As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book |
When transcending nature’s delights, which are fleeting, man tastes of the delicious flavour of his true Being (Svabha‌ver rasa), of Supreme Delight (Param rasa), then the excruciating anguish of the poison of mere worldly enjoyment is destroyed. Beyond bodily pleasures, such as eating, sleeping, moving, about and so on, lies Joy Supreme. Don’t you recite,‘Brahma‌nandam Paramasukhadam,’ ‘Absolute Bliss, Supreme Happiness.’ HE is Happiness Itself, Happiness is His very essence. Earthly happiness has its opposite – sorrow. But where happiness is in its essential form (A‌nanda Swaru‌pa), unconditioned, there the opposites – joy and misery – find no place; where solely Sva Rasa is, there can be no question of a-rasa, (of the sense of dryness, of emptyness, of the anguish of God’s absence). He is the Fountain of Joy – Joy and Joy alone is His being. A state exists in which there is only Bliss, Beatitude, Supreme Felicity. At your level, joy has its opposite; you speak of the joys of heaven and of the torments of hell. But where Eternal Bliss is, bliss in its own right cannot be expressed, it is entirely beyond words. THERE – what is? What is not? To speak means to float on the surface; what language can express that which is neither floating nor diving deep? |