We live much of life amid unique choices. Joy is anchored in The One beyond our life. |
The strings of all the galaxies are threads by which He makes the Universe of Will, that frees from hopelessness, that shakes. How doth He make each man of Earth, each woman, child so blest? How doth He call from that first birth to birth, that passeth test? The razor's edge, that He must walk, to make a soul, that lives is not a line, that aught can chalk, but He, that true life gives. He knows my name. He knows my birth. He knows my ev'ry breath. He knows my farthest decimal's worth. He knows my day of death. But even so my day of Life He knows forevermore. He knows to keep my dearest, wife, for Child, I Him implore. I have no strength the Lasting Day will be my loves' own Home, but He that spoke the Word will say, and for their saving come. Each human breath, each beat of heart, sustained by His Great Hand. Each proffered Help from Earth's own start is by His Loving Plan. by Jay O’Toole on December 10th, 2021 |