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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1027090-Ma-We-Remember
Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #2171316
As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book
#1027090 added February 20, 2022 at 8:39am
Restrictions: None
Ma, We Remember

Distinguished people from foreign countries also came frequently and arrangements were made for them to have Ma's darshan. So also the intelligentsia, the saints and the officers present at the Mela. But despite all this bustle and restless activity, perfect peace reigned in the Ashram. The inmates of the Ashram whose faces were always bathed in tranquillity, were full of joy when smilingly they greeted one another with the salutation of "Jai Ma". How is it that such an easily accessible Ma of so many happy children has now become so inaccessible ? Ma! where have you gone? We miss you so intensely!
During the Kumbha Mela, on three separate occasions Ma invited the sädhus of different orders for dinner and honoured them with garlands, sandal paste, arati etc. On these occasions the other devotees of Ma had the benefit of enjoying Ma's darshan to the full and of listening to the discourses of the invited mahätmäs. Triveni, the confluence of three rivers, which by itself is so sacred, offered a special kind of sublimity and bliss on account of the presence of these countless mahātmas and Ma Herself. It is said that in the areas where the Kumbha is held, innumerable other mahātmās, yogis and all the very Gods are present in their subtle forms. The most celebrated yogi, Devraha Baba, was also staying near Jhusi, at the western end of the Mela area. It is impossible to describe in words the heavenly bliss created by the presence of, and the sermons preached by such high class yogis in the hallowed presence of Ma.
Ma is seated under a gorgeous shamiana (canopy) covered with a white sheet. Dressed in spotless white, Ma looks like Devi Saraswati Herself! Peace radiates from Her face! No words I can describe it. No painter, sculptor or other artist can adequately portray that serenity, the like of which is seen on some statues of the Buddha. The atmosphere all around is rendered fragrant with joss sticks and flower garlands. The brahmacharinis and other women attendants clad in white or light yellow are standing or sitting around Ma. On either side of Ma there are wooden seats for mahātmās, who arrive one by one. They are led to their places by the brahmacharis after having offered salutation to Ma. Naga sädhus are also among them. Their naked bodies, besmeared with ashes remind one of Lord Shiva Himself. Ma's legs have grown feeble, and so She is not able to welcome them by standing up. But She bows so low and so gracefully from Her seat that She looks the very embodiment of simplicity, suavity, humility and beauty. The mahātmäs are visibly impressed by this graciousness of Ma and overwhelmed by. emotions. She is the same Ma who was formerly avoided by these sädhus as She was considered by them a mere woman. But Her real self was revealed to them in course of time and they now looked upon Her as a manifestation of Divine Light. The truth is that Ma has taken birth to remove the fanaticism of different sects and to re establish the eternal ideals and principles of Sanātana Dharma. "Whenever there is decay of righteousness, and there is exaltation of unrighteousness, then I Myself come forth. For the protection of the good, for the destruction of evil-doers, I am born from age to age" (Bhagavad Gita, IV/7-8)
The mahātmās are sitting in their respective places. They have been duly garlanded and shown other marks of respect. Perfect serenity and joy prevail under the canopy. The strains of sacred music sung by Brahmacharini Pushpaji in her sweet, melodious voice are rising skyward and have filled the atmosphere all round. The Ashram is packed to capacity by devotees. They are sitting, or standing spell-bound, as if painted, or carved in stone, their eyes fixed on Ma. Who can gauge their profound joy? Who can describe the happiness of their hearts?
As directed by Ma the kirtan has stopped and short discourses by the mahātmās have begun. Mahātma Hans Kumarji of Rishikesh said, "We go to Badrinath and Kedarnath. We travel to great centres of pilgrimage. But nowhere do we get the peace which we find in the presence of Ma."
The famous saint of Naimisharanya, Swami Nāradānanandaji said, "What we gain by reciting 24 thousand Gayatri Mantras is obtained by just one darshan of Ma."
Several other saints have spoken in the same strain. Each one says just as much as it has been vouchsafed to him to understand of Ma. The fact, however, is that it is extremely difficult to under stand Ma. But the little knowledge that has been granted to us is sufficient for our material and spiritual welfare.
In this way Ma's Lila went on and Ma's devotees continued to experience bliss. Swami Paramanandaji, maintaining a detached stance as usual, organised all the Ashram activities very smoothly. On one occasion the officials of AIR taped an account of Ma's greatness as given by Brahmachari Nirmalanandaji, and broadcasted it afterwards over the radio.

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