Announcements pertaining to Writing.Com! |
As of this posting, Stories.Com is storing more than 80 Gigabytes of email for its members. Due to this ever increasing burden of email storage we will be implementing some global email purging procedures: At our discretion, "SentMail" folders will have any messages 3 months (90 days) or OLDER removed. At our discretion, member "INBOX"'s will have any messages 3 months (90 days) or OLDER removed. Most members never use or look at mail that has aged in either of these folders for this amount of time. If you would like to keep any of the messages in either of these mailboxes, we suggest you move them into another email folder, print out copies, or download them to your computer. This posting is to serve as notice that we will begin these procedures on or about October 1st, 2002. Once begun, we will run the purging process on a regular basis. Please be sure to keep any messages you wish to hang onto in other folders within the email system. We will also make efforts to provide some two/three click tools to purge these area yourself, on demand. Thank you for your continued support, ~~SM