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#903899 added February 4, 2017 at 1:41am
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Why I Believe - Disproving the Big Bang
"Why I Believe - Disproving the Big Bang

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I have been discussing the reasons I believe that God is not only real but that He revealed Himself to man through the person of Jesus Christ. So far I have discussed scientific evidence that proves conclusively that the star of David, also known as the Christmas star was indeed an actual event. I have shown scientific evidence that proves that carbon dating cannot be used to prove that anything is any older than 11,460 years old. In today's lesson i am going to present two laws of physics that prove conclusively that the big bang was impossible. The first of those laws is the First Law of Thermodynamics. This law proves conclusively that energy cannot be created or destroyed in an isolated system. In other words something cannot simply appear out of nothing.

Sir Thomas Aquinas stated that this would be known as the first cause principle. In his five proofs for the existence of God, which we will eventually discuss, the fifth of them is the First Cause. In this argument he reasons that there had to be something to set everything, life as we know it, in motion. The first law of thermodynamics would agree with him because it clearly states that "Energy cannot be created or destroyed in an isolated system."

Thus the idea that the universe suddenly exploded into existence out of nothingness is ludicrous. Something had to be a static or constant which caused the universe as we know it to exist. In other words something with the capability of creating the universe as we know it had to always exist. The word of God tells us what that something is when it says "Ever since God created the world,his invisible qualities, both His eternal power and His divine nature, have been clearly seen; they are perceived in things that God has made. So those people have no excuse at all," Romans 1: 20.

And "'God has always been your defense; His eternal arms are your support. he drove out your enemies as you advanced, and told you to destroy them all."

Sir Thomas Aquinas states that it is logical to assume the existence of God and illogical to deny it. Would it be logical to say "I want a new television set," and expect one to just appear out of nothing on one's television stand? No, it would not. Nor is it logical to assume that the universe simply exploded into being out of nothing. Something had to always exist. As the second law of thermodynamics will prove, that something had to be God.

The second law of thermodynamics is that the entropy of a system always increases. In other words everything that exists is in a constant state of decay. Thus matter, energy, nor even time itself could have been eternal up to this point. If matter had been eternal as predicted by the big bang theory then the second law of thermodynamics is not true. The second law of thermodynamics has been proven to be true countless times. Our very existence proves it true. No human being has ever lived forever or existed from eternity. We are born and, barring not dying from an accident, we die of old age or basically because of entropy. Therefore the theory that the universe was once a huge collection of energy and matter that exploded and by a very lucky roll of the dice formed our planet, our solar system, and likely countless other planets in countless other solar systems is absolutely impossible. Matter and energy would have decayed and become nothing long before the big bang could have taken place. The only way the universe could have come into existence is by the intervention of something that is not subject to the laws of thermodynamics. That something would be the God who put the laws of thermodynamics in place to begin with. Sir Thomas Aquinas again calls this the "Argument from Design".

In this argument Aquinas states that there is order in nature. Since nature itself lacks specific intelligence, something had to put the order in nature. For example the words i am typing here have a specif order. While i am human and may make an occasional typo, the words are laid out in some logical fashion. They show design. Nature shows design. The laws of thermodynamics show design.

Stay tuned. I am nowhere near done with presenting my reasons for believing that God exists. Science has a lot more to say about the subject.

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