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Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #2171316
As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book
#1028051 added March 3, 2022 at 1:00pm
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We Remember Thee So Much!

Can such an occasion come in my life again?
The closer I went to Ma the more I realised the heavenly bliss despite living in the midst of this thoroughly worldly atmosphere. Official duties were performed as they should have been. When people praised me for my work, I remembered that heavenly power which helped me. Arjun had won the war of Mahabharat with the help of that power. My tasks were just negligible when compared to that.
Strange happenings were taking place in the domestic sphere too. Once, my youngest daughter, Vandana, who is older than Gopal by an year and was four years old then, fell seriously ill. She was put under treatment, but there was no noticeable improvement. One night my wife saw that Ma was standing by the bedside and stroking the patient's body. She was startled. But, she told me that she had seen Ma when she was awake. Thereafter the daughter became alright, Such incidents should not be talked or written about. But such experiences have been the lot of thousand of other devotees. They cannot help rela ting them before others. It is only the spiritually advanced persons who can keep such incidents to them selves. The ordinary man is incapable of doing that.
Ma does not show miracles. The very advent of a great soul like Ma in this mortal world is in itself a miracle. I do not feel any hesitation in saying that the only difference between Ma and God is that we see Ma in physical form whereas God is invisible. This explains why a devotee when seized by some worldly calamity, invokes the help of Ma and She manifests Herself to remove his troubles. So far as I have been able to understand, such visions take place when one is in a state of
half wakefulness and half sleep. Once Gopal had an attack of diarrhoea. It was in acute form. The treatment was going on. One evening the condition became serious. I felt as if the doctors had also got nervous. My wife in this desparate state went to Ma, who was then in Kishenpur Ashram.
Ma listened sympathetically and as the very image of compassion said, "Give barley water if the doctors permit." Ma's nature is so gentle that She honours everyone and upholds his dignity. That is why while giving the divine medicine of Her blessings, She also advised to consult the doctors.
By this time we in the family had developed such faith in Ma that come what may we would do nothing contrary to Her wishes, The treatment suggested by Ma commenced. The night passed in great anxiety. But when mor ning dawned Gopal was completely cured. The doctors were surprised and equally satisfied when they examined Gopal and found that he had turned the corner.
This is a very minor illustration of Ma's love for Her children and limitless powers. There is nothing impossible for one who seeks the shelter of Ma.
Likewise, once my wife got some rashes on her face. She hesitated to go to Ma in this condition. But it is difficult to restrain oneself and stay back. She did go. When she was on the stairs she saw Ma coming down. Ma stopped midway and touch ing the rashes with Her hand asked, "What is this ?" When the wife returned home the rashes, had disappeared.
Such incidents confirm the powers possessed by saints to cure diseases. Great souls are born in this world to revive one's faith in the eternal religion and the great human values. Stories mentioned in the Shastras and the Puranas and the Bible which speak of miraculous cures effected by great saints should be read and accepted in this light.
Once Ma was in Vrindaban. Gopal fell sick in Dehradun. There was no improvement in his condition for several days. We spent several nights in great anxiety and remembered Ma.
Before Gopal was born his mother once went from Fatehpur for Ma's darshan. Nam Sankirtan was in progress at that time. Ma was also going round and singing the Name of the Lord along with other participants. My wife joined behind Her, and inwardly prayed for the boon of a male child and long life for him. At that very moment Ma looked back and gave her a flower. This was Her blessing for Gopal, and approximately nine months after he was born.
Gopal frequently fell ill in infancy. On such occasions we used to get very anxious. It happened this time too. In great distress we called out for Ma's help, and Gopal became alright in a trice.
Sometime later it was learnt from Herself that She was at Vrindaban and She saw Gopal running away in a certain direction. Just ahead there was a ditch and it was feared that he might fall into it; so Ma said, "This is our Gopal". She caught hold of him and thus saved him. She told of this to the inmates of the Vrindaban ashram at that time. Mrs. Sabharwal was the first person to tell this to us. Later, other girls told this to my wife, and when Ma came to Dehradun I heard this from Ma Herself.
This was the mystery behind the recovery of Gopal. The good Mother thus takes upon Her self the care of the welfare of Her devotees. Other devotees too have had similar experiences. Geographically one may be very far from Ma, it does not matter. One should be near in spirit.
Where has this compassionate Ma gone now ? Gopal was now about to complete his fourth year. His fourth birthday was drawing near. Ma was in Dehradun. As before, I was again desirous of inviting Ma to my house. Ma gave Her consent, and She came to the Collector's residence. The same kind of joyous festivities were observed again. Gopal's four elder sisters, Meenakshi, Kalpana, Archana and Vandana ran to and fro in sheer joy. Ma again occupied Her seat in the same place. Puja, arati and Kirtan were duly held, and hundreds of people had Ma's darshan.
I thought how lucky we were that Ma came to our house for a second time. Ma's visit to any one's house is not an ordinary event. I did not discover anything special in me; possibly this was the fruit of a previous life's merits. Or, it was just another example of Ma's compassion which She shows without any reason.
Gopal had now completed his fourth year. In my family, there is a custom according to which when a child enters his fifth year, he has to go through a tonsure ceremony. Traditionally this ceremony is performed at a place called Buxar in Unao district of U. P. on the bank of the Ganga where there is an ancient temple of Chandrika Devi. But being in government employ, I was subject to transfer from place to place, and that time I was in Dehradun in the very presence of the goddess incarnate, i.e. Ma. So the desire possessed us to perform this ceremony in Her own presence.
The request was made. Ma very kindly gave the required permission to have the function in the Ashram. The auspicious date and the auspicious moment were determined according to Ma's wishes. On the appointed day the members of my family along with a few relatives went to the Kishenpur ashram. All of us were puffed up with joy. A unique wave of bliss swept through our heart. Such joyous occasions in the family had occurred before also but the happiness we felt then was no match for the heavenly bliss we felt this time.
Ma had arranged for the tonsure ceremony to be held before the Shiva temple in the paved court yard. Ma had given special instructions to Mrs. Shanti Sabharwal about everything that was to be done, and the things which would be needed. She had issued directions about the minutest details. Ma manages everything so well that even the most intelligent householder can bear no comparison with Her. Ignorant persons can never understand how Ma who lives in an entirely different sphere the sphere of Brahma-handles so expertly worldly affairs like a common householder. In those days, Ma Herself actively managed and organised all the small and big functions held in the ashram. We just marvel at Her skill.
One thing more. Seeing Ma take interest in such ordinary matters even sages and wise men, let alone the ignoramuses, fall into a state of doubt and uncertainty about Her real self. In such a state the Tamasi individual begins to think poorly of Ma and the Rajasi is lost in thoughts. What, after all, is so peculiar in Ma that men just become restless to have Her darshan. Even some Sattwik persons in the conceit of their penance, austerities and attainments commit the sin of regarding Ma as inferior to them. The learned ones sometimes put questions to Her which merely betrays their pride. They also begin to expound the Shastras before Her because they know that Ma is not educated nor versed in the Shastric knowledge. Even the Tapaswi falls into the error of such improper behaviour.
On such occasions what Ma does and says is very strange and beyond comprehension by such persons. She is normally and naturally so simple and humble. But on these occasions She becomes even more humble and ignorant. The result of all this is that the person who behaves thus makes a laughing stock of himself.

So wonderful is my Ma !

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