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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/action/view/entry_id/786262
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1939270
A third attempt at this blogging business.
#786262 added August 16, 2013 at 2:29am
Restrictions: None
This one's about six words and considering.
30DBC PROMPT: "Write a minimum of five, but a maximum of however many you like, 6-word stories discussing your relationships with the people in your life (your significant other, coworker, kids, pets, parents, that stranger who cut in line at the supermarket). See this site for examples and more information: http://www.sixwordstories.net/"

What's up everybody? Yesterday I recused myself from the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS partly because I missed a few days, knew I'd be missing a few more, and wasn't feeling inclined enough to continue participating. I felt more like dropping out was something I had to do than I really wanted to do. Yet as my luck would have it, today's "Creation Saturday" prompt seems more to be cajoling me into action rather than just mocking me into submission one way or the other. Plus it sounds like a pretty cool concept...which isn't to say I'd be any good at it, but I'm willing to bang a few QWERTY strokes in an effort to find out. Here goes somethin'...

*Bullet* "Every sixth word is a sentence."

*Bullet* "Throat-punched by looks, she won."

*Bullet* "Slow down faster than you think."

*Bullet* "Black was the new hot pink."

*Bullet* "Her story holds charms. I'm clueless."

*Bullet* "Told to stifle, I resisted apathetically."

*Bullet* "My crooked wisdom came of age."

*Bullet* "Never prepared, I rattlesnaked words feverishly."

*Bullet* "Get your eyes examined. You're blind."

*Bullet* "Crushed by silence, I bled confusion."

*Bullet* "I devoured silent contempt in kilobytes."

*Bullet* "Suffer my ignorance or suffer testimony."

*Bullet* "He who laughs last laughs late."

*Bullet* "Say no just to be wrong."

*Bullet* "Fifteen items or less, Jell-O hoarder."

*Bullet* "Tissues aren't optional after sneezing, buddy."

*Bullet* "We're not buddies. Go screw yourself."

*Bullet* "Keep calm and blow things up."

*Bullet* "I make up what I'm unsure."

*Bullet* "Please put your pants back on."

*Bullet* "Stop talking to yourself, crazy person."

*Bullet* "Never say you're sorry. Say whatever."

And I'm done. I'm not gonna bother counting how many that is, but that's taken me roughly a half hour, and maybe only a few of them can be considered "story-esque" at best. Maybe I'm not as good at this game as I thought, but in terms of an actual writing exercise, it's almost the most fun I've had in a long time.

BCF PROMPT: "Would you consider yourself 'musical'?"

That's a really good question. There's obviously a huge chasm between "musical interests" and musical talents", and I, sadly, am not very musical in a sense that I can barely (if at all) read music or play music. My singing voice is questionable at best on a good day, and I can't play an instrument at all.

I even tried teaming up once with a very talented person of musical inclination to set some of my song lyrics to guitar, and while I knew what I wanted to hear, I had a very hard time trying to communicate what I was feeling in a way that made sense to someone who actually knew what he was doing. Needless to say, I got frustrated with the project and gave up, thereby ending any dreams I had of being someone who would be singing that catchy little tune in your coffee shop while you suck down that jumbo sized, non-fat triple espresso mocha latte with caramel while chatting up your bestie beneath your sunglasses about the hot guy you puked on at the club last night after too many vodka/Red Bulls when he slipped you a fake phone number because, face it, you're so annoying even when you're not drunk.

What were we talking about again? Oh yeah. Am I musical? Well, I like a lot of music, and different kinds of genres and bands, but no, I'd only be musical once there becomes a way to have a song played when you walk in a room...not like how wrestlers have songs played before a match or baseball players have music blared when they come up to bat, but just a short little sound effect for things you do, like spreading condiments on a sandwich, walking a particular way, an extraordinary facial expression, or some other quirky little mechanism your functioning body undertakes. Perhaps when we're all enabled with a microchip-like soundboard of twenty or so preset noises/sound bytes that we can have audibly mixed into our routines of life by imagining them as we wish them to happen, then I'll truly be musical. Trust me, this idea sounds much better in my head than it looks on your computer screen or handheld device.


*Audio* I did have a much more specific (and totally different) song in mind, but it was actually one word too long (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEVik1nJb68), so I went with this instead because it's a lot funnier than "You have the right to remain silent." *Sheriff*


*Ribbonb* Since I'm not actually gonna write entirely as a contestant in the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS, the powers that be have agreed to let me come aboard as a guest judge for a week in July. I'm actually really excited by this...I usually read all of the 30DBC entries and comment on most of them anyway, so I may as well put that to some kind of use. I'm thankful for the opportunity to still be engaged in the blogging community in a more active way that also fits in my schedule, and I'm looking forward to my week of involvement.

2: Red Bulls consumed today (for the first time in probably years): a lemon-lime one and a cranberry one. And holy crap they're tasty...plus I don't have the usually crazy energy drink jitters either. Besides, what's an actual original Red Bull supposed to taste like? Strained sweat/water crap? The juice of a t-shirt rung out and stewed in an old hospital bedpan? A bloody cactus prick during an eight-hour hike barefoot through a desert? Really, what's the purpose of taste buds when pounding one of these things? At least the limited edition flavors have a drinkable feel to them.

I'm sure I've got more things to say, but I six-word storied myself a little too deep into the time I have set aside today for diddling around on the internet. Hopefully it's not too hot when I get home, because I really need to lay off the ice cream cravings and this heat is doing nothing for that. Gonna go put my feet up and relax for the rest of the weekend. Peace, it gives you wings, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

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