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Rated: 13+ · Book · Activity · #2056808
This contains entries to Take up Your Cross, Space Blog, Blog City PF and BC of Friends
#906616 added March 13, 2017 at 6:30am
Restrictions: None
March 13
"March 13

Group signature. Just what it says ** Image ID #2113629 Unavailable ** My Blog signature Just what it says

The 30 Day Blogging Challenge Prompt for Monday March 13, 2017 is "tActor William H. Macy, born on this day in 1950, once said, "Everyone hooks up with George Clooney. He's a genuinely cool guy. He's using his powers for good." How are you using your powers for good?"


y powers for good are being channeled into helping people become better writers for one thing. I contribute many review packages to different causes on here and usually throw in a merit badge to boot or possibly an awardicon. I enjoy doing reviews as it gives me a way to give back to the community that gives so much to me. I also write for various newsletters on here and have been involved in leadership positions with different forums. Furthermore I operate the
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, which is growing into a very popular contest. Then to top it all off I have a grammar class in place, which I will teach if I have any students.

Another way I try to use my powers to do good is through evangelism. I am a Christian, bought and paid for on the cross 2,000 years before I was born. I am currently taking Bible classes online and will soon graduate and become an ordained minister through a home church in Tennessee. I was formerly ordained through another organization but the church through which I was ordained folded and the ordination was void.

I will soon begin classes to become a soldier in the Salvation Army as well. I hope to start serving there as a store hand or other volunteer. I am also a singer and serve God with my voice. I am beginning guitar lessons soon and hope to someday be able to accompany my singing with rhythm guitar.

Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs

The Blogging Circle of Friends prompt for Monday March 13, 2017 is "Use these words in a story, poem, or memory: snow cone, ice cream, chocolate syrup."


oy there's a prompt that takes me way back in time. When i was a child, during the days of T-Rex and Barney Rubble, my dad would often stop at a dairy store in a nearby town and buy each of us either an ice cream cone or a snow cone. We didn't have much money and there were nine of us children and three adults in our house. So treats like that were a rarity. Yet Dad always seemed to scrape up the money to treat us, even if it was funded by selling some of the wild raspberries or blackberries we picked. I guess he figured that we earned it by standing on the rights-of-way picking berries inn the scorching heat. looking back I'm sure he would have had to supplement any profit with his own money to treat all of us to ice cream. Berries were extremely difficult to pick because you had to find a patch, try to keep your patch's location secret to prevent people from picking off the vines you had done all the work reaching, stand in the scorching heat for hours, and be prepared to do battle with Mr. and Mrs. Copperhead or Rattlesnake. of course there was also the occasional water moccasin but they usually were up that high. They preferred the valley and I preferred to be 80 miles away from all snakes! Anyway when we spent a day picking berries it was a pretty good bet that Dad was going to load all 12 of us in the truck and drive us to town for frozen goodness! Sometimes he would really go extravagant and order us all a burger. The deli had a burger that even King Kong would have found intimidating. It had 3/4 of a pound of ground beef and everything including the stove on it! Well that may be an exaggeration but they were loaded. One of them was enough to make most men sick if they ate it all. My brothers and I, being typical teenagers, could eat three each and complain we were starving. So Dad didn't do that very often because he knew it was a lost cause and we really didn't show any gratitude for his generosity. After all when we picked berries our primary purpose wasn't to sell them. My mom would use them to make homemade jellies and jams as well as freeze them to make cobblers out of during the winter. How many times did I ever hear mom say that eating the berries we picked during the summer in the winter time was much better than eating snowballs? Of course back then the snow wasn't as polluted as it is now. So unless it was yellow it was probably safe to eat. It just didn't taste as good as the berries!

Blog City image small

The Blog City Prompt Forum prompt for Monday March 13, 2017 is "“Dance, when you’re broken open. Dance, if you’ve torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting. Dance in your blood. Dance when you’re perfectly free.” Rumi
What do you make of this quote? What does Rumi mean when he says, “dance”?"


y dad was always accustomed to saying "Let's dance" whenever he wanted to invite somebody to do something such as put their money where their mouth was when making a threat or if he wanted to complete a task and required assistance. "Dance" was a catch all phrase for getting it done rather than talking about it. I believe Rumi is using the term in the same manner. He means lets get life moving and don't just sit around on our thumbs waiting for it to happen on its own.
Signature for nominees of the 10th annual Quill Awards

© Copyright 2017 Chris Breva (UN: marvinschrebe at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/action/view/entry_id/906616