Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1009688-Chapter-4
by Raven
Rated: GC · Book · Action/Adventure · #2249823
The 3rd part of The Raven series, where newfound domesticity is threatened by an old flame
#1009688 added May 5, 2021 at 5:04am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 4
Beth’s eyes fluttered open. Her head hurt, her mouth was dry, and she was cold. She blinked a few times in an attempt to get her bearings. She tried to remember what happened and where she was, but everything felt foggy. The first thing she noticed was that she was on the floor, a concrete one at that. She was on her stomach and she summoned as much strength as she could to push herself up. It was difficult, but she managed to get herself into a sitting position.

She put a hand to her head and was startled when she heard a woman laughing, “Finally awake are we? I guess I owe Aubrey twenty bucks.”

She blinked and focused on the source of the voice. A woman, not much older than her, stood leaning against the wall. She was taller than Beth and wore all black from her leather pants and boots to her blouse. Her hair had streaks of green cutting through the otherwise raven locks, but her eyes were what caught Beth’s attention followed by her teeth. Bloody irises and a set of sharp fangs adorned that flashed in the fluorescent lighting of the room.

Beth forced herself to stand up and address the woman, “Another gothic bitch, where am I?”

“You’ve got quite a mouth on you,” the woman said with a frown, “You’re lucky our Night Mistress has forbidden me from touching you, otherwise I’d adjust that attitude of yours.”

Beth scoffed, “Better women than you have tried. Night Mistress, what the hell are you talking about and where am I?”

“You are where you belong, in the back away from more worthy vampires,” she said, “Our mistress is none other than Ashley herself.”

Beth spit at the mention of the vampire queen’s name, “She’s no mistress of mine.”

The woman growled and moved to approach her, “You insolent little-” she started before she was cut off by an all too familiar voice.

“That’s enough, Evelyn, she needs time to adjust,” Ashley’s voice called out as she entered the room, “This is new to her and there is a reason that I specifically ordered you and Aubrey to simply carry her here. Do not make me regret choosing you.”

Evelyn froze and composed herself, “Yes mistress, forgive me,” she said.

Ashley held up a hand and motioned for her to leave, “Watch yourself in the future. Leave us.”

The woman, Evelyn, bowed before taking her leave. Beth watched the woman exit the room and took a look at her surroundings. She was in a large room that was barren aside from a few small grates on the floor and four columns that were spread out equally. The room was rather bare in comparison to what she last remembered. Her eyes widened as memories of what happened came flooding back to her. She tentatively raised two fingers to her neck and felt the bite marks from Ashley.

She glared at the redhead in front of her, “You fucking turned me!”

Ashley sighed and shook her head, “You provoked me, I was trying to be cordial with you.”

“That gives you the right to fucking bite me?!” Beth demanded, “I’ll fucking kill you!”

“Such language and big talk from a little girl,” Ashley chided as she placed her hands behind her back and began circling her, “I would apologize, but that will not undo what has been done. Whether you like it or not, you are part of my family now. I advise you to watch your tone and those threats with me.”

“Threat?!” Beth repeated, “I didn’t ask for this!”

Ashley closed her eyes and stopped, “You brought this on yourself, Beth, don’t make this harder on yourself.”

Beth snarled as she rushed forward to punch the arrogant woman, but despite having her eyes closed Ashley easily dodged her fist by leaning backwards. Not to be deterred, Beth tried to follow with a right cross. Ashley simply ducked underneath her arm and reached up to snatch it. Beth’s eyes widened as she felt herself suddenly being flung across the room. She couldn’t catch herself in time and her back slammed into the wall on the other side of the room. She gasped as the wind was knocked out of her and she fell in a heap on the floor.

She pushed herself up and growled, “Lucky shot, bitch!”

Ashley rolled her eyes as Beth got up and rushed her once again. She was prepared for another frontal assault, but Beth dropped herself into a slide at the last minute to take out her legs. It almost caught her off guard, but she was able leap into the air at the last second and avoid it. She hadn’t expected Beth to anticipate it, however, and was surprised when she felt Beth’s hand grip at her boot. She looked down just in time to see the pinkette smirking as she yanked her down to the ground. She caught herself and yanked her foot free before delivering a kick to Beth’s face.

“Impressive,” she commented, “You’ve improved since the last time I walked this Earth, but you’re no match for me. Spare yourself some pain and humiliation, surrender and I will forgive your aggression.”

“Never,” Beth spat as she kicked herself back up to her feet.

Ashley frowned as she prepared for another attack. Beth moved in once again and she could tell that the girl was trying a more calculated approach. Perhaps she needed a full demonstration of their difference in power. Beth threw a straight punch with her left that Ashley deflected with her arm before throwing a palm strike of her own. She was moving at half speed so she wasn’t surprised when Beth managed to deflect it and try to counter. She kept her eyes focused on Beth’s shoulders and read her movements like an open book. She leaned back just out of reach of another cross and decided to let the girl tire herself out.

Beth was growing more irritated with every missed strike and deflected punch. She would throw a left hook and Ashley would either evade or deflect, she threw a jab and Ashley swatted her hand away, elbows were the same way, and every time she tried to kick at her the woman continually checked her. What was more annoying than anything was that she didn’t seem to be breaking a sweat! She was forcing her back, but somehow she felt like she was being led. She growled as she opened her hand and tried to claw at Ashley’s throat from the side. Ashley ducked underneath it and stepped around her; she was shocked her hand shattered part of the concrete column.

Ashley seized her opening from her dodge and Beth’s surprise. She swiftly delivered a kick to the back of Beth’s knee that forced her to the one knee. She followed it up with an elbow to her back and she took a handful of Beth’s hair as she forced her to the ground. She heard the girl grunt as her face collided with the concrete and she took the opportunity to lean in and try to reason with her, “Give up, you cannot beat me. Stand down and behave like a good girl.”

Beth snarled at Ashley’s words. She could feel her breath on her ear and in a desperate attempt to free herself she threw her head back. She felt the back of her head collide with Ashley’s jaw and for a second she felt the pressure lift off of her. Before she could completely free herself, though, she felt a new pressure on her back that forced her down. She heard Ashley growl and for some reason it sent a chill down her spine. That sensation was quickly washed away when she felt Ashley’s fingers tighten in her hair right before she lifted her head and slammed it into the concrete. Her vision blurred from the sudden and fierce impact that she felt.

She once again felt Ashley’s breath on her ear, but her tone was much more aggressive now, “You ungrateful little wretch! I am trying to help you and this is how you thank me?!” her head was thrown back to the ground again and she couldn’t bring herself to get up as the weight was completely removed from her body, “Like it or not, you serve me now.”

Beth rolled herself onto her back and groaned from the consecutive concussive blows that she’d suffered. It took everything she had just to sit herself up and lean against a nearby column. She reached up and grasped at the pendant on her collar as she replied, “I serve one woman and you’re not her.”

Ashley rolled her eyes at her persistent defiance. This was going to be more difficult than she had anticipated. She took a deep breath to regain her composure, but her anger was still there from Beth’s attitude and the surprise headbutt. Her voice was calm, but there was an edge of warning as she spoke, “If you choose to disobey then you will not eat, simple as that.”

Beth glared at her as her vision continued to blur, “You think I’m going to feed on my own kind?”

Ashley’s temper got the better of her as she spoke, “You expect me to believe that’s beneath you? It’s no surprise to me that you survived my gift, you already were a monster.”

Beth’s eyes widened at her comment. She didn’t have a response to that and all she could do was close her eyes in silent denial. She felt a hot stream roll down her cheek as her body shook. Was she crying? She honestly wasn’t sure. She was trapped here and as much as it pained her to admit it, Ashley was right she wasn’t a match for her. She tried to come up with a scathing reply, but all she could do was sit there in silence. Her head fell back in defeat as she prepared to listen to whatever else Ashley was going to taunt her with.

Ashley stared at Beth and waited for another snide remark. She wasn’t expecting the girl to stop so suddenly, though, and was surprised when she saw her body start to quake. She sighed and decided that it would be better for both of them if she left the girl alone for now. Jake had told her that he wasn’t the only one who had endured hell at the hands of the witch. She briefly wondered if her remark had gone too far as she exited the room, but she knew there was nothing she could do about it. Getting through to Beth would take time, the girl had talents that could prove to be useful and she was certainly an asset to courting Jake. She would need to contemplate a strategy of dealing with the irksome girl, but now she was tired.

She passed by Evelyn on her way out and gave her a final order, “No matter what happens, no matter what she says or does, no one is to touch her except me. Observe her from a distance and report anything odd to me.”

“As you wish, your highness,” Evelyn replied.

Pam sat on the ground with her legs crossed and her hands resting on her knees. She had been trying to meditate for the last hour, but it was becoming increasingly difficult to concentrate. Her mind continually wandered to her girlfriend and what she was up to. Every time she tried to remove herself from the current plane of existence and transcend to the next, images of a certain pinkette cartwheeling in the nude flashed behind her eyes. As much as she hated to admit it, Dilatrix was right, she missed her. Her power and control was improving, yes, but her time away from Beth was beginning to wear on her more and more.

“You seem troubled,” Dilatrix’s voice roused her from her meditative state, “Are your thoughts still preoccupied with Elizabeth?”

Pam opened her eyes and looked over to her teacher, “No,” she denied before sighing, “Yes.”

“Have you given any more countenance to my suggestion of returning home to her?” Dilatrix asked.

Pam frowned as she decided to abandon her attempts at achieving some form of enlightenment; she wasn’t making much progress anyways. She stood up as she replied, “I’ve considered it, but every time I begin to lean into it all I can think about is her helpless with me unable to save her.”

Dilatrix moved closer to her as she spoke, “Have you considered that she may be lost without you?”

“How do you mean?” Pam asked.

“Elizabeth depends on you, Pamela,” Dilatrix pointed out, “Given everything the poor girl has been through, she views you as the rock that keeps her grounded. Without you around to keep her in line, who knows what sort of trouble the poor girl could get herself into.”

Pam narrowed her eyes. She had spent enough time with the chronomancer to know when she was being deliberately vague, “What are you implying?” she asked, “What have you seen?”

“Whatever do you mean, Pamela?” Dilatrix asked.

“Don’t play games with me,” Pam replied, “If you know something then I need you to tell me. You know how much she means to me.”

“All I am saying is that she needs,” Dilatrix said with a knowing smile, “Just as you have come to rely on me for knowledge and getting stronger, Elizabeth needs you in the same manner. You say she is strong, and you are correct, but her strength is increased by your presence. You say you are concerned for her safety, and while this may be true, have you considered that she is safer when she is by her side?”

“Of course I have!” Pam replied, exasperated, “I promised her that I would keep her safe months ago when she gave me her submission. I won’t let anything happen to her.”

“Then go to her,” Dilatrix said, “Gather your things, I will send some texts, tomes, and scrolls with you. She needs you, Pamela, and you need her.”

Pam couldn’t shake the feeling that Dilatrix wasn’t telling her something, but she knew that the woman wouldn’t part with any information that might jeopardize whatever outcome she was interested in seeing. She only revealed what she could and what was necessary to keep the flow of time moving on her desired path. Thankfully, the woman seemed to be on her side and that meant that her return to Beth was required for an ideal outcome. She would have been lying if she said that a part of her wasn’t excited.

“Very well,” Pam finally said, “Will we see each other again?”

“Anything is possible,” Dilatrix replied in her typically mysterious manner, “I will remain here and I have attuned your energy with the gateway as well as Jake and Elizabeth’s. Please give them both my regards and tell them I look forward to seeing them progress.”

Pam rolled her eyes but smiled all the same. She turned to collect the items that she had brought along with her. She would only be able carry the necessities with her, but that merely meant that she would have to make a return trip here. She supposed she would see Dilatrix again if she was indeed going to be remaining in this timeline and plane of existence. She would need to work on perfecting the holding spell that she had been working on if she were going to minimize her trips back and forth. She would figure that out when she was settled back in Metropolis, right now her mind was racing with ideas for ways to greet, treat, and play with her Kitten upon her return.

Jake had fallen asleep in the arms of his Goddess of a girlfriend. His dreams were freed from nightmares, but that didn’t mean they were entirely pleasant. He couldn’t escape the memories from the night before and the possibilities that may have come from accepting Ashley’s offer. He spent part of his dream serving her both by her side and at her feet, and the other parts running from a certain irate gothic amazon. Images of Beth and Pam bruised and battered came to mind while Ashley held him on a tight leash and forbade him from giving them the aid they so desperately needed.

He awoke with a yawn feeling somehow refreshed despite his tumultuous dreams. The first thing he noticed was that he was alone in their bed. Goth’s arm had been draped around him when he had dozed off and for the first time in a long time he had felt protected by her close proximity. Now, he felt slightly cold and alone in their bed.

He stretched as he sat up and prepared to start his day. He checked his phone and was surprised to see that he hadn’t received any messages from Beth. It was odd, but he assumed that whatever Pam had told her must have had some kind of impact on her. From what Beth had told him through their talks in the field, he wasn’t surprised if Pam had threatened some kind of punishment. The blonde may have been kinder than Goth, but that didn’t make her any less proficient in doling out her discipline in creative ways.

He unhooked his phone from the charger and started his daily routine. He threw on a pair of pajama bottoms and a loose shirt before heading out into the hall towards the kitchen. He typically cooked Goth and himself breakfast in the morning, and today was no different.

He entered the kitchen and retrieved eggs, sausage, bacon, and the loaf of bread to set them on the counter. Cooking was something he didn't mind doing. It gave him a sense of purpose and accomplishment, and it helped that it was one of the things Goth verbally praised him for. He'd learned from his butler years ago in an attempt to be self sufficient, and to some degree, impress women he brought home. He grabbed a few pans and got started.

Goth had been awake since dawn. Her sleep habits had been erratic since she was robbed of her powers. They had gotten worse since the night she had discovered Jake with one of her old tomes. The difference now was that she had something other than her distressing moral compass to keep her occupied while she waited for Jake to wake up. She’d begun at the first page and had been studying thoroughly almost every night. Her frustration had been mounting, though, because she was finding it incredibly difficult to cast and maintain even the simplest of spells. Enchanting and alchemy were simple enough, but casting, conjuring, and evoking left her body and mind feeling exhausted. It was maddening knowing that even beginner spells were next to impossible for her now.

She had, however, managed to recall an ancient recipe from her days being the matriarch of a coven. Thankfully, the tome Jake had selected had some of her handwritten notes in it. She was sure that he hadn't realized it when he grabbed it, if he had then he surely would have left it behind. The blood and dust of a fallen vampire queen was required for the elixir, but the other ingredients wouldn't be too difficult to come by. There were a few components that she would have to locate, but she would send Jake after them when the time came. Difficult and defiant as he had been lately he was still hers and he would continue to serve her, even if it did take some subtle coercion.

The smell of breakfast drew her attention away from her studies. A quick glance at the clock on the wall informed her that it was half past seven. She closed her book and tucked it away on the bookshelf in her and Jake's shared study. She exited the room and reminded herself to keep her composure while interacting with Jake. Last night had been a close call and any more fights between them would likely serve to push him further away. She could not afford to have him slip away, nor could she live with herself if she lost him once again. The thought stirred the familiar feeling of guilt that she loathed inside of herself.

"This is ridiculous," she muttered to herself as she walked down the hall, "I am the most powerful woman to walk these accursed lands and I'm dealing with a bleeding heart."

She reminded herself that she was doing this for the both of them, and that she would be sure to right all the wrongs that she had done to him once she was fully restored. She owed that to him and she would see it done, even if she had to reshape the world in their image. Her guilt melted away and was replaced by amusement when she walked into the living room. Jake was finishing cooking and was wearing the apron she had picked out for him. He was absolutely precious when he cooked and it brought a smile to her face to see him so at ease and relaxed. He was a wonderful cook and their mornings together were usually the most pleasant part of the day.

She walked around as Jake was finishing the eggs and leaned down to kiss his cheek, "Good morning, beloved," she said as she pulled away, "Sleep well?"

He shrugged as he answered, "Well enough, I missed you this morning."

"Forgive my absence," she said, "You know I've always been an early riser. I didn't want to wake you."

She stepped back to allow him to get by and finish assembling their meal. He fixed her plate and poured her a glass of orange juice before making his own. She walked over to the table and he followed behind her with the plates in hand. She could feel a bit of unease rolling off of him as he sat down at the table across from her. She had her suspicions as to what was causing it, but she didn't want to voice it aloud and risk ruining their morning. Since the night that she had stumbled upon him reading that book he had been apprehensive. After their spat last night she was sure he was more worried than ever. They ate in silence, something that wasn't uncommon, but it was slightly more tense than usual. She hoped that the mood would improve as the day progressed, but she honestly wasn't sure if it would.

Beth awoke with a pounding headache. Her mouth still felt dry and she was still cold, but she suspected that was due to her newly developed condition. She had fallen asleep not long after Ashley had left her alone in this room. She had cried herself to sleep, alone under the fluorescent lights. She had felt eyes on her before she drifted off, but she didn't care. It wasn't the fact that she lost that brought her to tears, nor was it Ashley's comment about her being a monster, but instead it was a sense of longing and fear that had done it. All she could think about was what Pam would think when she found her missing. Would she look for her and if so for how long? She had started digging into this case because of the friends and families of those that had gone missing, and now she was simply another statistic in the growing number of missing persons.

Her eyes stung from the lighting and the dryness from crying as she sat herself up and leaned against the wall. She could sense someone else in the room, something about them felt familiar but she couldn't quite place it. Her eyes scanned the room to see who it was and she sighed when she realized it was the girl from earlier. She stood by the door watching her with her arms crossed and a curious look on her face. She debated on engaging with her, but she honestly didn't see the point and decided to simply ignore her.

The girl, Evelyn she believed, apparently had other plans as she cleared her throat, “I see the crybaby is finally awake.”

“Fuck off,” Beth replied.

Evelyn smirked as she mocked her, “Awe is someone feeling sensitive this afternoon? Let me guess, you’re upset by the fact that you’re now both a failure and a monster.”

Beth glared at her as she replied, “No.”

Evelyn put a finger under her chin and pretended to think, “Hmm, then maybe it’s the fact that you’ve been reduced to a lowly servant, but then again you’re probably used to that considering you served under the witch.”

“Shut. Up,” Beth warned, “I am no one’s servant.”

“My, my who would have guessed that The Feral was such a sensitive little bitch,” Evelyn said, “Tell me, who is Pam? You wouldn’t stop saying her name while you tossed and turned in your sleep.”

Beth narrowed her eyes and suddenly felt a rush of energy hit her as she stood up, “Keep her name out of your filthy mouth,” she warned, “I cut the tongue out of the last bitch who badmouthed someone I care about, want to see what I’ll do to you?”

Evelyn balked at her for a split second before smirking, “You just got your ass handed to you by our Night Mistress, do you really want to try your hand with me?”

“You’re not her,” Beth pointed out, “I’m no expert, but judging by the way you and the rest of your kind bend and bow to her every word. She’s stronger than you and the rest of your little family, isn’t she?”

Evelyn winced at Beth’s observation, “I’m still more than a match for you, you worthless feral skank!”

Beth smirked as she realized she was clearly getting under the young woman’s skin, “Want to put that theory to the test?”

Evelyn growled and started to lunge for her, but she forced herself to stop when she heard Ashley’s voice, “Evelyn! What did I say?!”

“M-mistress, she-” she began.

“I do not care what she did,” Ashley interjected, “I was very specific in my instructions and I highly doubt that you are completely innocent in this little exchange.”

Evelyn straightened herself up and turned to face Ashley, “Why are you protecting her?! She despises you, your blessing, and all of us! She is unworthy to even lick the dirt from your boots!”

“Enough!” Ashley roared as her eyes began to glow, “You dare to question me?! I have given you a place not only in my family, but by my side as well. My reasons are my own and if you wish to question them then perhaps we should reevaluate your position in our family.”

Evelyn’s face fell before she regained her composure, “Forgive me for my outburst and my disobedience, may I ask what you see in her?”

Ashley’s eyes lost their glow and returned to their regular red as she collected herself, “I will answer your question, but I expect you to learn to behave yourself from here on out,” she said, “She shows promise and potential. She may be wild and rough right now, but in time she may prove to be an asset to our growing family.”

Evelyn shot Beth another glare before bowing at Ashley and asking, “I understand mistress, may I take my leave?”

“You may,” Ashley replied but stopped her as the girl started to walk past, “But Evelyn, dear, the next time you go against my orders or question me in such an insolent manner I will remove you from my side and reevaluate your position in our ranks. Now, get out of my sight.”

Beth watched Evelyn’s eyes widen at Ashley’s threat before the girl quickly made her escape. She scoffed, “You’ve got them trained well. What do you want, Ashley? Come to remind me that I’m no different than you, that I’m no better than some common monster. Your little guard girl already beat you to that.”

“On the contrary,” Ashley replied, “I came to see how you were doing and to make sure that my orders were being followed. I had a feeling that your abrasive attitude might rub some of my children the wrong way, and as it turns out I was correct.”

“Your children, really?” Beth asked with a snort, “Whatever, believe it or not, she was the one who started it. I was perfectly content to sit in silence and nurse my damn headache. Thanks for that, by the way.”

“You brought that on yourself,” Ashley countered, “And I’m not surprised that Evelyn had a hand in riling you up. She and Everett were quite close and shared a similar view on both you and Jake. Neither of them believe that you two are worth my time or deserving of what I have to offer.”

Beth rolled her eyes as she walked back over to one of the columns and pressed her back to it. She let her body slide down it until she was sitting once again before speaking, “What’s that exactly? Vampirism, servitude, or sucking on your goddamn toes.”

Ashley shook her head and approached her slowly and with a wary eye, “I offer you and Jake a place higher in my ranks than that of a mere slave,” she said as she reached into her pocket to produce a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.

She offered them to Beth who stared at them and then back up at her. She sighed and took the pack and lighter, “What the hell, night’s gone to shit anyways,” she said as she withdrew one and sparked it with a quick flick of her lighter.

“Actually, it’s daytime now,” Ashley amended, “You’ve been out for nearly thirteen hours, sixteen if you count the time from my bite.”

“Even fucking better,” Beth chided as she took a drag, “I got nothing better to do right now, want to tell me just what you’re on about?”

“Your charm knows no bounds,” Ashley chided as she moved to sit across from her, “I’m not sure if you are aware or not, but since Jake was my first turn upon my resurrection he is by all rights royalty in my clan.”

“No shit?” Beth asked as she ashed her cigarette, “That figures, that guy has a knack for getting himself involved with the strangest women, offense intended.”

“You are aware that he was running around with you long before I came into the picture,” Ashley pointed out.

Beth shrugged, “Didn’t say I wasn’t weird, did I, queenie?” she asked, “So Jake’s some kind of vampire royalty, but what about me? You never bit me when you first arrived here and I damn sure ain’t one of your first turns this time around, just judging by the size of your little club.”

“Correct on both accounts,” Ashley replied, “Jake is to be my king, he is meant to rule beside me for all eternity. You, however, have no such claim or right by tradition or otherwise, but given your protective nature when it comes to my beloved I believe you may still serve a greater purpose.”

Beth narrowed her eyes as she took another long drag from her cigarette, “What purpose is that?”

“Your talents and tenacity make you almost ideal for becoming a knight, a personal protector for Jake,” Ashley answered, “You would carry out orders given by he and I, yes, but you would command respect and above all else you would keep him safe. The witch will not take kindly to him coming to me, but with you at our side she would pose no threat.”

“Jake told me what she did to you, what she did to both of you. I know how much you hate her, how much you want to see her suffer and die. If you will pledge yourself to me and help me to convince Jake, then you can have the vengeful justice that you so deserve.”

Beth finished her cigarette, exhaled a small cloud of smoke, and snuffed it before speaking, “You want me to convince Jake, my best friend, to leave one psychotic woman and become a vampire to be with you, another psychotic woman? Are you out of your goddamn mind?”

“Think about it, Beth,” Ashley said, “I can do what she will not, I can restore him to who he used to be, the hero that he once was. This city will be his kingdom and it will be protected by all of us!”

“I call bullshit,” Beth said, “Half of this city will be nothing more than a damn food source if you get your way.”

“Criminals and those villains that have tormented you and him would become cattle,” Ashley clarified, “A fitting punishment for them, one that I would think that you could even agree upon seeing as how your answer would be to kill them.”

“Even if what you’re saying is true, why would I convince him to go to you?” Beth asked.

“Because unlike that wench, I actually care about him and his well being,” Ashley clarified, “I can see your skeptical of that, but ask yourself this: he was in my club, my private box alone with me, if I simply wanted him as conquest then why did I let him walk away?”

Beth paused to consider her question. That was the one thing that she hadn’t been able to figure out since she learned that Jake had met her. She frowned as she spoke again, “I can’t do it.”

“Can’t or won’t?” Ashley asked.

“Both,” Beth replied, “I can’t bring myself to do that to him, and I won’t be a pawn in your little game.”

It was Ashley’s turn to frown now as she stood up, “Think carefully on your decision, Beth,” she warned as she started to walk away, “Whether you like it or not, I am the one in control of this family and you are now a part of it. I advise you to weigh your options and consider all possible outcomes. I have presented you with a fair offer and one that I will not retract, but in order for you to receive it you need to obey.”

“Yeah well, obedience isn’t exactly my strong suit,” Beth said.

“You are only hurting yourself,” Ashley said, growing frustrated, “Keep the cigarettes, perhaps they will help stave off the craving as it grows inside of you. We will speak again, but until then I urge you to consider my offer. When you are ready to talk, send one of your guards for me and I will come. Until then, you will sit here alone and with nothing but your thoughts. Farewell, Beth, do try to enjoy yourself.”

Beth watched her walk away and leaned her head back against the wall. She wasn’t sure what she meant by that last part, but given what she knew about villains in the past it probably wasn’t good. She had faced worse, however, and she was confident that she could handle whatever Ashley would throw at her. Without another option, she pulled another cigarette out of the pack and lit it up, “I miss you,” she whispered as she exhaled and grabbed the pendant that dangled from her neck, “I don’t know how, but I will find a way to see you again, I promise.”
© Copyright 2021 Raven (UN: awesomeone1427 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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