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by Sui
Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #2265174
A new generation of the Werewolf King and his mate, The Avatar of the Moon begins to rise
#1024648 added January 14, 2022 at 8:06am
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Chapter 1 - Intervening Years
It had been weeks since he last saw Ember and Sebastian was starting to feel a bit antsy. Caius had been avoiding his questions about where she was as well. Even her friends had rarely seen her outside the packhouse. But unlike him, they appeared to know what was going on and didn't question her absence as much.

"Caius..." Sebastian asked for what he felt was the thousandth time. "Seriously? Please just tell me! Why are you hiding it?"

Caius let out an exasperated sigh. "Because she asked me to, ok?"

"Asked you to?" He was confused. Why would Ember specifically ask for whatever was going on to be hidden from him? "Did she say why?"

"She's afraid you'll judge her," Caius immediately threw his hands up to try and halt him from being snapped at. "She's in a vulnerable state at the moment and is afraid..."

"What could I possibly judge her for?" Sebastian replied even more confused. "Or for that matter why would I?"

"Come home with me this evening and see if you can get her to talk about it," Caius replied with a sigh. "I don't know what happened but all I know is that she's in a dark place. Only her friends seem to know exactly what happened... And they won't tell me."


That evening, Sebastian sat in the lounge waiting on Caius to come back downstairs. He could tell something was off just by the smell within the packhouse. The usual scents were there but something smelled wrong.

"She won't come downstairs," Caius said with a sigh before flopping onto the lounge. "She's still hiding in the same spot as I left her this morning. I don't think she's moved from there all day."

"Hiding?" Sebastian got up with a slight smile. "Let me try."

Caius waved his hand towards the stairs. "Be my guest. She knows you're here. She refused to talk to me as soon as I mentioned it."

Sebastian gave him a small nod before making his way upstairs. The smell that was wrong became clear. Ember's apple cinnamon scent was tainted. It was mingled with other scents he knew were not hers. He growled lightly before composing himself to knock on her door.

"Ember?" He was only greeted with silence from the other side. "Ember I know you're in there, I can smell you... And what I think might have happened to you." He pushed open the door and stepped into the room. His senses drew him to her bed. With a mildly amused smile, he sat down before laying down completely to look underneath.

Two bright green eyes stared back at him from the darkness. He gazed at them, taking in how bloodshot they were. He laid there in silence, just watching her... Waiting for her to speak.

"Why are you here?" she finally asked. Her voice sounded gravelly like as if it had been damaged from screaming or crying. "I told Caius I didn't want to see you." She shut her eyes causing him to lose sight of where she was in the darkness. "I'm broken. You don't need me near you..."

He let out a loud growl causing her to let out a shriek then whimper in response. "I don't need you? I always need you. I need my little bundle of silliness around. But right now, it seems you need me more. What happened?"

Ember was silent. Her mind was reeling. His little bundle of silliness? She wondered what he meant by that. Images of him giggling and laughing at her antics came to mind. Ohh... She looked back at him curiously. Can I trust him? The motherly voice that urged her to read the book about the Werewolf King so long ago once again urged her to trust him.

Hesitantly, she began to speak. "I can't tell you..." She began to carefully move out from under the bed. "But I can show you..."

"Show?" he asked sitting up. He watched as she came closer to him. A part of him told him to not move and let her take her time and make the decisions on how and where to touch him.

Nodding, she came closer. She placed her hands onto his knees before resting her forehead on his. "I learned how to do this. I can show you." Scenes flashed through his mind. Her being dragged from the school hallway. Hands touching her everywhere. Fear... Lots and lots of fear. He growled angrily. He could see the faces of the wolf who violated her so aggressively and repeatedly. He would deal with all of them later.

Ember moved away. He reached out and pulled her close to him again. "Broken on the outside," he whispered in her ear. "But don't let them break you inside as well." The floodgates opened. Ember cried, her hands gripping his clothes tightly. She couldn't take the pain anymore. She needed him near her. Slowly, slowly, her crying eased to hiccups and then silence.

Sebastian eased her into a more comfortable position in his lap. Gently he brushed her hair from her face before mind linking Caius. She showed me...

Showed you? Caius sounded confused. Footsteps from downstairs sounded like they were moving upstairs. How?

I'm not sure how. But she showed me. I'll send you what she showed me but stay down there before coming up. She's asleep and will freak if you growl. He waited for the footsteps to go back downstairs before he showed him what he saw.

Caius' growl was loud by the end. But not loud enough for Ember to hear from the distance. Those bastards! I'm going to have to get the Alphas in on this. Can I leave my sister with you? If she's asleep, I gather you managed to get her out from under her bed?

Yeah. Sebastian sighed lightly. I've never seen her so afraid or uncertain about trusting me before. But after seeing that, I could see why.

Same here... Caius let off another loud and angry growl before setting about getting justice for his sister.


Sebastian found himself stuck in Ember's room. She was rarely awake and when she was she would hold onto him and cry. As soon as he made to leave the room, she would dive under the bed again and would take a lot of coaxing to come back out. He also found that he was often left alone with her in the packhouse while everyone had gone to school or other various duties.

"Ember?" he asked quietly during one such day. "Is there something still bothering you?" He had shown her the execution of her attackers and he knew that had brought her some comfort that they no longer could harm her.

"I can still feel them touching me," she whispered quietly. "Their hands... Other body parts... Touching me... Inside me..." She shivered and began to cry lightly.

He bit his lip. "What if we replace that with a good feeling?" He wasn't sure if this was a good move but he didn't want to see her continue to be this sad.

"Good feeling?" Ember asked quietly. Sebastian nodded and lightly moved his hands to touch her chest. Gently and tentatively at first. He watched for her reactions. Any sign of pulling away and he would stop. She leaned into his touch. Her eyes closed to focus on his hand.

Smiling, he got bolder. He turned her around so her back was flush against his chest. His hands snaked up her shirt so he could touch her bare skin. Ember let out a surprised yelp before letting out a pleasured moan. She turned bright red.

"We can change the feeling of them touching and grabbing you, to of me touching you in a way that you enjoy," he whispered as he moved one hand and snaked it down into her underpants to stroke her folds. "I haven't done this before so tell me if I hurt you."

"My parent might get mad," Ember whispered in reply. She moaned lightly with his touch and definitely wanted more.

"No one will be home until later tonight," he replied, he gently inserted a finger into her causing her to make a small yelp sound before feeling her grind down onto his hand. "If we do this now, my scent on you will have dissipated by then."

Ember looked up at him and nodded. He leaned down and kissed her before replying. "Let's start with the worst ones first." Moving his hands away, he moved her off his lap and reached down to unzip his pants to reveal himself to her. Ember stared in surprise. She was too afraid to look when they had hurt her but seeing one now had her curious. "They gagged you by forcing themselves into you. What I want you to do is take me into you at your pace."

She touched his dick lightly with her finger. "Theirs were hard as stone," she whispered to him. "Yours isn't."

Sebastian laughed lightly. "They would have played with theirs to make it like that," He gently took her hand and guided her to wrap it around the shaft. "Like this," He prompted her gently to tighten her grip and move her hand up and down. She could feel him starting to harden inside her grasp. He moaned with pleasure at the feeling. His moans spurred her to keep ongoing. "That's it," he groaned and placed his hand on hers. "Now what they did." He raised himself to his knees and guided her head down.

Ember stared at his dick in close proximity for a while before taking him into her mouth. She trusted Sebastian not to hurt her or choke her as they had. She felt him start to move his hips causing his dick to slide in and almost out of her mouth. "That's it, my love." He whispered to her. She felt him go faster until she felt something hit the back of her throat. She gagged slightly before swallowing this new thing in her mouth.

"You don't get much pleasure from that one," he said as he pulled himself out of her mouth. He leaned down to kiss her. "But the next one, you'll get a lot of pleasure. I promise you."

"Then why did they do that?" she asked him. He was guiding her onto her back and gently removing her panties.

"For a wolf, it feels good," he replied reaching down to once again touch her folds, causing her to cry out in pleasure. "Some wolves say being inside a she-wolf's mouth like that feels like being inside them. When you can't have sex with the she-wolf, having a blowjob by them is the next best thing."

"Oh," Ember moaned as he positioned himself over her. "And sex is what wolves want?" Gently, he guided her to open her legs so he could move between them.

"Wolves are sexual beings," he replied guiding himself so his dick was at the entrance to her core. "Most wolves wait for their true mate to have sex but some, as you know now, just take what they want. He looked down between them before looking back at her. "Ready?"

She nodded and winced as he eased himself into her. She could feel him filling up her insides but it wasn't scary like before. She wanted him inside. Unconsciously, she spread her legs wider for him.

"Mmmm... Baby that's it," Sebastian growled as he settled himself between her legs. He began to thrust into her. He watched as her eyes went from bulging at the strange sensation of him inside her to closed and a smile on her face. "Feels good?"

"Feels really good," she breathed. She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him closer to her. "I can't feel them anymore. All I can feel is you."

"Good baby, very good," He leaned down and nibbled her neck. "Prepare yourself. I'm going to go faster." Pivoting his hips, he picked up the speed. Ember cried out in pleasure at the angle of his thrusts letting him know he hit the right spot. He watched her eyes grow wide at the mounting pressure in her body.

"Sebastian!" She cried out not sure what to do with the growing pleasurable pressure until the dam broke sending pleasurable shockwaves all throughout her body. She could feel something else entering her body from him but at the moment, she was in a state of bliss.

"This is why we needed to do this now," he whispered in her ear as he continued to release into her. "My scent is inside you now. Imagine my fighters removing traces of those bastards who violated you." He rested his body down onto hers. "Once they are done, my scent will dissipate leaving yours alone."

"Fighting inside me," she whispered before passing out into a deep sleep. Sebastian took his time pulling out of her and cleaning up the evidence of their activities. He was still uncertain if this was the right thing to do but as long as Ember was happier, it was all worth it in the end.


The next day Sebastian came downstairs with Ember in tow. He was happy she had improved enough to not only stop crying but also leave her room. Caius seemed surprised at the change from the previous day.

"Sorry for leaving my sister in your care," he said giving Ember a pat on the head. "But she was responding to you so well that I thought it was better that someone who was able to break that wall she had up would be better able to help her through."

Ember gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Sebastian helped a lot. Thanks bro." She skipped off to the kitchen leaving the two wolves confused at the interaction.

"Should I be worried?" Caius asked him with a side-long glance.

"No more than usual when it comes to your sister," Sebastian replied with a grin. "She'll be fine. If it's something to worry about, she'll come and tell you."

Caius watched him suspiciously before shaking his head. "Whatever you did to get her out of that depression she was in did the trick. I do owe you one for that."

"No need," He smiled as Ember returned happily eating a bowl of ice cream with strawberries and a dusting of chocolate powder. "How are the plans for your sixteenth going?"

"Nowhere," Caius replied gloomily. "Couldn't concentrate on it..."

"If you don't do it you'll be stuck with whatever Mum plans for you," Ember said licking her spoon before dumping it into the bowl for another spoonful. She glanced sidelong at Sebastian.

"Mum's determined to plan mine," he said with a sigh. "She wants high ranking wolves all there. Since we're the strongest pack in this area she wants to make sure that if my mate is also a high ranking wolf that I'll find her straight away."

"Assuming she's of age..." Ember murmured softly. Caius, being the only one who heard her, raised an eyebrow at the comment. She shook her head at him and kept a secret smile all to herself. Griffin... I look forward to meeting you.


His sixteenth came all too soon for Sebastian. She-wolves from all over the Ten Ancient Packs had been invited to his birthday in the hopes one would be his mate. He had been growing frustrated at them throwing themselves at him. Only one she-wolf, in particular, didn't join in the festivities.

"Reading again?" he asked the young red-headed she-wolf. She nodded not looking up from her book. "What is it on this time?"

"Mates," she replied. His heart skipped a beat. "About the benefits of a true mate versus a chosen mate." His world came crashing down again. Of course, she wasn't hinting she was his mate. She wouldn't know yet as she wasn't of age to receive her wolf or have her first shift. "Is Luna Rias making toffee apples?"

Sebastian blinked in surprise at the change in topic. "Not that I know of. Why do you ask?"

She sniffed the air before going back to reading her book. "The scent of toffee apple is strong tonight, that's all."

He raised an eyebrow. He wasn't going to admit it out loud but her apple cinnamon scent was also quite strong tonight. It overpowered both the natural and synthetic scents of all the she-wolves present. Sighing, he dropped down next to her and rested his head on her shoulder.

"No luck tonight," he said softly. He felt her stiffen at this but he was too tired to ponder on what it could mean. "All of these she-wolves and not one is my mate."

"Maybe your mate isn't of age yet," she replied relaxing a little. Her hand rested on the bookmarking the last word she had read. "Or she isn't a high ranked wolf."

He was silent for a bit, his eyes heavy with tiredness, before saying softly "I wish you were my mate."

Ember waited. She watched as his breathing slowed down and his eyes shut. She turned her head slightly to place a kiss on what she could reach before whispering back "Me too." She closed her eyes. Caius?

What's up sis? His voice sounded jovial and easily amused.

Sebastian fell asleep on my shoulder again.

There was a strange pause before Caius laughed, albeit nervously. I wondered where he had gotten to. Had one of your deep and meaningful conversations with him?

Just come get him… Her tone was clear she wasn't going to tell him anything they spoke about.

Sure thing. On my way sis.

Ember sat watching the night sky with Sebastian fast asleep on her shoulder. "So you've taken to hoarding him for yourself have you?" She looked around and spotted the Shadow Runners' Beta's daughter, Chelsea. "He should be in the party not out here with you loner."

"I didn't ask him to come out," Ember replied quietly. "He came out and fell asleep on his own accord. I've mind linked my brother to take him back inside."

"Smart move," Chelsea replied seeing Caius come around the corner. "It's good to know that you know where you stand," she hissed quickly before giving a Caius a wave. "Was just keeping Ember company while you came to get Sebastian."

Caius glanced at Chelsea suspiciously. Don't start anything. Ember warned him via mind link. She'll get me later when you and Sebastian aren't around if you do.

I know, I know. I'll try to get her to follow me inside. He bent down to pick Sebastian up before looking again at Chelsea. "Can you give me a hand with the doors? I can't open them while carrying this sleeping beauty."

They both laughed. "Of course Caius." Chelsea smirked and waved at Ember. "Later Ember."

Ember waved and watched the three leave. She was glad Chelsea left with her brother. She could slip away to another hidden location so she wouldn't be disturbed if Chelsea tried to look for her again to start something. The things I do so that I won't get hurt again...
© Copyright 2022 Sui (UN: chibiblackrose at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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