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Nano project
#1059286 added November 18, 2023 at 5:39pm
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segar's past
mysterious voice
One of the old,
rooted to both self and universe'
Looking for release.

The buildings seemed to go on forever as Chajet sat down for a moment just to be back at the oasis with his class. The oiasis was surournd by woods with shifting shadows and 9 other class led by his past selves.The oasis faded as a ten-story library rose from the sand, the tenth floor said Jerico.


Chajet saw the great plateau rise up standing at 57 miles high at 30 miles wide, as Atum rested they got to work, and as Yecta(Chajet) flew overhead his body making a ring-Etchula was standing to the East at 3 bull elephants high 2 wide, no wings lean jet black body mixed with scaled legs and panther paw type feet. the body is black fur on top and scales on the belly and a porcupine-like tail that opens up to spikes. its head is a panther with raptor jaws.
Taniwha stood to the south, she had a turtle shell(open at the center to reveal wings) that was 2 bull elephant wide 1 bull elephant high with Basilisk-type legs and the head of a drake. (turtle dragon)
Huolongchusu stood to the west, he stood tall as the big ben wide as Westminster Abby. He had charcoal black scales the body of a fire drake and a tail with a glowing red spiked ball(lava dragon)
Nomostis stood to the north, she stood tall as 2 bull elephants high at 4 bull elephants long, she was a lean frost white pegasus with 4 wings 2 big 2 small. (nymph dragon)
Etchula carved out the earth into 3 rings and 4 roads, he carved out a large bowl beneath the rings and roads with a main 10-foot pillar at the center with smaller ones to hold the rods up. Yecta used the Ka in the Earth to make constructs and they moved to the edge of the plateau and formed the Great Wall, when that was done Taniwha sent water up to Shu who sent it back down to Tefnut filling the Great Bowl and gave birth to Geb and Nut. The waters flowed over the 4 edges where holes were making the sacred waterfalls feeding the land below, Etchula used the rocks from the side of the plateau to make a ramp-style path around, creating buildings for the outer and innermost rings(ring 1 living quarters to the north and market to the south, ring 2 farming lands and ring 3 Atum's personal quarters). Here the cosmic form changed to the golden dragon form. The city was made it had beautiful gardens living quarters and a place to grow, this made Atum cry giving birth to all living creatures on Earth. The tears flowed downstream producing not just humans and animals but sprouted plants of all types, as time moved on people grew and Yecta watched them as some entered the great city.
Yecta taught the humans how to speak, count, and more. Years passed as they leaned and prospered from it.

Mysterious voice
So you taught them in your god form back then, did they not fear you?

The fallout of Jerico
giant fireball that hit the city destroyed the surface and only the handful of those who managed to reach the ramps escaped death and spread out among the lush forest below the plateau. Fields burned buildings crumbled, bodies burned and their corpses merged together as a skeleton was formed. Smoke from the bodies and buildings swirled above the city and formed its cloak and with great wind-like smoke disappeared leaving a hollow laugh. The people who reached the 6-day journey ended up hating the gods creating the core of Nun(chaos).
The next floor said Bablos

Byblos was constructed as the great library it held all knowledge as the people grew, the main building was 3 stories tall 4 buildings wide, and 2 buildings back, it was surrounded by many huts and fields. the people were taught how to categorize items and grow food, and they recorded new plants, produce, and language findings. Led by a kind elder going by Cahtet lived outside the village in a hut not far from the entrace.
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