Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1009691-Chapter-7
by Raven
Rated: GC · Book · Action/Adventure · #2249823
The 3rd part of The Raven series, where newfound domesticity is threatened by an old flame
#1009691 added May 5, 2021 at 5:06am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 7
Jake and Pam had headed back to his apartment after she had finished healing him up. He had explained everything about Ashley that he could, from their first encounter years ago to their most recent one a little over a week ago. She hadn’t been thrilled that he had kept the information from her, but she was somewhat understanding since they had no way of knowing that Ashley was behind Beth’s disappearance. Honestly, Pam was more pissed at Goth than him.

They walked up to the door and he held his keys in his hand but paused before unlocking it, “Now, I know that you’re mad at her, but are you really going to kill her?” he asked.

Pam leveled a glare at him that he didn’t back down from, “She is the reason that this city has a vampire infestation, the reason that I don’t have Beth in my arms, and, by all accounts, the reason you got hurt tonight,” she replied defensively, “She’ll be lucky if I just kill her.”

He sighed and turned to completely face, “I understand you’re angry, but you can’t kill her,” he said.

“Why the hell not?!” Pam demanded.

“Because I still need her!” Jake practically yelled before sighing and lowering his voice, “I don’t like it anymore than you do, and I hate that she is responsible for everything happening to Beth right now. Even with that and everything she did to me, I need her alive and I need her help to get back to how I used to be.”

Pam sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, “You are right,” she said after a minute, “That doesn’t mean that I have to like it though. I will let her live, but I am going to let her have it. And I am telling you this as kindness, I don’t care how badly you need her, if we can’t get Beth back then I will end her worthless life.”

“That’s fair, I guess,” he replied, “I’m definitely not going to stop you from telling her off, matter of fact, don’t hold back.”

He turned back around to unlock the door as Pam remarked, “I get the feeling you've got some pent up aggression you want to get out vicariously."

"Really, you're just picking up on that?" he asked as he turned the handle and greeted in a falsely sweet tone, "Honey, I'm home!"

Pam quickly added in an overtly hostile tone of her own, "Get your pale ass out here, now!"

Goth had been in the study reading up on her old tome when she heard Jake call out and then Pam. She quickly closed the book and exited the room to greet her beloved and former student, "I'm sensing some hostility, Pamela, is everything alright?"

Jake stepped out of the way and moved to the room he shared with Goth, "Peachy,” he said before snapping his fingers as he walked by, “Oh, by the way Ashley has Beth and Pam knows you’re the one who brought her back to life. Have fun, I’m going to change.”

Goth practically balked at him, “My goodness!” she said while putting her hand on her chest, “How could this happen?!”

Pam didn’t even wait for Jake to clear the room before she stormed up to Goth, “Don’t you dare try to act innocent!” she yelled as her eyes began to glow, “You brought a goddamn vampire queen back into this plane of existence, and if that wasn’t enough you never bothered to inform any of us! My Kitten is suffering from vampirism because of you!”

Goth leaned back for a second before composing herself and regaining her usual intimidating demeanor, “I hardly see how your little slave getting turned is my fault!” she said and took a step forward, “I’m willing to bet that it was her temper that got herself turned.”

“Slave?!” Pam repeated, “You will not refer to as such, and the only reason she got turned is because you brought an ancient vampire back to life! I should pull your intestines out and hang you by them!”

Jake stood in the hall just out of sight and listened to the back and forth between Pam and his ex. Hearing Pam berate and threaten Goth was both satisfying and gratifying. It wasn’t exactly everything that he had wanted to say, but it was close enough. “And another thing, how in the black hells are you helping Jake?!” Pam demanded, quite literally voicing one of his own questions.

“You have the nerve to ask me that?!” Goth nearly screamed back, “Who are you to question me? Your own beloved girlfriend is currently in the throes of a malicious vampire while you were off playing sorceress!”

“Do you hear yourself?!” Pam asked, “You arrogant, self centered, fool! Tell me why you summoned Ashley back to this world!”

“I am trying to get Jake back to himself by pitting him against a woman whom he despises,” Goth answered.

“Bullshit, if that were true then why wouldn’t you just let him kill you?!” Pam yelled back, “What are you planning, Rebecca?!”

Jake exhaled sharply as he decided to go ahead and get changed. Things were escalating quickly between the two women. As much as he was enjoying Pam’s verbal assault on Goth, he didn’t want to be in the room if she did try to get physical. He trusted that Pam would keep her promise not to kill her, but she was a lot like Beth and she never said anything about not hurting her. He was tired, anyway, and he needed to sit down for a short spell. He removed his suit and sat himself down on the bed. He took a deep breath and let himself fall back onto the mattress. He had never been more thankful for the softness that Goth insisted on than he was right now.

He tried to figure out just what Ashley was planning, and attempted to drown out the noise of the two alphas arguing in the other room. Knowing Beth, Goth was probably right about her turn being caused by her temper. From what he knew about Ashley, however, the vampiress always had a plan. If she had turned Beth, even as a spur of the moment deal, then she had to have been planning something. From when he had talked to her, it seemed like she didn't have any interest in Beth or Pam, but after tonight that might have changed. Pam had demonstrated, both to him and to Ashley's family, just how powerful she was becoming. The question remained, however, as to whether or not Ashley would view her as an asset or an enemy.

"You think that just because you've learned a few spells you can speak to me like this?!" Goth’s shrill and angry voice cut through his musings.

"You're lucky I am restraining myself!" Pam yelled back, "You should thank your precious Raven for that, the only reason you still draw breath is because he believes that he still needs you!"

He had really hoped that Pam wouldn't have brought that up, but he had never specified that to her. He waited for the next scathing retort from Goth, but it never came. He sat up and decided to go investigate what was going on. He peeked around the corner to see what was going on and saw Goth's back and Pam’s scowling face. If he hadn't been listening intently, he might have missed the drastic shift in Goth's voice along with her almost whispered words, "He...he said that?"

He watched Pam's face shift from anger and outrage to one of genuine confusion. Her own tone softened as she replied, "Of course he did, Rebecca, even after everything you've done and continue to do to him, he still cares about you."

He watched Goth take a step back and practically fall into her chair. He wasn't expecting this turn of events. It looked like Pam was actually trying to befriend her. As long as he lived, he wasn't sure he would ever understand either of these women. Pam moved closer to Goth just as the amazon brought a hand to her face, "What is happening to me, Pamela?" she asked, "I am a Goddess, and yet I can't seem to control my own emotions anymore."

Pam could sense the change in her former mentor's mood. It was so sudden that she felt almost disoriented from it, she hadn't anticipated this. She sighed and tried to level her temper her own anger, "You're human, Rebecca, some part of you always was, but now that part is your dominant side. It doesn't mean anything is wrong with you, it just means that your feelings are stronger."

"Black hells, I can't take this!" Goth exclaimed, "I haven't felt guilt in eons, but now that wretched emotion claws at me constantly! I've hurt him and I've nearly cost you your own love."

"You have, I won't lie to you," Pam said, "But you must know a way to undo this. Help us to put an end to this and to get Beth back."

"I can't!" Goth cried as her voice hitched, "Without my powers I can’t save Elizabeth or anyone, Pamela. The ritual to summon Ashley was a gamble, I had no way of knowing if it would work, and the acolyte that I sent to do it was the only one who showed any magical promise.”

“Then tell me what needs to be done!” Pamela said trying to reason with her, “You always swore that I was one of your most promising students, if anyone can pull this off it’ll be me.”

Goth shook her head, “I can’t!” Goth cried out once again, this time growing slightly more frustrated.

“Why not?!” Pam demanded.

“Because when Dilatrix sapped my powers, she also took my knowledge of magic!” Goth screamed back before taking a deep breath, “Everything, and I mean everything, pertaining to my powers and abilities is some sort of haze. I know that it’s there, but I can’t access or act on any of it. The ritual to summon Ashley back to this world came from parts of a memory and legends from old texts, there was nothing concrete in any of them!”

Jake sighed as he chose to reenter the room and make his presence known, “Alright, so we don’t have a spell to undo it, but we know where someone who might currently is. We pay her a visit in the morning.”

“Why wait?” Pam asked.

“Because I am exhausted and if we approach her during the day then we have no chance of being ambushed on our way,” he replied, “One more night, Pam, and then we see about bringing this to an end.”

Pam sighed and resigned herself to waiting. She wasn’t happy about it, but she understood that Jake needed a break. He had been putting up a brave face, but she knew that everything throughout the night had taken its toll on him. She could wait one more night, if she had to. She crossed her arms and looked away, “Fine, but we head out first thing in the morning.”

“Dawn,” Jake said, “That’ll give us a couple hours to sleep. I’ll grab an extra set of blankets and pillows for you, is the couch alright?”

“I don’t plan on sleeping,” Pam replied, “I’ll use the time to meditate and focus my energies. Get some rest, Jake.”

“Alright, I’ll see you in a few hours,” he said as he walked off.

Goth waited for a moment before she started to trail off after him. She stopped when Pam called out to her, “Rebecca, he is a good man. Take care of him like and don’t forsake him.”

“I will always take care of him,” Goth replied as she walked off.

Pam watched her walk away and into the darkness. She sat herself down in the center of the living room and assumed a meditative position. She took a deep breath and said to herself, “I hope that is true,” before she began her careful meditation to reign in her power and emotions.

The sun rose only a few short hours later. Pam had been true to her word and hadn’t slept a wink. She had divided her time between meditation and trying to get a lock on Beth’s collar. She realized that the reason she wasn’t able to communicate with her pet was because she was caught between a state of life and death, her runestone enchantment hadn’t been configured for any sort of undead. Honestly, this was the last thing she had ever expected to encounter when she presented her with the collar.

The first rays of the morning sun came through the window and Jake slowly roused himself from his slumber. He was surprised when he felt Goth’s arm still wrapped snugly around him. Ordinarily, the woman was already up and working in their study. He tried to gently remove himself from her embrace, but just as he made a bit of progress she pulled him back. It felt nice to be held and for a moment he was reminded of one of the reasons why he had fallen for her in the first place. There was a part of him that wanted to just lay there with her for a little while longer and forget the problems of his city. He knew that he couldn't do that, however, and that his friends needed him.

He tried once more to remove himself and felt a shiver run down his spine as Goth spoke softly, "Stay with me."

He smiled and rolled himself over so that he was facing her, "I can't," he said after a moment, "Pam needs my help and so does Beth. I can't let her do this on her own."

Another couple of moments passed by them before Goth pulled him into a hug, "You are a good man, Jake, better than I deserve," she admitted.

It was the first time in a long time that he had heard her say something sincere. He craned his neck and kissed her. He wasn't sure what else to do, to be honest. He didn't have the words to express just how much that thought meant to him. He broke the kiss and for the first time in a while gave her a genuine smile, "You don’t give yourself enough credit. I owe whatever progress I’ve made to you.”

“You’re cute when you lie,” Goth said with a laugh, “I know there is a part of you that believes that, but I also know that there is a larger part that still despises me. I appreciate the sentiment all the same.”

She loosened her grip on him and he pulled himself out of the bed. She watched him grab a change of clothes. She admired his physique as he gathered everything up. Her eyes roamed his body and landed on the scars that she had carved into his flesh. That damned feeling of remorse washed over her once again, and she briefly considered the ramifications of what she was doing with him. She was putting him and the people he cared about in dagner all for personal gain. What would she do if something happened to him? He needed her, he was still trusting her, but what would happen when he caught on? She wouldn’t be able to hide her goals from him forever, and she would have to be there to collect Ashley’s remains when the time came. She reminded herself that she was doing this for the benefit of both of them, and by extension Pamela and her precious little pet.

Jake could feel Goth staring at him as he slipped his shirt on and pulled his pants up. He looked over his shoulder as he finished and said, “You know it’s not polite to stare.”

“Can I not admire my beloved’s figure?” she countered.

“You want to tell me the real reason you’re staring?” he asked.

She frowned for a second and contemplated her answer. With everything running through her head she finally decided on a simple and honest reply, “Just thinking about how much I love you.”

“I love you too, now how about the whole truth?” he asked.

“Jake, you need to go,” she replied, “We can talk after you’ve gotten everything sorted with Ashley. What exactly is your plan, love?”

He shook his head and shrugged, “I’m going down there and getting some answers, simple as that.”

“I do love your impulsiveness, but that sort of planning is exactly what got you into your current predicament,” Goth said, “Someone kidnaps your friend and you lose all sense of reason. You do realize that you are most likely walking into a trap, don’t you?”

“First off, it’s what heroes do,” he said with a smile before getting serious, “Second, I’m honestly not sure if it’s a trap or not this time. Don’t get me wrong, I see what you’re talking about, but from the last time I spoke with her she didn’t seem like she was planning anything.”

“Jake, from what Pamela told me she has been using drugs to lure people in without you knowing,” Goth countered, “Are you certain you’re not missing something?”

“Fair point, but if she was going to make a move on me then that girl wouldn’t have ordered the others to let us live,” he replied, “I’ve been thinking on it, and as much as I hate to admit it, I think you were right about Beth getting herself into this situation. Not only that, they could have used Beth against us, but they didn’t. In fact, they went so far as to get her away from the fight once Pam had them on the ropes.”

“So what do you suspect is going on?” Goth asked.

“Well-” Jake started but was cut off by Pam yelling.

“Jake, for love of all that is good in this world, fool around after we have Beth and your city isn’t filled with vampires!”

“I’ll tell you later,” Jake said.

“I think she’s feeling a bit pent up,” Goth remarked, “Kiss me.”

Jake was happy to oblige and walked over to give her a quick parting kiss before breaking away and smiling, “Got to go, please don’t do anything crazy while I’m gone.”

“As crazy as walking into a vampire den?” she asked.

“You know what I meant,” he replied with a frown.

“You have nothing to worry about, my dear Raven,” she said, “Go, help your friends and I will see you once this whole ordeal is finished.”

Jake nodded and exited the room. He found Pam standing at the end of the hall with her arms crossed and tapping her foot impatiently. He shot her a smile and she rolled her eyes in response, “We have work to do, hero,” she said.

“Heard that bit, did you?” he asked with a laugh, “I’m going to go out on a limb and assume you’re a little...frustrated.”

Pam stared at his smirking face for a moment before her eyes went wide, “Oh my God! Just shut up and come on!”

He laughed as she stormed off towards the door. He trailed behind her and asked, “So is that a yes?”

“Beth was right,” she said as she flung the door open, “You are a pervert.”

“Let’s go save your girlfriend so you can get laid,” he joked once more before Pam punched him in the arm, “Ow!”

“One more word and you’ll be taking a shortcut to the first floor,” she threatened, “If it isn’t about business and a way for us to kill your stalker then I don’t want to hear it.”

“We aren’t killing anyone,” Jake argued as they walked down the stairs, “We’re getting Beth back and getting some answers.”

“Do you honestly believe that they are just going to hand her over and answer your questions without a fight?” she asked.

“I do actually,” he replied as they walked into the street, “Remember what I told you about Ashley?”

“Yes, she views you as some sort of king since you were her first turn,” Pam replied, “That might work for you, but she has no reason to accept my presence just as I have no reason to show her or her kind any compassion.”

“I need you to trust me,” he said as he hailed an oncoming cab, “Just let me do the talking when we get there and try to keep calm.”

A cab pulled up beside them and Jake opened the door for his friend. Pam got in first and replied as Jake sat himself down, “I’ll follow your lead for now, but know that my patience is running thin. Let’s get on with this already.”

“Where to, lovebirds?” the cabbie asked.

Pam snorted in disgust at his remark and fought the urge to punch her friend as he threw an arm around her and answered, “My girlfriend and I are heading to Clove, we have a meeting there. Step on it, my friend.”

“Whatever you say Romeo,” the cabbie said as he threw the cab in drive and pulled off.

Pam threw his arm off and elbowed him in the chest before whispering, “Try that again and you’ll be riding behind this disgusting cab for the rest of the ride.”

“Remind me to get you a sense of humor when this is all over,” he said while rubbing his ribs.

They arrived outside of Clove half an hour later. They exited the cab and Jake handed him the fee along with a tip for getting them there in a timely manner. They stepped out onto the sidewalk and looked up at the seemingly rundown warehouse. There was no sign to indicate that the building was anything special, but Jake knew what was inside. It wasn’t the first time he’d seen clubs like this one; it was common for the more exclusive places in Metropolis to appear nearly inconspicuous as a means of weeding out the less desirable. If it weren’t for the large man standing by the doors, no one would have ever been the wiser.

The man wore a black sports coat with a crimson button up and a pair of black slacks beneath them. He was bald and his head reflected the morning rays of the sun as they approached. He crossed his arms and stared at them from behind a pair of sunglasses, “Clubs closed right now, kids, come back later tonight if you want in.”

“We’re here on business,” Jake said, “We need to see the owner.”

“Yeah right and I’m the fucking mayor,” the man said snarkily as he motioned with his thumb, “Beat it, kids.”

“I’m Jake Blackridge and I am going to see your boss,” Jake replied, “Either step aside or I’ll let my friend here move you.”

“Blackridge, eh?” the man said leaning in and glaring from behind his glasses, “Your company was responsible for those fucking collars that wrecked the lives of my family. You got to the count of ten to piss off before I kick the shit out of you in front of your girlfriend.”

“You’ve got about thirty seconds to stand aside before I let my friend here cut loose, and believe me when I tell you, she’s not someone you want to mess with,” Jake said, crossing his arms, “Company was under new management at the time, wasn’t my call to make with the collars. Also, she’s not my girlfriend, and I strongly suggest that you not make that assumption, she is not keen on that notion.”

“I don’t give a shit if she’s your girlfriend, sister, or a fucking dyke!” the man yelled as he took a fighting stance, “Fuck you and fuck her, get out of here before I-”

“Walden!” a voice called out, “That’s the one the boss is expecting, and I don’t think I need to remind you what happened the last time someone pissed her off.”

A figure stood in the doorway with paler skin than Walden. It was a man, by the look of his silhouette, but he was a bit shorter than the guard out front. Jake watched as Walden forced himself to relax, “Fine, you can go, but your friend stays out here,” he said.

“Uh uh,” Jake replied, “ She goes where I go.”

“Don’t push your luck, pal,” Walden threatened, “She can wait out here until you’re done.”

Jake was about to speak up when he felt Pam push past him and settled, “Should have just let her go in, dude,” he said under his breath.

“Listen here you assinened, imbecilic, piece of shit,” she said as she jabbed her finger into his chest, “I am going into your shitty boss’ shitty club and if you try to stop me then I will personally pull your vocal cords out and show them to you! Now, get the hell out of our way before I lose my patience!”

“Listen to her,” Jake urged.

“Look honey-” Walden started before being cut off by Pam.

“I am going to count to three and if you haven’t moved then I will personally put you in more pain than you ever thought possible!” she barked.

“Goddamnit, Walden, just let her through!” the stranger in the doorway yelled.

“Listen to your friend, she is not bluffing,” Jake said.

Walden looked between the two of them before swearing, “Fucking fine, go ahead!”

Pam pushed her way past him and Jake quickly followed in tow. He leaned over to Walden as he passed, “You made the right call,” he said.

He heard the man grumble as he passed by him and moved to catch up to Pam. Their shadowy advocate from earlier lead them through the club’s mostly empty floor. Now that they were inside, they were able to get a better look at the man. His skin was as pale as he expected, and his hair was cut short and a brighter shade of blonde than Pam’s. He was dressed professionally with white slacks and a black shirt accentuated by suspenders. As they walked through the club, their guide never bothered to look back at them.

Jake had been scanning the room for any signs of a trap. So far, the place was mostly deserted, but there were a handful of eyes that were on them as they walked. The number grew in small increments the closer they got to the bar. It was a guesstimation, but it looked like there may have been about fifteen people boring into them as they walked. Then he saw her. There at the bar, sipping a glass of scotch, was Ashley. Her back was turned to them, but he knew that she could most likely feel them approaching. From her back, he could make out a set of tight leather pants, knee high boots with heels, and a flowing white blouse with billowy sleeves.

She turned to face them and gave them both a smile that showed her fangs, “I was wondering when you were going to show up. I see you brought company, I presume you’re the famous Pam that I’ve heard about.”

Pam said nothing and instead only glared at their vampiric host. Jake took the lead on the conversation in her stead, “Ashley, you know why we’re here. Where is Beth and why are you pumping drugs into my city?”

She took a sip of her drink and set the glass down. She stood to her full height and sauntered over to him as she spoke, “Straight to the point, pity, here I was hoping that you had finally come to your senses. Your friend is safe, and as for the drugs...I wouldn’t call my blood a drug per say, but more of a gateway to me and my family. Don’t worry, though, all it is doing is attracting the filth of your city and getting them off the streets.”

“Your blood?!” Jake asked before smacking himself in the head, “BFB, Bilefoot blood, how could I miss that?!”

“Such a smart boy, but don’t fret, my love, your friend overlooked the obvious as well,” Ashley said as she trailed a hand along his exposed arm.

“You told me that you had people that were willingly giving themselves to you,” Jake pointed out.

“I did and I do,” she replied, “I never said that it was all fetishists, though, did I?”

Jake could almost hear Pam’s teeth grinding and it reminded him of just how agitated his friend was. “Why?” he asked.

She stopped circling him and came to stand in front him, “I’m doing you a favor, my love, you are not strong enough to keep this city clean, not yet. Until you are, I will be strong enough for the both of us. If it happens to help my family survive, then all the better!”

“How sweet,” he said, “You expect me to believe that you’re doing this for my benefit?”

“I’ve done more for you than that wretched witch has, and I will continue to do so even if you can’t see it right now,” she replied.

“Why did you turn Beth then?” he countered, almost sensing Pam’s growing frustration.

“It wasn’t my intention, Jake,” she replied, “She stormed into my place of business and began hurling accusations and insults. I confess, my temper got the better of me.”

“You infected her because you got angry?” Jake asked, “You told me to forget about her and then you bit her!”

“She is safe, Jake,” Ashley repeated, “Join me and you can see for yourself.”

“You’re using her as a bargaining chip?!” Jake asked, “How low are you willing to stoop to get to me?”

“Jake, please believe me when I say that I didn’t turn her to get to you,” Ashley said.

“I have heard enough,” Pam cut in, “Where are you keeping my beloved?”

Ashley turned her gaze to Pam and the two women locked eyes, “I’m sorry, but I don’t recall including you in this conversation,” she said, “This is between Jake and I.”

Pam stepped forward, “This is a conversation about my pet, and that means it involves me. Tell me where she is and hand her over, now.”

“I will do no such thing,” Ashley replied, “She, much like this establishment and the rest of my family, belong to me now. I will not have some noname bimbo coming into my club and making demands of me.”

“Is that what you think I am?” Pam asked and gave a flick of her wrist. There was a rush of wind and several of the onlookers were suddenly strung up by an unseen force.

The few that weren’t suspended moved to surround the three of them. They stopped when Ashley held up her hand as she looked around, “Curious,” she said, “Perhaps there is more to you than meets the eye.”

“Pam, Pam stop!” Jake tried to reason with her, “We didn’t come here for a fight!”

“Then she should have been more concise with her answers and should not have laid claim to Beth!” Pam argued before turning back to Ashley, “You say that she belongs to you, but you could not be more wrong. She. Is. Mine!"

Jake watched as the few vampires that weren't suspended in the air moved to advance on them. This was getting out of hand faster than he would have liked. He slowly moved to take a fighting stance of his own while keeping his eyes peeled for any sudden movements. "Release them," Ashley said to Pam.

"Give me my girlfriend," Pam countered, “You and your diseased kind may be formidable, but I’ve done my research and I know that you all don’t hold up well when it comes to magic. Either you hand over my beloved Kitten or you will lose many of your precious family in the most agonizing way possible!”

“You dare to make demands of our queen?!" one of the male vampires asked.

"Silence," Ashley ordered, "None of you are to make a move on either of them."

"Your highness, who is she to speak to you this way?!" the man asked, "She is nothing, less than nothing! She is-"

"She is a woman in love," Ashley cut him off, "I can see that now, and I can certainly understand her plight. It isn't easy having the one you care for dangled in front of you, so close and yet so far away. Love makes one act rashly and without reason. You will stand down, all of you will stand down and if one of you moves then you will deal with me directly."

"You're goddamn right I'm in love!" Pam practically yelled, "If you are as understanding as you say, then you will release my girlfriend from your curse and into my custody where she belongs!"

"I'm afraid I can't do that," Ashley said as she walked back to the bar to retrieve her scotch, "Powerful though I may be, I am incapable of removing my curse once it has taken effect. She will remain a member of my family, but it doesn't have to be the end of your love, my dear. You can join her and you can be with her again."

"Fuck off," Pam replied, "I can and will find a way to break this curse, but I'm not leaving here without her. She belongs with me, and I will have her. If you refuse, then your family is going to suffer some severe losses. Your choice, but I warn you that I am not in a patient or forgiving mood.”

Ashley flashed her a grin and took a sip from her scotch, “I admire your determination and I can see why Beth is so taken with you,” she said and set her glass down, “Unfortunately, she needs her rest right now. Sending her out in the daytime would kill her, let her rest and tonight I will send her home to you. You have my word as the matriarch of my family that she will be returned to you one hour after sundown tonight.”

“If she’s not, then I will personally bring down your club and string you all up to watch the sunrise,” Pam threatened.

Ashley smiled at her, “Your tenacity is impressive, I wish you would consider my offer,” she said, “I will leave it open if you change your mind, and I assure you that you will have a place here should you choose to accept it. She will be there, Pam.”

“Well this went well,” Jake said as Pam she lowered the small horde of vampires back to the ground and moved to grab his friend’s arm, “Come on, not that this hasn’t been fun, but we need to go.”

Pam shot him a look, but she complied with his request. The members of Ashley’s family parted to let them past and they didn’t waste a second as they started to make their egress. They stopped when Ashley called out to him, “Jake, know that I am allowing you and your friend to walk out of here this one time. If you return to me again, then I will take that as you wanting to join me. Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, do not return unless you wish to take your rightful place by my side."

Jake hardened his gaze as he turned and listened to her, "Noted, let's head back to Beth's, Pam."

"Farewell, Pam, it was nice to meet the woman who tamed The Feral," Ashley said as the two left her club.

She waited until the two were gone before downing her drink and standing setting the glass down. She moved with purpose towards the back of her club where Beth was being held. She didn't speak a word as she made her way to her to her bound addition. She hadn’t seen the girl since the night before, but she knew that the change was already underway. By now the girl was most likely in nearly unspeakable pain.

She could hear screams in the distance as she approached the door. She walked past the guards and into the room. There she was, chained to the pillar with sweat pouring off of her forehead. She was panting at the moment, and Ashley could tell that her voice was hoarse from the howling that she had been doing. THe girl was close to being rabid, as she was now, but she knew that there was still a chance for her to recover. It would be hard, but she if she fed in the next day or so then she would survive. She had forbidden her from feeding on anyone except for her friend and lover, and thankfully those two had shown up just as she had planned.

She stood just out of range of Beth’s restraints. While she could easily handle the girl in a fight, it wouldn’t benefit her in the slightest. She knelt down in front of her and smiled, “How are you feeling?”

Beth snarled and launched herself as far as the chains would allow. She growled in response, “Hungry.”

“Good,” Ashley said, “I just had a wonderful little chat with your girlfriend,she misses you terribly.”

“Pam?” Beth asked weakly.

“Yes, indeed,” Ashley replied, “Good new, little cat, you’re going home tonight. Something tells me that your beloved will be more than willing to let you in. Remember what I told you, if you want to live then you’ll have to choose one of them to feed on. I must admit, I’m curious to see which one you pick.”

“I won’t,” Beth managed to breathe out.

“Oh but you will,” Ashley said, “If you don’t then you’ll be nothing more than a husk, a mindless drone of a vampire that will need to be put down. In a word, you will become exactly what you have claimed to be, a feral. “

“Please,” Beth rasped, “Don’t make me do this.”

“Relax, soon you’ll be back with your friend and lover,” Ashley said as she rose and prepared to leave, “Bring me one of them and the other will follow."

Beth watched as Ashley walked out of the room through half lidded eyes. She was having trouble concentrating, but she'd heard everything the woman had said clear as day. She wondered if she could bring herself to do this, but the gnawing hunger that clawed it's way through her mind and insides told her the answer. She slumped to the floor and waited for nightfall. This was it, it had come to a choice. It was one she didn't want to make, but as she sat there she knew what she had to do. It wasn't going to be easy, but that had never stopped her before. All she had to do was wait a little while longer.
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