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This contains entries to Take up Your Cross, Space Blog, Blog City PF and BC of Friends
#950472 added January 26, 2019 at 6:01am
Restrictions: None
January 26, 2019
"January 26, 2019 Me in my Salvation Army uniformAn image for a blog that I hope will take root. ** Image ID #1991183 Unavailable ** Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs

An image for a blog that I hope will take root. Prompt: How would you convince a person of a foriegn faith to take Christianity seriously?

I have talked to many people of other faiths such as Islam, Wicca, Buddhism, and atheism. Yes, I consider atheism a faith even though an atheist would argue the point. I respect people's right to hold other faiths but believe those faiths are seriously flawed and sinful. My way of trying to present the gospel to a person of another faith is by using a discipline we hold in common. I use science to show how science gives validity to the Bible. I use archaeology for example to show how the Bible has been spot on accurate from its conception. In fact, one of the world's foremost secular organizations, the Smithsonian Institute, uses the Bible for research. The director of the Smithsonian has said that the organization has found that the Bible is very accurate and if they want to research a lost civilization they search the Bible for clues. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, (NASA) has also shown the validity of the Bible. Using star charts and mapping the positions of the stars at any given point in time NASA has proven for example that the Star of Bethlehem, which heralded the birth of Jesus, was a real event. Other scientific laws and theories support the validity of the Bible and some sciences, such as marine navigation, have their roots in the Bible. The mariner who discovered the modern shipping lanes in the ocean read a passage in Psalms that discussed "routes" in the sea. He knew that if the Bible discussed "roads" or "routes" in the ocean it could only be referring to prevailing currents and trade winds. He researched and found the shipping lanes widely used today. These are just a few examples of the ways modern science has proven the validity of the Bible. Research will prove that the Bible made claims thousands of years beforehand that were later fulfilled. One prophecy fulfilled might be written off as a coincidence or lucky guess. The Bible however made hundreds of prophecies that were later fulfilled and it makes even more which are only now seeing fulfillment. No other sacred text can make this claim. The Qur'an made no prophecies which were one hundred percent fulfilled. The sacred Hindu texts made no such prophecies. The Buddhist texts made no such prophecies. The only sacred book which ever made prophecies with one hundred percent accuracy was the Holy Bible. Now I don't know about anybody else but I believe a book like that deserves at least a reading and serious consideration. Do you not agree?

Blog City image small Prompt: "We have these ingredients to work with: one wanted poster, something is missing, the door is busted, and the mayor wants to know why the law enforcement hasn't solved the case. Oh yeah, you're a journalist visiting family in town. Have fun!"

I normally try to take a prompt and run with it but Saturday is my day off. I also have a ton of homework so I think I'm going to pass on this one. Besides my muse's get up and go got up and went! Sorry.

Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs "Prompt: “Every act of creation is first of all an act of destruction." ― Pablo Picasso” Use this to inspire you blog entry."

I disagree with Picasso. In the beginning God created everything, which implies there was nothing to destroy when He did so except Himself. God certainly is not going to destroy Himself. In fact He cannot be destroyed. So Pablo was wrong!

Signature for nominees of the 10th annual Quill AwardsSig for nomineesA signature image for use by anyone nominated for a Quill in 2018

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/action/view/entry_id/950472