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a young inner-city preacher experiences Spiritual and Physical opposition
#1040063 added October 31, 2022 at 6:11pm
Restrictions: None
Outline Revision #3
"Plot: Outline Revision #3" ▼
(1) Review your plot elements thus far and organize them into your outline.
(2) Fill in any gaps in your outline template and/or flesh out more details.

final revised outline

I. Flash back (shooting)
A. Background story
B. College graduation
II. Construction work
A. Becoming a manager
B. Learning to be a leader
1. A higher calling
a. Committed life to Christ
b. Looking for ministry
c. Open doors
2. Doing the research
3. Getting support
III. volunteering at the mission
A. training
B. challenges
C. dreams
IV. Purchases/Takes over mission
A. Mission work
1. Goals
a. Meeting people's needs
b. Spreading the gospel
2. Obstacles
a. finances
b. needing more volunteers
c. opposition from community/family
B. The injury
1. Trip to the hospital
2. Getting dental work
C. Falling in love
V. Joal makes a discission
A. Making a difference
1. Meeting community's needs
2. Mission accomplished
B. Making amends with family
C. Joal gets engaged
VI. The community comes together
A. City council issues resolved
1. The mayor's daughter runs away.
2. The mayor's daughter is rescued.
B. Community events
1. The revival
2. The carnival
VII. Getting married

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