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All that remains: in afterlife as 'mainstream' blogger, with what little I know. 20k views
#1016310 added August 29, 2021 at 12:26pm
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Health Advice I'm Not Qualified To Give
If I were to offer input to someone struggling with obesity, it would start with cut the coffee and cigarettes and start walking if you want to enjoy the waning years. It seems simple, but when you consider that these vices make you their bitch, it might be a wake up call to take back the health that is rightfully yours.

We worry about the stereotypes of being healthy. People look at it as extremism. But, high heart rates, cholesterol, or whatever can be avoided naturally, or with Lipitor, whatever. I am not qualified. But, from personal experience, I could quit the coffee. But, I don't need to.

After my rotator cuff surgery last summer, I've worked my way back into the gym and to having my moments of dominance on the basketball court. I can challenge the best players in the gym because I mostly do the things that benefit a person who might be genetically superior to the greatest portion of the human race. Maybe, a reason why I shouldn't talk.

My dad dealt with hypertension, didn't take care of his diet, even after told to watch it by a physician and my mother. Being Italian, lots of carbs in that diet that he wouldn't sacrifice. He wound up with cancer twice and took his life after the second diagnosis, at 83, when he was still robust and full of life. He just didn't want to go through chemo again.

I have glaucoma, and that is where my defect resides. Somehow, surgeries on each eye have held for nearly thirty years, making me part of less than five percent who can claim that success. But then, how many had the surgery as young as me? I might be worthy of study in that respect. My diminishing vision does not prevent me from stepping between the painted lines at the YMCA court where my love for the game resides.

I kept thinking the knees or an Achilles would give (beware now after saying for the 100th time) by now. People now call me by my first name, not the color of the clothing I'm wearing when assigning defense. And I plow through two, sometimes, five hours of basketball in a day. My hamstrings are sore. My knees don't bother to complain. My feet would like to be soaked. But, I take care of myself.

I will down over a gallon of water, watch my food intake before and after. I sleep as much as I can, making sure to keep turning so rigamortis doesn't set in *Laugh*. I can get tight. I stretch, I keep exercising. I snap back. And my heart? Thanks to FitBit, I can track resting heart rates as low as 52! I didn't think I'd get there again, since it's not been that low since 2017.

The rotator cuff surgery was like a reset, a step back. I was able to collect, refocus and double down on this basketball life. I've guarded guys from 6'8" to 5'2", speedy or strong and the long and feel always prepared and up to the task. I have my health, genetics, mind and whatever else to topple anything that comes in my way. I know, ultimately, time will tap me on the shoulder. I know that I will not struggle unless cancer knocks on my door, or something as evil. 

The day will come when coffee will be exchanged for tea, when I need one more advantage. If I have to do yoga frequently, and not just when my limbs need a little disentanglement and elongation. I will eventually walk instead of dribble drive to the hoop, if I'm not pulling up for a long range jumper. I'll always have the trash can to receive my aim, if nothing else. I'm sure I'll have just enough eyesight then.

Blessed. Sometimes, I need a reminder for purposes of perspective. Take pride in what God (or the equivalent) has given me. Even if it's to just thank my lucky stars. Believing in something, even if it might seem delusional, helps with this process that is my life.



I really do have that strong of a heart. Something I'm reminded of frequently. I'm pretty sure no ailment there. My mom had angina and a murmur (for those collecting data on me *Bigsmile*).

"The Absence of Wavelength

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