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Rated: 18+ · Book · Spiritual · #1149750
A nothing from nowhere cast his words to a world wide wind, hindered by periphery.
#1084868 added March 8, 2025 at 9:24am
Restrictions: None
Otherwise Inert/Life-Funneled Hopper-Brain Intellect
You might want to back up.
I’m building theory.

Google’s “AI” says:

"Building theory" refers to the process of creating a conceptual framework that explains a phenomenon by identifying key concepts and their relationships, essentially developing a theoretical understanding of why something occurs, which can then be used to guide research, predict outcomes, and inform decision-making in a particular field; it involves systematically gathering data, analyzing patterns, and constructing a coherent explanation for observed phenomena.
Key points about building theory:
To develop a comprehensive understanding of a complex phenomenon by identifying underlying mechanisms and causal relationships.
Observation: Gathering data through qualitative or quantitative methods to identify patterns and anomalies.
Conceptualization: Defining key concepts and their attributes.
Proposition Development: Establishing relationships between concepts, forming hypotheses about how they interact.
Refinement: Iteratively revising the theory based on new data and feedback to improve its explanatory power.
Guiding research: A well-built theory provides a framework for designing research studies, identifying relevant variables, and formulating testable hypotheses.
Explaining phenomena: Theories help interpret and make sense of observed patterns in a field.
Predicting outcomes: Once validated, a theory can be used to predict future behavior or trends based on the identified relationships.
In organizational psychology, a theory might be built to explain employee motivation by identifying factors like job satisfaction, autonomy, and recognition as key concepts and exploring how they interact to influence employee performance.

To build, I had to run some tests
Apologies, Guinea Pigs

Each day, new theory tackled.
Don’t see it coming; don’t know where it’s going
But, they plug into formulas
Of systematic, working models in my brain
By which my central processor won’t quit…
Even after the hardwood fall of 2017,
a 15-minute blackout, couldn’t recall
before a hard reset. Computed axial tomography
grayscale imaging confirmed no bats
flew from this skull cage…(continue to link…)

It’s where input cannot be unlearned.
Attached to emotional components
That interact with objective logic, now,
As I can reach back in time, recall influences
on brain matter rewiring, neurodivergent,
ADHD driven and hyper critically thinking
Purely as a tool of survival from conformity,
normal and as ordinary as any, calmly calculating
to remember who informed, idiom, expression,
Home spun wisdom, all fact checked
And approved results that have slotted in.

We travel through historical time, grey matter and me, 
Revisit old concepts, brought up to date
By comparing collected data from a broad spectrum,
ranging Interests immersed, parallels within,
reasoning benefactors, detractors, since the formative —
days dawdled, hours on end, study every hand painted panel,
by flashlight in a pitch of black and blanket
in a hallway closet, away, where none heard mumbled words,
reenacting, reuniting visions of projections knowable
Teleporting through universes when self-hypnotized
by the unique and varied grain patterns, illuminations
by flashlight on green-paneled bedroom walls,
to finally arrive at unshakeabke summation…
Duh-doi! I.e. — thus, it is proven.

Halting here. Phase one, I’ll say.
Much more to reveal until my dying day.
Anything that doesn’t smell right is like a dirty sock
Fueling a self-evidentiary being who will not
Accept anything in the shaded areas as truth.

Tomorrow’s lesson, and the first of a series:

Fear mongering, idiot mouthpieces, Machiavellism,
and Mr. Smith Goes to Washington,
Segueing into It’s a Wonderful Life

Or, maybe, a nap, track sports and play 137 games of cribbage.
Never Three Stooges, nu huh. I won’t poke an eye out.


‘Cause I said.

I craft stories, hypothesizing and projecting modern day events from around the globe, links to history, cultures, the common wealth, governmental structures and the influences of a capitalistic, monetized society corrupting logic over ethics, and more, in a growing collective of fact checking knowledge, life experience, from silence lying outside ignorance and an incipient void breathing the gases of atoms’ molecular bonds suffocating us all into oblivion, with the inability to let anything go until I can make a case for anything witnessed in motion.

Additional babble addled: 3.8.25 after up, mostly writing through the night, as the noggin’ refuses shut down, prefers quiet of night solitude, romanced by the nocturnal and inspired uttering cluttering up a page, such as this. When I have my degree to pursue disputing theory of relativity to show two opposing principles can co-exist, I will finally know how the mathmatival equation for bonding friendship to my core atoms can cohabitate as units linked arms in arm, shoulder to shoulder through life, forming our mobile Faraday cage, and motor to the end of all universes until black matter meets its doom, when it cannot consume one who has found the one mystery of life than can do longer digest the inner workings of a spirit based soul that requires instinct over logic.

I’m inert, otherwise.

Not edited, hardly grammar or facrtchecking. I’m one person, no audience, soap box or willing to be caught in the cross hairs of the boa constricted walls of an ordinary life.


Not nearly my best. *RollEyes*

Edited, added, thinking done tackling the most hairy, untamable musings, everybembellishing until the empty space fill with box full ofvNasa parts, remedyba return from inner space to return from the gravitational field, not burning or breaking up on re-entry. Not editing again, just yet. 36 hours since my previous slumber ended, slightly more than half my recent current record.

Tired is not ignorance, just not enough zzz to push through a cloud of whirl wind posturings without desire to fact check half-efforted assertions.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1084868-Otherwise-InertLife-Funneled-Hopper-Brain-Intellect