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by Sui
Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #2265174
A new generation of the Werewolf King and his mate, The Avatar of the Moon begins to rise
#1024650 added January 14, 2022 at 8:26am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 3 - Avoidance
Ember whined lightly at the sunlight that was pouring in through the window. She didn't like the pack hospital. The lack of curtains to block out the offending sunlight so that she could sleep more was enough for her to decide against wanting to be in there too long. She could hear someone else asleep nearby. She had an educated guess as to who it was.

Ever since that day, Sebastian had not come around to see her. Whenever she asked Caius about this, he said he was busy or that he was unable to make it that day. Part of her wondered if Sebastian was feeling guilty about the situation.

She picked up a pillow and threw it into the corner. "Caius," She next picked up a toy that was on her bed and threw that, speaking louder. "Caius!"

"Why are you throwing stuff at me?" Came his disgruntled and sleep-fogged voice. He brought back the pillow and toy to her bed. "What?"

"I don't care how you do it," she said, her face pulled into an adorable frown. "But bring Sebastian here. Don't care if you have to knock him out and drag him here so he wakes up in this room. I want you to bring him here."

"Ember..." Caius sighed. He knew this was going to be hard. Sebastian frequently declined to come with him when he visited.

"I'll mindlink Violet and ask her to get Rita to nudge him to come to visit," she pouted and then frowned. "If he's not going to come when you ask I'll just get more wolves to help me until he does."

Caius sighed again. "Let me try one more time before you do that." He just caught sight of the small smirk before his mindlink became active.

She's asking for you. Caius called startling Sebastian enough to get punched in the face during the sparring match he was having with his pack's head trainer.

Tell her I'm busy or something. Sebastian raised a hand to the trainer to pause their match so he could focus on Caius. I was in the middle of a spar and got clocked in the head... So thank you.

No can do man. Caius chirped back unable to hide the amusement in his voice. She's threatening to get her friends involved in getting you here. You can't avoid her forever.

Sebastian let out a sigh. He knew just how stubborn Ember could be. Did she say why she wanted me to visit?

You know my sister...
Caius let out his own sigh. She probably already knows you're beating yourself up over her getting hurt. She's probably ready to slap you around a bit until it sinks into your skull.

But it is my fault...
I didn't listen to her when she asked me to stop. He ran a hand through his hair. Fine. I'll come sometime tonight after dinner with my parents.

Surprise or tell her?

Tell her. She might start doing silly stuff if you don't.
Sebastian huffed in reply. The last thing I need is Rita on my heels because Ember has spoken to Violet via mindlink about it.

Caius laughed hard. It's your own fault. Not only did you ignore her requests, but you also now are upsetting her by avoiding her. His tone turning mildly serious, he added. But in all seriousness, while I still want you to remain open-minded until she turns sixteen, the dynamic between you and her screams 'mates' and you can imagine how much hurt would be going through her by you avoiding her like this.

I have the longing as well Caius.
Sebastian replied with a sigh. I'm finding it harder and harder to be away from her. I talked to Mum about it and she believes it's because the bond between Ember and I is growing without her wolf. She still believes we are mates. Sebastian paused. I don't think I told you... She said I use to cling to your Mum when she was pregnant with Ember and then would stay near Ember's crib and tell then if something was wrong well before she started crying.

I don't remember that...
Caius said mildly in awe. I do remember you being able to stop her from crying whenever something happened. All you had to do was hug her and she would start smiling again... Actually... Just like your jacket. She still has it with her by the way. He could feel something pulling at his shirt. I have to go. Make sure you come to visit her ok?

Sure thing.
Sebastian replied before cutting off the mindlink. Caius refocused back onto Ember's expectant face.

"What did he say?" she asked curiously. She had one hand gripping his sleeve and the other gripping Sebastian's jacket that lay over her like a blanket.

"He'll try to come sometime tonight after dinner," Caius replied. He gently removed her hand from his sleeve and tucked it under the blanket. "He was sparring when I contacted him."

"Oh..." Ember looked down and fiddled with the collar of the jacket. "He's feeling guilty isn't he..." He nodded. She frowned slightly. "I had a feeling he might be."

"Oh?" Caius was starting to get very interested in the dynamic between Sebastian and her. He had never seen anything like this between a fully developed wolf and an underage wolf.

"I have this weird ache here," She indicated to the centre of her chest. "It's like I just know he's eating away at himself with guilt."

Caius went back to his chair and flopped into it. "Well, you can smack some sense into him when he comes by tonight."

They both giggled at this before Ember snuggled down to get a bit more sleep, this time pulling the jacket over her head to block out the offending light.


It was well into the evening when Sebastian finally came to visit Ember. He had been trying to put it off as much as possible but in the end, he knew he had to go. The feeling in him was too great for him not to go see her.

Poking his head into the hospital room, he looked around cautiously. Caius was dozing in a chair near the door. Ember had the jacket he left with her over her head so he couldn't tell if she was awake or asleep. Violet was the only one awake in the room. She was gently arranging some flowers on the bedside table.

"How is she?" he asked quietly, not wanting to wake the other two in the room.

"Frustrated," Her reply was curt and sharp making him feel he was at fault for her frustration. "She knows you're guilting yourself. She keeps saying she feels an ache here." She indicated to the centre of her chest. "You know that she's highly attuned to you so why are you making it more difficult?"

"I'm not intentionally making it difficult," he replied exasperated. "She doesn't have her wolf yet. What if I start something and find out she's not my mate." Pain lanced through him right after he said that. He glanced at the bed curiously.

"You had no problem giving her hugs before when she asked you not to," Violet replied softly. "You also dote on her like there is no tomorrow. You are sending mixed messages if your intention is to keep your distance from her until she has her wolf."

"Do you know what she's feeling with how I've been acting?" He was concerned and conflicted. He wanted Ember to always be by his side but he also didn't want to string her along.

"She hasn't said much," Her eyes seemed to hold additional information. Violet sighed lightly. "She did look worried when we were all chatting."

"About?" Sebastian immediately went into repair mode. He didn't want her to be worried or concerned over things if he could help it.

"We were talking about finding our mates," Violet glanced at Caius before continuing. "It's becoming a thing amongst she-wolves our age to lose our virginity to a wolf who is already sixteen or older. Lose it to someone we love before becoming blinded by the mate bond."

"Is that what you she-wolves think the mate bond is?" he asked incredulously. "Why do you think the mate bond will blind you? It's supposed to be a beautiful thing that the Moon Goddess has granted you."

"Look at it from our perspective," Her tone was patient which was grating on his nerves. "You love someone your whole life. But when your mate appears, all those feelings become void because the mate bond tells you who you should love."

Sebastian nodded and looked once again at the jacket covered bed. "I understand where you are coming from," he replied reluctantly. It was a hard thought to grasp, that his future mate would be deeply in love with someone else before seeing him. "So Ember is worried about this?"

"She didn't say she was..." Violet paused before taking a deep breath. "But she looked like she was while we were talking about it. She's probably feeling it more now that Rita, Toby, and I have found our mates since we are of age. She isn't yet."

"Have you found your mate, Violet?" A sleepy voice floated over to them from the corner of the room. "Why hasn't Dad been introduced to him yet? He's going to be our future Beta after all."

"He doesn't know yet," she mumbled leaving the two wolves stunned. "I'm afraid of leaving Ember all alone... Just trust me, please. I know what I'm doing." She heard a faint huff from under the jacket. "I'll reveal myself to him when the time is right." She sighed and was reminded of what Ember had said to her. I'm not happy you're making my brother wait, Vi. I know you'll make an amazing mate for him. She waved her hands in the air as if to dismiss the awkwardness. "Just leave it with me. You know when the time is right."


When Ember was finally released from the hospital, she seemed to almost ignore Sebastian. She was playful with her friends, her brother, and even his friends but when it came to Sebastian; she was cordial and polite at best. It pained Sebastian to see her treating him this way but said nothing to rectify the situation. He hoped that maybe she was upset with him for something and would calm down after a few days.

But as days turned into weeks, Sebastian realised this might become the new norm between them. The ache in his chest was starting to make him irritable and short-tempered. He quietly had a chat with Caius about it.

"There's nothing I can do for you," Caius replied tiredly. He was also noticing Ember's lack of attention on Sebastian and had worn himself out wondering why the change. "The best I can do is invite you over to watch a movie with us. It'll be just you, me and her."

"It's probably better than nothing," he replied with a sigh. "Things can't get any worse."
© Copyright 2022 Sui (UN: chibiblackrose at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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