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A collection of Size Fetish stories about Persona 5!
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#1051431 added June 21, 2023 at 7:53pm
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Ann eats up her Competition!
This chapter is from "Persona Size Story" by Frost, check it out! It's a great interactive.

"Ugh, why am I always stuck with HER?" Ann muttered as she opened the door to her agency's makeup room. Where her bitchy modeling rival Mika was sitting, getting ready for their next photoshoot. While she enjoyed having a rival at first, it grew increasingly frustrating as while her fans enjoyed the idea, Mika's fan's HATED it.

Ann was popular with men sure, but she also had a sizable female fan base, who were inspired by her success at such a young age, as well as her efforts in trying to make the modeling industry less gross and exploitative. As a Bi girl, Ann quite enjoyed the female attention.

Mika's fanbase, on the other hand, were mostly sad, lonely guys who liked her bitchy attitude. They were also simps, who went apeshit any time Ann got more or even the same amount of attention as her. They sent all sorts of hateful messages to her, and even some racist ones, calling her a "Disgusting American Bimbo", or an "Airheaded Gaijin", even though she's lived in Japan since she was born! Not to mention the fact that she's more Japanese than American...

You'd think the agency would consider this a bad thing, as one of their top models was getting harassed by another's fans, but they didn't, as the drama drove up their primary magazine's sales. Ann's new manager didn't like it, but here couldn't persuade the agency owner otherwise.

"Oh great, YOU'RE here..." Mika said with an exaggerated sigh as Ann sat down at the other end of the room. Mika had been leaning into the drama HARD, and had doubled her bullying and shady tactics since it started. Hiding Ann's makeup and other accessories if she got in first, muttering hateful shit under her breath while they were posing together to throw her off, and worst of all, making nasty comments online to start flame wars between their respective fanbases. She'd always play victim whenever it blew up on her too.

Makoto, Haru, and Shiho were ready to kill her last time she did it, and while Ann would've loved to see Mika get her teeth get kicked in by her BFFs, that would've just made things worse, and given the bitch more ammo for drama.

"Tch, I don't know why they insist on keeping you around." Mika started as Ann got ready, moving closer to keep taunting. "You're not even a REAL model, just a pretty face and a pair of tits..."

"Go to hell." Ann said curtly. She'd grown somewhat used to Mika's taunts by now, but it still took every ounce of patience she had to not punch Mika's lights out everytime she started this bullshit.

"Awww, is the bwabies feelwings hurt? You pwoor thing..." Mika said before letting out a mirthless laugh. "Face it loser, your only redeeming quality is your oversized balloon-tits."

Ann stopped what she was doing and stood up to face her rival, who took a step back as the younger girl was still a few inches taller than her, but still stood her ground. "Ah! Careful now, you don't want to let your fans down by getting kicked off the magazine, do you?"

"Do you just spend your free time thinking of mean shit to say? Cause that's fucking pathetic." Ann said as she got closer to the other girl, hoping to use their height difference to intimidate Mika into shutting up.

"Says the girl who spends her time stuffing her face with junk. I'm starting to think that the only reason your tits are that big is because that's where all the calories you inhale go--!?" Mika's said, before Ann grabbed her collar, gritting her teeth as she had hit a boiling point. Mika grinned as Ann held her, knowing that's if the younger girl hit her, she'd win.

But she could've never expected what happened next...

"You are nothing! Just an annoying little bitch who tears everyone else down to make them feel as small and pathetic as you are!!!"

Those words echoed throughout Ann's head as the power to the agency flickered in and out, before her eyes glowed yellow, and Mika disappeared in a bright flash of light!

"....Uhhh.... What?" Ann said, bewildered as she held Mika's now empty jacket. Did she just kill her modeling rival with a thought?

Just as the teen started to panic, she noticed that there was a tiny figure hanging from the jacket, trying her damnedest to not fall!

"Holy shit... Mika!?" Ann exclaimed as she grabbed the shrunken woman, who was now only about 3 inches tall.

"What the fuck did you do to me?!?" Mika screamed at the bigger girl, who just smirked at her.

"Oh nothing, just knocked you down a peg.. well, several pegs actually." Ann said as she dangled the small woman by her leg.

"Change me back NOW!!!" Mika demanded, but it fell on deaf ears as Ann looked around the room, trying to figure out precisely how Mika shrunk.

"Ann-chan? Is everything alright in there?" The familiar voice of Kazama Kurosaki, Ann's new manager, came from behind the door to the changing room.

"Yeah, we're all good!" Ann yelled back, as she focused on Mika's clothes, making them shrink with a thought.

"So I can shrink things just by thinking..." Ann thought as she kicked the clothes away, which were now so small that no one would find them.

"Okay good, power just got knocked out to the whole block, it's fried our cameras too." Kazama said as he started to open the door, before Ann put her foot out to stop him.

"H-hey! I'm not decent!" Ann said, stuffing Mika in between her huge tits to keep the girl quiet.

"Ah shit! Sorry... Is Mika-chan back there?" Kazama said, flustered. Ann liked Kurosaki much better than her last manager, who was a creepy old loser that may or may not have been exposed for inappropriate behavior by a certain group of Thieves, while Kazama was like a cool uncle that always wore leather jackets and stood up for his models every chance he got.

"I think she went out back, I haven't seen her for a few minutes now..." Ann said, smirking at the tiny woman struggling to escape her cleavage. Ann's giant breasts did a great job of bullying Mika into staying quiet, as everytime she tried to yell, Ann could just squeeze the fleshy mounds together to knock the wind out of Mika's lungs, then "open" her cleavage up to let Mika fall deeper between them.

"Gotcha. Well if you see her again tell her we had to move the shooting location, apparently our first location lost power too, so we're going somewhere else." Kazama said, making Mika's face pale as she realized what Ann was about to say.

"And if I don't see her by the time we leave?" Ann asked feigning concern, though Mika could see the devious smirk on the younger girls face.

"Then we'll just have to do the shoot without her. I know that the people online will give you hell for it, but this is our biggest magazine..." Kazama said with a sigh, not knowing that he just made Ann's day, and probably ruined Mika's life.

"That's fine, I sure hope Mika's okay though... She wasn't looking too hot when she left..." Ann said as she squeezed her breasts together, nearly crushing Mika between the giant mounds.

"Dammit... Ah well, we'll need to leave here in about half an hour, hopefully she'll turn up by then..." Kazama said as he was called off to come look at something.

"Hehe, looks like this will be a solo cover!" Ann said as she locked the door, looking down at Mika's despair-filled face.

"H-hey Annie... You know I was totally just joking earlier, right?" Mika tried to plea, but Ann just smirked at her menacingly. "Alright fine! I'm sorry for being a bitch, okay? I just wanted get ahead..."

"You should apologize to my two 'girls' first." Ann said as she press her tits closer together, making Mika sigh.

"I'm sorry I called them oversized balloon-tits..." Mika said, before Ann raised an eyebrow.

"Weak. Kiss them too." Ann said, Biting her lower lip as Mika began kissing her boobs, a feeling that Ann enjoyed very much.

"You have a great pair of tits, and they aren't your only redeeming quality..." Mika muttered as Ann plucked her out, a devious idea forming in the blondes head...

"You know... I think you need to understand that ALL of me is beautiful!" Ann said as she pushed Mika against her belly, letting the small woman hear the sounds of her rumbling stomach. Ann then moved Mika towards her rear, pushing her face against her sizable butt. "You said my tits were my only redeeming quality... But I think my ass is pretty nice too!"

"Ugh... gross..." Mika muttered as Ann dragged her face across the cheeks, making sure to push her into her crack just a little bit, making Mika lightly gag at the idea of being so close to her rivals nasty ass. It didn't smell of crap or anything dirty, but there was still an earthy musk coming from deep in between the fleshy mounds.

"*Giggle*, You know, it's a real shame..." Ann said as she brought Mika back up to her face, the small woman looking up at her with a mixture of hate, fear, and anger. "If you weren't such a massive bitch, you'd be a fucking bombshell."

Mika tilted her head at this, until she noticed that Ann was biting her lower lip and blushing as she said this. She wasn't... attracted to her, was she?! "W-What do you mean Annie..? You aren't saying...?"

"I think you're hot, idiot! If you hadn't been such an asshole, I might've even asked you out..." Ann said as she examined the older girls body, who was now red with embarrassment. "But since you were such an ass to me..."

Ann then held Mika above her ass, while pulling on the waistband of her leggings, revealing her canyon-like ass crack to the small woman, who looked back up at her captor in fear. "...I'm gonna let you experience my ass!"

And with that, Ann let go of Mika, the screaming woman falling down into the abyss of Ann's butt, the meaty mounds squishing and squeezing her closer towards her rivals "backdoor", until the older girl could feel the wrinkled hole pressing up against her naked body, making her gag. The only silver lining, is that Ann's ass was actually very clean, despite Mika's assertions the Ann was a gluttonous slob, the younger girl kept her rear clean and tidy, as evident by the blonde stubble surrounding her asshole.

But an ass is still an ass, no matter how clean it may seem, it still had that earthy musk that an ass would have, and Mika hated it. The musky stench of Ann's crack combined with the crushing pressure of her cheeks was making life hell for the shrunken woman, and it was made all the worse by the knowledge that Ann was going to steal the spotlight that Mika had worked so hard to acquire.

"Mmm.. Keep squirming like that, and you might just end up going in!" Ann said with a moan, the feeling of Mika rubbing against her asshole was incredible, to the point that she was almost tempted to get off on it! But the untimely knock of her manager prevented that. Ah well, knowing that Mika was going to be miserable inside her butt was a good enough consolation....

-----(Later, at the Photoshoot...)-----

"Ah, it's a good thing this is a private shoot, people would've gone crazy that only you showed up..." The head photographer said as Ann walked onto the set. Ann definitely preferred these private shoots, as it helped avoid the heckling she got from Mika's fans, as well as the more... undesirable elements of her own fanbase. "Not that there's anything wrong with you, Annie. In fact, you're much easier to work with..."

"Thanks, Morisaki-san." Ann said, smirking to herself as she felt Mika push against her asshole again. The tiny woman hadn't lost an ounce of her fight, and Ann was loving every second of it. The smaller woman was suffering under both the crushing pressure of Ann's cheeks, along with the sweat, heat, and stink emanating from the skin surrounding her. It was like being in the grossest sauna ever, while being squeezed between two giants...

"Oh! That devious smirk... it's perfect!" The photographer exclaimed, snapping several photos of Ann just standing there with her hands in her jacket pockets.

"Uh... I'm not even doing anything...?" Ann asked as the man darted around to each member of his team, muttering something to each before coming back to the blonde.

"Alright Annie, we're changing the theme of this shoot!" The head photographer said confidently. "Originally, the theme was "Elegance and Attitude", but I have had a genius revelation!"

Ann giggled at the man's eccentricity, Hayato Morisaki was a older, very eccentric, and very excitable, Japanese man, and Ann couldn't help but like his near limitless enthusiasm for photographing models. Her agency hiring him was her idea, as he reminded her of Yusuke.

"Our new theme will be, "Mischievous Beauty!" Annie, I want you to keep that energy up! That devious look just screams; "Try me if you want, but I've got a secret you will never see coming!", it's sure to get peoples attention!" Morisaki said as he prepared his camera.

Ann then went through the entire shoot, keeping the devious smirk up as she did poses that focused mostly on her ass, just to rub the fact that she was stealing 100% of the spotlight, all while Mika was suffering in-between her asscheeks. "T-This fucking brat!! She's actually showing her ass off, almost like she's trying to see if anyone can figure out where I went!!"

Mika could hear the happy sounds of people congratulating each other, but worst of all were these fucking losers that were just gushing over how great she'd done... UGH!! She's worked her ass off for years trying to get this far as a model, and this little shit was just getting everything handed to her! It's bullshit! She was naturally gorgeous, and had an amazing metabolism so she could just eat whatever she wanted and do the bare minimum exercise to stay in shape! IT JUST WASN'T FAIR!!!

"You did great out there Ann-chan! You're becoming a better model every day." Mika heard Kurosaki say from outside of her fleshy prison, with Ann giggling at the complement.

"Damn you Kurosaki! You've always babied that bitch...." Mika thought as she pushed away from the disgusting anus again, the wrinkled hole having tried once again to eat her alive, as it had been doing for the past 3 hours she'd been stuck in the smelly, sweaty, and nasty canyon that was Ann Takamaki's asscrack.

"It's a shame though... I've been trying to get ahold of Mika this whole time, but she's not returned a single one of my calls..." Kurosaki muttered sadly, making Mika realize that Ann must've done something to her phone.

"I've been worried too... She seemed really distracted when I got there... almost like she wasn't thinking about the shoot at all..." Ann said, feigning concern as she set up the idea that Mika ran off. This of course enraged her small captive, as she knew exactly what Ann was doing. Mika reared back, then bit down on Ann's tender butt flesh as hard as her tiny jaws could, making the younger girl yelp in pain, before running off to a bathroom as the crew tries to ask her what happened.

"You little shit! That hurt!" Ann exclaimed, pouting at the smaller woman, who was giving her a look of fury.

"You told Kurosaki that I ran off! That I didn't care about the shoot or being a model!" Mika yelled at Ann, who merely glared at the small woman.

"Duh, You won't ever be a model again." Ann said. "I was planning on turning you into my personal pet-servant, but if you're going to act like this... maybe I should just kill you!"

Mika's face paled at this. She didn't think Ann would have the heart to actually get rid of her entirely, but now that she was in the blonde's fist, with her blue eyes glaring down at her in anger... she knew that she was fucked. "W-Woah now, you can't be serious! You aren't actually going to kill me, are you?"

"Maybe. You might survive, but I doubt it." Ann said as she washed Mika off in a nearby sink, then lowered the struggling woman back down into her cleavage. "You need to be punished for your little stunt, so when I get home.... I'm gonna make a sundae. And you'll make a great cherry to put on top!"

"W-W-WHAT!?" Mika yelled before Ann shoved her deeper into her cleavage....

-----(Later, at Ann's home...)-----

"Annnd there! The perfect sundae is almost ready!" Ann exclaimed as she finished spraying on a massive mountain of whip cream on top of her frozen dessert. She'd piled on six large scoops of Vanilla, Chocolate, and Strawberry ice cream, then poured on the caramel and chocolate syrup, and finally finished by emptying a whole can of whipped cream onto it. There was just one final little touch....

"Ann, t-this is a joke, right?! Y-You aren't seriously going to do this?!" Mika yelled as Ann reached for her. She'd tied the tiny model up with an edible, candy ribbon she'd found while shopping for the pieces to her treat. Now, the bitch was stuck with no way of leaving, as Ann had made sure to fully encased the woman, leaving just her head and shoulders exposed.

"Now for the "cherry"! Ann said with a giggle, before lowering the screaming woman onto the "peak" of the sundae, crowning her treat with a nice, wiggly topping... at least for a second, as Mika's body sunk through the cream almost immediately.

"Aww, where you goin' Mika-chan? You can't eat a sundae on your diet!" Ann taunted as the woman struggled against her bindings, blowing the cold cream out of her nose and mouth. Her teeth were already chattering, and if it wasn't for the ribbon, she'd be half frozen already.

"T-T-T-This brat... When I get out of here I swear I'll..." Mika muttered as she heard Ann let out an exaggerated moan as she ate her ice cream. On occasion, Mika would see Ann's spoon scoop up some of the cream around her, and she had to wiggle away from that position to not get caught in it. Eventually, a glimmer of hope came through for the shrunken girl, as the ribbon Ann tied her up had started to degrade in the wetness of the slowly melting ice cream.

With enough struggling, Mika was able to free one of her arms from her candied bindings, and immediately began trying to tear at the other side to fully escape, but unfortunately...

"Ah! There's my cherry!" Ann exclaimed, and Mika screamed at the top of her lungs as she helplessly watched the blonde girls spoon descend on her, deftly scooping her up and bring her to her tormentors giant face.

"Annie.. P-Please!" Mika cried out, but Ann childishly stuck her tongue out at her before putting the spoon in her mouth and sucking the tiny girl off of it. She toyed with Mika in her mouth for what felt like an eternity, even going as far as to lick the tiny girls crotch once the candy ribbon had fully eroded, bringing the tiny model to a reluctant orgasm.

"Y-You sick fuck..." Mika muttered, tears in her eyes as Ann's tongue continued to lap at her breasts. She was being violated by a bratty teen, and no one would ever know...

Ann tilted her head back, and let the tiny girl slid down towards her throat, screaming the whole time before...


The blonde girl swallowed, giggling to herself as she felt her prey reach her stomach. "Ahhh... you tasted great, Mika-chan."

Mika started banging on the walls of her gross prison. "LET ME OUT YOU GODDAMN BRAT!!!" She screamed over and over, her struggles only served to fuel the enjoyment of her predator...

"F-Fuck... Feeling you going crazy in there is really hot... I think I'll call up my boyfriend, and have him rail me as I digest you." Ann taunted, letting Mika in on her deepest secret. She'd been dating this whole time. The one rule of their agency that genuinely annoyed Mika had been broken by her rival for months. While Mika was stuck being single so that the pathetic delusions of the fat losers that were obsessed with her weren't broken, Ann was out dating and having sex.

This fully broke the girl, who could do nothing but lay on her bed of melting ice cream. The heat and humidity was so bad that she thought she was melting with them. She'd given up. Her life was going to end in the stomach of her rival... and her fate was sealed as another huge glob of ice cream fell ontop of her, entombing her in the sweets she constantly taunted Ann over...
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