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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1023223-Inner-Peace
Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #2171316
As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book
#1023223 added December 15, 2021 at 9:11am
Restrictions: None
Inner Peace
“The urge to find oneself is a sign that you are getting ready. The impulse always comes from within. Unless your time has come, you will have neither the desire nor the strength to go for self-Inquiry whole-heartedly. Ultimately, perfection is the destiny of all living beings.
The possibility becomes a certainty when the notion of Enlightenment appears in the mind. Once a living being has heard and understood that deliverance is within his reach, he will never forget, for it is the first message from within. It will take root and grow and in due course take the blessed shape of the Guru. It is the inner Guru who takes you to the outer Guru, as a mother takes her child to the teacher. There is no difficulty in finding a true Guru, because the Guru is in search of you. The Guru is always ready, it is you who are not ready. You have to be ready to learn and you must trust and obey your Guru for he is the messenger of your real Self. The right attitude to have is to regard the entire Universe as your Guru. Then you can learn from everything if you are alert and intelligent. To rise in consciousness from one dimension to another, you need the help of a Guru. The Guru’s main purpose is the ending of sorrow. He sees people suffering and he wants them to wake up. Love is intolerant of pain and suffering. The patience of a Guru has no limits and therefore it cannot be defeated. The Guru never fails.” He also explains why feelings are so frequently mistaken for love: Every feeling is obstructed love. See every feeling as obstructed love and fix your attention on unchanging, boundless Love with all of your heart. Human love that is born of instinct has its defects because it is compelled. The relationship that exists between friends is the grandest of human loves. Friendly love is pure, because it is without compulsion. The ordinary human being does not know what love is. When somebody gives you pleasure you tend to think you love that person. But in reality it is yourself you love. Your ego has been pleased by the other person's attention; that is all. Would you go on 'loving' that person if he or she should cease to give you pleasure?” So the feeling of love is about yourself. How you feel about a person or how that person makes you feel is completely about you and not about the other person. And that’s not love, not real love.
When you love someone it should not be because you want to be near that person, but because you want perfection for that soul. To wish for perfection for the loved one, and to feel pure joy in thinking of that soul, is Divine Love and that is the love of true friendship. Human love is short-lived. What became of all the lovers through the ages who have promised eternal fidelity to one another under the light of the silvery moon. Their skulls are strewn over the earth, and the moon laughs at most of them and says, "How they lied, for their love has not been forever." Only God and a real Guru who knows God, can truly love us. God's Love is the Supreme Love. There is no Love greater than that. It is God who is loving us through our loved ones; therefore, we should be all the more grateful to God who gives us a good mother and father, and good friends, and a Guru who wants for us only our highest good. The love of the mother is close to the perfection of God's love, because she loves us when nobody else does; and she forgives when we are in error. But the ultimate expression of God's love is the love of a true Guru. He loves us unconditionally; and out of that sublime love he instructs and disciplines us for the everlasting welfare of our souls. Though I shall always dearly love my mother, my love for my Guru is supreme. This quote from the Bhagavad Gita best sums up the true nature of love: "Those who love Me as only one person, or who imperfectly love Me in one person, do not know what Love is. Only they can know Love who love Me wisely, faultlessly, completely, all-surrenderingly - who love Me perfectly and equally in all, and who love Me perfectly and equally as all..........”

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