place.

Now, I also mentioned yesterday that there's a woman who seems to be in-chargeish like a librarian of sorts. She could be my age at the most, probably younger. And I did say she was beautiful. And she is, in a late-60's, early-70's movie star kinda way, with about the intelligence most of the women in those roles back then had. In other words, she may be in control and know what she's doing, but she doesn't say much and I'm having a hard time picturing her being very bright. Which, once I get that thought (true or not) stuck in my craw, tends to turn me off. So I won't be actively pursuing this chick. At least not now, and not for awhile. Don't get me wrong; if I reverse my fortunes and something happens where I need to ask this chick something more important than "Where's the cartoon books?", then maybe I'll change my mind. But I doubt it.

And while we're at it, let's talk about selection. I get it...this is a small town in a small county and blah blah blah. Well, I don't trust a library that doesn't lend out copies of Family Guy on DVD. Furthermore, I have a much larger music collection than this library does, which is very, very sad. My personal cd collection is at least 10 times the size, no joke. And 90% of the books I've taken out so far have had to come from other libraries. I understand that not every library can have every book, but really? This library is the same size as practically every other library I'm used to...what do people do here??

And don't get me started on the rules. Rules are rules...do this, this, and this, but not that. And "that" is something really obvious, like, something you wouldn't think of doing in a public library anyway. Don't "fight". Don't "order a pizza". Don't "swear loudly". Damn...may as well say something stupid like "Don't take out books here, because ours suck" or something like that.

I still can't get over this "one hour" thing. I was once told very firmly that I "need to get done whatever it is I'm doing in the hour I'm given". Lady, did you earn your library dictatorship priviledges in a measly hour? Because I'm sure you didn't gain your negligible beauty (term being used loosely to describe just about every other lady here) in an hour, unless the boyfriend you keep talking about on all of your phone conversations that I can clearly overhear is some sort of "one hour revolutionist" who can grant us all the freedom to become amazing above all of our ordinary attributes.

Now, I do have one nice thing to say about this place. The girl that gave me the library card to begin with...she was rather pleasant. Of course, I haven't really seen her here since. She must've perished in the Great Purge Of Personalities that had to have happened here about a week or so after I became part of this community. She was cool...in order to have a card in this community you must provide some kind of proof of address. Well, I had nothing, except some paperwork from the Department of Social Services. I explained to her it was all I had (leaving out the part that it wasn't my real address). She looked at it, and totally bit on it when I said, "It's official-looking and everything...see, the letterhead has a seal on it!" She was all like, "Gee, this does look pretty official." And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how I officially became Cortland-legal.

Whew. Felt good to get that rant off my chest. Even if it did take me a little longer than I thought it would. But, that's life in the small town. You'll have that.


Wish I had a song that could properly sum up this angst I have toward this building. I don't. At least not off the top of my head. The best I can do is become a good patron of this place...good enough to know that they'll notice me on days that I don't come here.


I don't have much left to say today...I'm a little tired, a little worn out, a little of this and that. Gonna try to bleed this building for what it's worth for another day, head back home and get another good night's sleep. Peace, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

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