We live much of life amid unique choices. Joy is anchored in The One beyond our life. |
staring at a captive ward like me breezing, breathing, shuddering dawn crossed-arm king of dungeon's daily chill cramping, noiseless, muscle-locked morn sentries standing, skylined pines of frost frigid, humorless, bark-armored waiting snowful blast of the windchime swaying constantly chattering, ominous, doleful noon the house pours sodden rain through soaking hands constantly tearing, emotional flooding, unknown dusk gurgling yard swims slowly as through seaweed flapping, floating, frosty night huddling plants in soggy greenhouse hope cheering, hopeful, springish soon chittering squirrels in sloshy chase abound insulting, sneering, squealing days great robin host among the elm tree limbs singing, blissful, joyful staying still, amid the waiting storm of cold frozen, stuck, icy, grassicle days by Jay O'Toole on February 18th, 2021 |