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This contains entries to Take up Your Cross, Space Blog, Blog City PF and BC of Friends
#929154 added February 19, 2018 at 10:46am
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February 19, 2017
"February 19, 2017 Me in my Salvation Army uniformJust what it saysImage for BCOF members to put in their blogsBlog City image small

Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs Prompt: "It's Motivational Monday. Do you have a favorite motivational quote that you like. Have you written a motivational poem or story that you would like to share. Write something about motivation."

I was out of town for the weekend and in an area with no wifi. So I was unable to blog. However my motivation comes from Matthew 28: 19-20, Mark 16;15-16, and Acts 1:8 in the New Testament of the Holy Bible. God tells me that I am to spread the gospel and make converts of all nations, teaching them to observe all the things He has taught me. That's quite and order since He has taught me a whole lot of stuff. I could spend years teaching the things He has taught me and never teach it all. Therefore I take this commission to be my sole vocation. It comes above any career I might be interested in pursuing and even comes above putting food on my table. God promises to meet my needs and by faith I step out and preach His word, depending on Him to see that my needs are met. He has yet to let me do without any of my basic needs being met. I have never gone hungry or lived outside of adequate shelter. I have always had clothing on my back and shoes on my feet. Many of those years I spent learning God's will and His word. Now I have a life of preaching His word. I know that I will never do without as long as I put my sole dependence on Jesus Christ and make it my purpose in life to serve Him. God is not done with the world contrary to popular opinion. People wonder where God was in the face of disasters like the recent murders in Florida. God has never gone anywhere that we have not asked Him to go. He is saddened by the incidents just as we are but He was asked to leave our schools when one woman, who was later murdered and now believes in God, asked that prayer be taken out of schools. We obliged her and began edging God out. It was decided that we should remove anything from public places that showed any display of religion and we did so. We asked God to leave all of our public facilities. He did. We asked Him to leave and we wonder where He is at during these disasters? He's there but He is obliging us and staying neutral. Remember that we have this right? Look at Florida and try to convince yourself that we have this! My motivation is to put Jesus Christ back into His rightful place!

Blog City image smallPrompt: Prompt: "What do you think objectivity is, and as humans, can we really experience anything objectively?"

I think objectivity is having a healthy and realistic outlook. I believe we are all capable of this though most of us fall far short of the mark. Jesus Christ will reign in any heart that yields to Him and the Holy Spirit will give supernatural power to obey the word of God and have that healthy outlook. All we have to do is submit to Him. Many will die in their sin because they refuse to have an objective outlook on life.

Group signature.

"Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." ... "It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.

I have to disagree with this quote. I'm a Christian and I know that success is final. Once I am saved it is pretty hard to separate me from the love of God. I won't say it is impossible because I am not part of the Calvinist camp. However I will say that it takes an awful lot to separate me from the love of God. I believe that success therefore is final if one is saved.
Signature for nominees of the 10th annual Quill Awards
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