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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/action/view/entry_id/883827
by Sparky
Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #1944136
Some of the strangest things forgotten by that Australian Blog Bloke. 2014
#883827 added June 4, 2016 at 9:21am
Restrictions: None
Writers. Stop letting facts get in the say of a good story.
If you are somewhat like me, you toss around theories in your mind sometimes. Mostly you (I) know little about the subject matter.

I put to myself a set of wobbly ideas. You know how it goes. You don't research every little thing you think about do you? It's just a fun fantasy of what ifs. You don't research at all. You just enjoy thought freedom.

So it came to pass that I considered what was above me in the darkness, beyond the shroud of night hours that held our segment of Earth in a paused status.
Like Einstein or some other famed philosopher, I meditated on what the gargantuan void above (or below?) us really IS.

I theorised, as I said, without up-nerding or checking proper facts (or any facts) on Grandma Google ; Space contains nothing, even less than nothing being in a negative pressure or vacuum, right? No air, no atmosphere, no anything. That was my understanding of what is known to the layperson as SPACE. The "thing" between planets or other heavenly bodies, asteroids, and the like. The "thing" that is really "no thing". Nothing.

If that was truly the case, and space = nothingness, the result would be mind bending. Think about it as if it were facts for a moment.

Why then are planets or any interstellar body located any distance apart? How can "nothing" or the vacuum of intervening space be anything then? How can it be distance when there is nothing there?

Shouldn't this mean that planets are in reality very close together, in fact only separated by their atmosphere wherein there is SOMETHING. When that atmosphere becomes so thin not even air exists there, then there isn't even a "gap" of nothing. In effect, wouldn't the planet nearby, wouldn't its atmosphere be almost touching the first planet's?

What is between the heavenly bodies if space contains nothing? What is there?

If this ill informed / ignorant theory could be understood in the right way, viewed and measured from the right mental angle, would the secrets to interstellar space be unravelled? (In fact on researching this, I found out there IS stuff in between).

"It is not completely empty, but consists of a hard vacuum containing a low density of particles, predominantly a plasma of hydrogen and helium..."


Can you get your head around this thought? What is vacuum? What do we have when a negative pressure is in place? When there is not only NOT AIR OR ANY THING there, but even less of nothing.

How can it be possible? And even more impossible perhaps, is how do I explain my thinking?

It strikes me how much power there is in words. Because words really don't exist, do they? They do but they don't. These words I'm typing here for you to read, they are just black marks on a white background. They are scratches on a contrasting plasma for the purpose of transferring understanding of a subject.

Words are a form of communication from one human to another. No scheissen Sherlock.

For Sale: Train Carriages


For Sale: Entire Town in Queensland Australia.


Point A and Point B.
Writer and Reader
Sun and Moon.
Railway lines.

Some things cannot be mono, while others can only be singular. Then, there is the Law of Averages...

Beware slotting people into "average reader" or "typical writer" groups.
"Any system designed for the average person, is doomed to failure"

Adding to this bunch of notes still hemmed in with blog entry "scaffolding", I've come here, perhaps months later, to add a bit more to this, and turn it into an honest to goodness blog entry.

Blog entries are a difficult thing for me to crunch out at the moment, but I can't resist any longer. I must WRITE! And stuff the garden, the mowing, the leaves in the spouting / gutters, the veggie garden that needs digging over, the...Yes. I have writing that must be done.

So I'm adding this link.

I had reason to research the IRA and the Provisional IRA, or PIRA, and learned something new. (for me). There is such a thing as The Green Book, a sort of recruit training manual that includes their goal statements and stuff like that.

What intrigues me is that this, as it says, is a "living book".

So, what is a living book, or living document? How is a dead one defined or recognised?


There is a lot of references to this "living document", a continually updated bunch of writing.

I wonder how many other books have been written over the years that are just as secret and shady as The Green Book?

What about the Dead Zone testimonies?


And, what about The Holy Bible? Is that considered a "dead" book, unless it's updated? Is that why people take it upon themselves to think up a new version?
I feel it is far from being a "dead" lot of writings. No, it's living, but only if the words are read, and lived within a person. That's when it becomes a living book. The thing is, the words themselves or the intent behind them never changes. I don't believe that the Creator's intentions have ever changed, or will change, much less need any sort of update. That's just my personal belief.

Here's another what if. What if The Holy Bible really IS a living book? What if there are updates all the time, but we are just not aware of it? How would we be aware of it? What if we just read it in a new light, and assume that's how it's always been? We wouldn't know any different. But I wouldn't want to be disrespectful or say that I believe the words and their meaning change. Not for a minute.

How we live those words in the current era, however, must surely be with the times. But there you go. Human nature, our needs, wants and everything, are the same as thousands of years ago, just with different customs, different execution, different administrations, as it says.

If you were a creator, the ultimate creator of a world, the people who inhabit it, and everything pertaining to it, how would you go about getting across to those characters your intentions, the meaning of it all, and how you'd like them to conduct themselves in the world you've lent them?

As writers, that is exactly how it is. We are the creator of the universe, the outer perimeter, the purpose, and every gadget and gidget within that set of rules.

Well, The Green Book, The Holy Bible, or The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, whatever the tome, only time will tell if they were really a living document, or a dead one.

Because things like the Pyramids show us that some documents, even living generations of stories, die. Forever. Perhaps that document, or book of life, was never alive to begin with.

Perhaps you puzzle, like I do sometimes, on things that should be left alone. That's part of being alive, and living a story. We are our own characters in a real story. Is the story living, or dead?

What if the characters we create in the world build we describe come alive for real? What If our narrative was broken and our characters escaped, came back to haunt us..?

Broken. By Karin Fossum.




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