Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1068801-Steam-Engines-and-Crossroads
Rated: 18+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2317215
A place where I fight to survive
#1068801 added April 15, 2024 at 8:06am
Restrictions: None
Steam Engines and Crossroads
Princess Anne fanned herself slowly, almost hypnotically. "I saw the most amazing thing while I was in North Vox! I saw what made the train move down the railings. It's the most marvelous thing!"

Her fan picked up speed as her excitement grew. See Mother, these brute men work in these dark, hot, cramped spaces, and they shovel coal into a burning blaze of fire. The steam builds up and travels through pipes to build up pressure. Then the men said this little slide thingy, pushes the steam into another thingy, and it turns the wheel in a circle to turn the locomotive. And that's what makes the train go! Twas, quite a wonderful invention!"

"Oh, Princess Anne! You and your wild imagination!"

"But Queen Mother, 'tis not my imagination. 'Tis true. I saw it and was told how it works myself."

"Well, what kind of man would want to work in such a cramped, boiling-hot place? Surely, no men of good standing!"

"Oh, Mother. You truly are kept in a glass castle! There's a multitude of men who do not have jobs, who would take any job to be able to feed their family. Not everyone lives in castles with servants, Mother. And any man who works any job to support his family is quite respectable!"

Princess Anne's fan now flew at an almost ridiculous speed.

"Oh, Anne. Do calm yourself! We needn't concern ourselves with such matters. Things will be handled in a manner respectable to all. Now, go clean yourself up. We must get ready for the ball!"

(333 Words)


I think the team that has the most chance of winning is Team Targaryen. They're on fire, and has a very active team right from the start.

I feel a kinship with different people on different teams. But I guess if I had to pick one, it would be Team Targaryen.

I know those on the team and admire their strive to accomplish as much as they can. But I do admire others on other teams as well. I'm also proud of our team. We may not win, but considering it was mainly Kit and me at the beginning, I think we're doing really well. We're busting our butts. I'm proud to have our other teammates now able to hop in and help accumulate points.

I think everyone should be proud of their accomplishments if they're giving it all they have! *Bigsmile*

(142 Words)

Inventions - Steam Engines

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