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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/223447-Guys-only-want-sex
Rated: GC · Book · Emotional · #594306
My life is about as interesting as the next person's.
#223447 added January 26, 2003 at 8:45pm
Restrictions: None
Guys only want sex...
current mood: undecided...

current song: You're So Last Summer - Taking Back Sunday

hiphopanonymous5 (3:22:54 PM): yeah
three piss ants (3:23:03 PM): uh...what happened to you?
hiphopanonymous5 (3:23:13 PM): hall meeting
three piss ants (3:23:21 PM): ooh
three piss ants (3:23:22 PM): ok
three piss ants (3:23:32 PM): just wondering, because you hadnt answered in a while..
three piss ants (3:23:54 PM): so, how're you doing these days?
hiphopanonymous5 (3:24:23 PM): kinda ok
three piss ants (3:24:36 PM): why just kinda?
three piss ants (3:24:42 PM): if you dont mind me asking..
hiphopanonymous5 (3:24:55 PM): g-mom died
hiphopanonymous5 (3:25:02 PM): and fight with girls
three piss ants (3:25:03 PM): im sorry.
three piss ants (3:25:08 PM): lots of girls?
hiphopanonymous5 (3:25:22 PM): a few
three piss ants (3:25:27 PM): how come?
three piss ants (3:25:38 PM): are we pissing you off again?
hiphopanonymous5 (3:26:15 PM): yeah
three piss ants (3:26:32 PM): not all of us are like that
hiphopanonymous5 (3:27:19 PM): so i've heard
three piss ants (3:27:30 PM): dont believe it?
hiphopanonymous5 (3:28:28 PM): not always
three piss ants (3:28:35 PM): ah well.
three piss ants (3:28:39 PM): i dont believe it much myself
three piss ants (3:28:56 PM): sorry though
hiphopanonymous5 (3:33:36 PM): yeah
three piss ants (3:34:06 PM): you'll be ok
hiphopanonymous5 (3:34:16 PM): i hope
three piss ants (3:34:22 PM): might take a few months, but you know *Wink*
hiphopanonymous5 (3:34:45 PM): i know?
three piss ants (3:35:12 PM): huh?
three piss ants (3:35:17 PM): what are you asking, benjamin?
hiphopanonymous5 (3:35:37 PM): i dunno
three piss ants (3:35:46 PM): heh, alright
hiphopanonymous5 (3:35:54 PM): what r u saying, hilary?
three piss ants (3:36:00 PM): uh...
three piss ants (3:36:02 PM): im not sure
three piss ants (3:36:14 PM): im not even sure of what we're talking about anymore
hiphopanonymous5 (3:38:08 PM): me neither
three piss ants (3:38:12 PM): oh well
three piss ants (3:38:21 PM): so, do you like taking back sunday?
hiphopanonymous5 (3:38:34 PM): sure
three piss ants (3:38:38 PM): good
three piss ants (3:39:18 PM): so, are you coming to creation?
three piss ants (3:44:50 PM): i have a question
hiphopanonymous5 (3:44:56 PM): i think so
hiphopanonymous5 (3:44:56 PM): ok
three piss ants (3:45:10 PM): is something wrong with doing pot?
hiphopanonymous5 (3:45:33 PM): i guess not
three piss ants (3:45:42 PM): no? why do you say that?
hiphopanonymous5 (3:46:12 PM): i dunno
three piss ants (3:47:24 PM): ok
three piss ants (3:47:33 PM): something wrong?
hiphopanonymous5 (3:47:56 PM): i dunno
three piss ants (3:48:06 PM): how can you not know?
three piss ants (3:48:08 PM): lol
three piss ants (3:48:14 PM): ben, whats on your mind?
hiphopanonymous5 (3:48:45 PM): lots of things
hiphopanonymous5 (3:48:49 PM): none of which i understand
three piss ants (3:48:49 PM): care to share?
hiphopanonymous5 (3:50:01 PM): not really
hiphopanonymous5 (3:50:04 PM): i want action
three piss ants (3:50:08 PM): action?
three piss ants (3:50:12 PM): come again?
hiphopanonymous5 (3:50:50 PM): like from a girl
three piss ants (3:52:07 PM): sex?
hiphopanonymous5 (3:53:48 PM): anything
three piss ants (3:54:41 PM): can you um, embellish, please? im not catching on..
hiphopanonymous5 (3:55:08 PM): i am horny
hiphopanonymous5 (3:55:10 PM): i want a girl
hiphopanonymous5 (3:55:11 PM): to get action from
three piss ants (3:55:23 PM): hmm, thats what i said...
three piss ants (3:55:28 PM): in one word....
three piss ants (3:56:09 PM): you know where you can find those girls, right?
hiphopanonymous5 (3:56:15 PM): ehh?
hiphopanonymous5 (3:56:20 PM): no
three piss ants (3:56:32 PM): street corners! *Smile*
hiphopanonymous5 (3:56:45 PM): nooo
three piss ants (3:56:49 PM): lol
three piss ants (3:56:55 PM): i didnt figure you'd want that
hiphopanonymous5 (3:57:03 PM): actually i want a girl who isn't a slut but still wears thongs
hiphopanonymous5 (3:57:06 PM): and wants me
three piss ants (3:57:24 PM): thats me right there! *Wink*
hiphopanonymous5 (3:57:58 PM): really?
three piss ants (3:58:09 PM): of course
hiphopanonymous5 (3:58:43 PM): come visit
hiphopanonymous5 (3:58:46 PM): tonite
three piss ants (3:58:48 PM): tonight?
three piss ants (3:58:50 PM): riiight
three piss ants (3:58:59 PM): all you want is play
hiphopanonymous5 (3:59:27 PM): right now yes
three piss ants (3:59:29 PM): lol
three piss ants (3:59:39 PM): well, i cant be there right now, bennie
hiphopanonymous5 (4:00:40 PM): sometime
hiphopanonymous5 (4:00:42 PM): for real
three piss ants (4:00:53 PM): for real, you say?
hiphopanonymous5 (4:00:56 PM): ?
hiphopanonymous5 (4:00:58 PM): yeah
hiphopanonymous5 (4:01:00 PM): u and me
hiphopanonymous5 (4:01:04 PM): just hook up
hiphopanonymous5 (4:01:08 PM): go as far as you want
three piss ants (4:01:16 PM): ah man
three piss ants (4:02:26 PM): sounds nice
three piss ants (4:04:55 PM): let me get this straight..
three piss ants (4:06:41 PM): you want to "hook up" as you say with me or anyone you can find, ben?
hiphopanonymous5 (4:07:02 PM): not anyone
hiphopanonymous5 (4:07:08 PM): just choice people
three piss ants (4:07:11 PM): haha
three piss ants (4:08:25 PM): aww, and im one of your choices? how special i feel
hiphopanonymous5 (4:08:37 PM): u should
hiphopanonymous5 (4:08:38 PM): lol
three piss ants (4:08:41 PM): lol
three piss ants (4:08:44 PM): yea, well
three piss ants (4:08:54 PM): you'd make the first mood, no?
three piss ants (4:09:03 PM): move*
hiphopanonymous5 (4:09:49 PM): i was hoping u would
three piss ants (4:10:11 PM): lol, why?
hiphopanonymous5 (4:11:59 PM): cause
hiphopanonymous5 (4:12:02 PM): i'm a wimp
three piss ants (4:12:17 PM): a wimp? you're not much of a wimp if you can seriously ask me to fuck you
hiphopanonymous5 (4:15:35 PM): why?
three piss ants (4:15:40 PM): why?
three piss ants (4:15:44 PM): i dunno, you're just not
hiphopanonymous5 (4:16:10 PM): well would u?
three piss ants (4:16:15 PM): would i what?
hiphopanonymous5 (4:16:34 PM): get with me?
three piss ants (4:16:51 PM): thats a very big question
three piss ants (4:18:18 PM): sure
hiphopanonymous5 (4:18:30 PM): what?
three piss ants (4:18:36 PM): sure?
hiphopanonymous5 (4:22:03 PM): since when
hiphopanonymous5 (4:22:06 PM): and why?
three piss ants (4:23:20 PM): you dont believe me?
hiphopanonymous5 (4:24:11 PM): well i dunno
three piss ants (4:24:12 PM): oh hey guess what?!
hiphopanonymous5 (4:24:16 PM): i'd like to
three piss ants (4:24:22 PM): but you dont
three piss ants (4:24:35 PM): i have a digi cam, right? i took pictures! you wanna see?
hiphopanonymous5 (4:25:29 PM): don't what?
hiphopanonymous5 (4:25:35 PM): are u naked in them?
three piss ants (4:25:45 PM): um, no...
three piss ants (4:25:48 PM): not quite...
three piss ants (4:25:59 PM): you dont believe me
hiphopanonymous5 (4:26:12 PM): i said i'd like to
three piss ants (4:26:23 PM): which sorta implies you dont??
three piss ants (4:28:57 PM): want one of me?
hiphopanonymous5 (4:30:23 PM): yeah
hiphopanonymous5 (4:30:28 PM): can u send me any naked ones?
three piss ants (4:30:33 PM): i dont have any, dear
three piss ants (4:30:48 PM): besides, none of my friends would take them anyway lol
hiphopanonymous5 (4:30:51 PM): well can u take some?
three piss ants (4:30:59 PM): how?
three piss ants (4:32:07 PM): how would one do that? lol
hiphopanonymous5 (4:32:21 PM): i dunno
hiphopanonymous5 (4:32:23 PM): u hold the camera
three piss ants (4:32:41 PM): i have short arms
three piss ants (4:32:41 PM): lol
hiphopanonymous5 (4:33:05 PM): so?
three piss ants (4:33:08 PM): so?
three piss ants (4:33:11 PM): i dont understand
hiphopanonymous5 (4:33:45 PM): u can still take some
hiphopanonymous5 (4:33:57 PM): or set it on like a delay and move out in front of it
three piss ants (4:34:30 PM): i wouldnt know how to do that
hiphopanonymous5 (4:35:11 PM): hmm...
hiphopanonymous5 (4:35:14 PM): well can u try
hiphopanonymous5 (4:35:15 PM): ?
three piss ants (4:35:24 PM): you're serious?
hiphopanonymous5 (4:35:40 PM): i dunno
hiphopanonymous5 (4:35:43 PM): if u want
hiphopanonymous5 (4:35:51 PM): it would be best if u wre here now
three piss ants (4:35:59 PM): yea, wouldnt?
hiphopanonymous5 (4:36:03 PM): we could have our own superbowl party
three piss ants (4:36:14 PM): woo hoo
three piss ants (4:36:18 PM): too bad though
hiphopanonymous5 (4:55:44 PM): find out how to e-mail it
three piss ants (4:55:52 PM): im doing just that
hiphopanonymous5 (4:56:00 PM): until then
hiphopanonymous5 (4:56:12 PM): why would u hook up and possibly have sex with me?
three piss ants (4:56:30 PM): gees, you jump from subject to subject dont you?
hiphopanonymous5 (4:58:19 PM): yeah
hiphopanonymous5 (5:03:09 PM): so anyway
hiphopanonymous5 (5:03:11 PM): ...
three piss ants (5:03:14 PM): yea...
three piss ants (5:03:15 PM): anyway
hiphopanonymous5 (5:03:53 PM): why?
three piss ants (5:03:57 PM): huh?
three piss ants (5:04:04 PM): what are you talking about?
hiphopanonymous5 (5:05:56 PM): sex
hiphopanonymous5 (5:05:59 PM): why?
three piss ants (5:06:03 PM): oh, of course
three piss ants (5:06:05 PM): sex why?
three piss ants (5:06:08 PM): why do you want sex?
three piss ants (5:06:19 PM): is that what you're asking?
hiphopanonymous5 (5:10:39 PM): no
three piss ants (5:10:43 PM): oooh...
hiphopanonymous5 (5:10:44 PM): woy in the world would u say yes to me
three piss ants (5:10:53 PM): lol
three piss ants (5:10:59 PM): you have no ego, ben?
hiphopanonymous5 (5:13:52 PM): nope
three piss ants (5:13:58 PM): sorry to hear that
three piss ants (5:23:18 PM): anyway..
hiphopanonymous5 (5:23:36 PM): sex
hiphopanonymous5 (5:23:39 PM): why?
three piss ants (5:23:40 PM): oh yea...
three piss ants (5:23:44 PM): sex why?
three piss ants (5:23:45 PM): um...
hiphopanonymous5 (5:23:45 PM): or are u messing with me?
three piss ants (5:24:01 PM): ben, theres one thing i have figured out
hiphopanonymous5 (5:25:26 PM): which is?
three piss ants (5:25:42 PM): i care about you too much to fuck with your head
hiphopanonymous5 (5:26:59 PM): which means?
three piss ants (5:27:11 PM): figure it out
hiphopanonymous5 (5:27:38 PM): i dunno
three piss ants (5:27:51 PM): hmm
three piss ants (5:30:09 PM): honey, what im saying is im not fucking with your head
hiphopanonymous5 (5:31:19 PM): so exactly what are your plans?
three piss ants (5:32:07 PM): not sure. what are you yours?
hiphopanonymous5 (5:33:02 PM): i would love to get with u right now
hiphopanonymous5 (5:33:08 PM): and do whatever you'd let me
three piss ants (5:34:45 PM): well, i dont doubt that
three piss ants (5:34:58 PM): everyone loves hilary
hiphopanonymous5 (5:36:29 PM): so now
hiphopanonymous5 (5:36:34 PM): what exactly are your plans?
three piss ants (5:37:01 PM): not sure...i never see you, ben
hiphopanonymous5 (5:38:50 PM): but if u did
three piss ants (5:38:52 PM): and besides, itd have to happen for me to know...
three piss ants (5:38:59 PM): im not sure
three piss ants (5:39:00 PM): though
hiphopanonymous5 (5:40:04 PM): yeah, i figured
three piss ants (5:40:14 PM): whats that mean?
hiphopanonymous5 (5:40:18 PM): i dunno
hiphopanonymous5 (5:40:23 PM): i dunno much anymore
three piss ants (5:43:35 PM): you do know, but ok
hiphopanonymous5 (5:44:52 PM): do know what?
three piss ants (5:44:58 PM): you know what you meant
hiphopanonymous5 (5:46:33 PM): actually i didn't
three piss ants (5:46:40 PM): then, whyd you say that?
hiphopanonymous5 (5:46:43 PM): it just seems like the way things are going right now tho
three piss ants (5:46:51 PM): huh?
hiphopanonymous5 (5:52:14 PM): cause it seems like the way things are going right now
three piss ants (5:52:20 PM): what way?
hiphopanonymous5 (5:52:23 PM): i know we'll never hook up
hiphopanonymous5 (5:52:26 PM): i doubt u even want to
hiphopanonymous5 (5:52:29 PM): bad
hiphopanonymous5 (5:52:30 PM): down
hiphopanonymous5 (5:52:33 PM): whatever u want
hiphopanonymous5 (5:52:35 PM): sucky
hiphopanonymous5 (5:52:39 PM): i dunno
hiphopanonymous5 (5:52:46 PM): things just suck right now
hiphopanonymous5 (5:52:50 PM): everything
three piss ants (5:53:19 PM): well im sorry
hiphopanonymous5 (5:55:31 PM): me too
hiphopanonymous5 (5:55:40 PM): and sorry to bother u with it
three piss ants (5:55:45 PM): bother?
hiphopanonymous5 (5:55:53 PM): and try to bring u into whatever i think i want or need
three piss ants (5:56:57 PM): what do you mean?
hiphopanonymous5 (5:59:14 PM): like i want to hook up really bad
hiphopanonymous5 (5:59:27 PM): and i think it'd be great with u since you seem to be the only girl who cares
hiphopanonymous5 (5:59:33 PM): but it's low of me to try to do that to you
hiphopanonymous5 (5:59:39 PM): so i'm sorry
three piss ants (6:00:10 PM): hmm..
three piss ants (6:01:32 PM): so..
three piss ants (6:01:35 PM): i have a question...
three piss ants (6:01:37 PM): sorta..
hiphopanonymous5 (6:01:57 PM): ok
three piss ants (6:03:18 PM): why dont you try seeing what the girls want instead of just what you want, maybe its not always sex lol....i dont know many girls who arent "loose" that would want sex from some guy...
hiphopanonymous5 (6:03:37 PM): because i have
hiphopanonymous5 (6:03:43 PM): and every time i have i've gotten burned
hiphopanonymous5 (6:03:48 PM): it's a pisser
three piss ants (6:04:04 PM): you're probably looking at the wrong people then.
hiphopanonymous5 (6:06:19 PM): how do u mean?
three piss ants (6:06:49 PM): what girls have you dated in like the past year? or wanted to?
hiphopanonymous5 (6:08:39 PM): only a few
hiphopanonymous5 (6:08:47 PM): and the most recent one just burned me
three piss ants (6:08:53 PM): what was she like?
hiphopanonymous5 (6:08:58 PM): said she needed to find herself or something
hiphopanonymous5 (6:09:02 PM): she was chill
hiphopanonymous5 (6:09:05 PM): i liked her
three piss ants (6:09:11 PM): conceited? stuck up? cool? nice?
three piss ants (6:09:12 PM): tell me
hiphopanonymous5 (6:09:15 PM): and occasionally wanted to fool around
hiphopanonymous5 (6:09:26 PM): like without me pushing her to
three piss ants (6:09:32 PM): how nice
three piss ants (6:09:47 PM): well why did she "burn" you?
hiphopanonymous5 (6:11:45 PM): i dunno
hiphopanonymous5 (6:11:50 PM): apparently i suck as a b/f
three piss ants (6:11:53 PM): she didnt give you a reason?
three piss ants (6:12:03 PM): what do you mean, you suck?
hiphopanonymous5 (6:14:51 PM): she said she wanted some time to work some of her own things out
hiphopanonymous5 (6:15:05 PM): and whenever i try to be a good b/f i get dumped
hiphopanonymous5 (6:15:15 PM): it's better to be a dick and get action
three piss ants (6:15:53 PM): hmm, if you say so
three piss ants (6:17:05 PM): how long were you with her?
hiphopanonymous5 (6:18:37 PM): on and off for a year or so
three piss ants (6:18:49 PM): yea well
three piss ants (6:18:54 PM): i dont know what to tell you
three piss ants (6:19:53 PM): just dont try so hard
three piss ants (6:20:10 PM): at getting sex, i mean
hiphopanonymous5 (6:20:48 PM): well i wasn't
hiphopanonymous5 (6:20:53 PM): and look where it got me?
three piss ants (6:21:03 PM): where'd it get you?
hiphopanonymous5 (6:21:18 PM): nowhere
hiphopanonymous5 (6:21:19 PM): burned
three piss ants (6:21:28 PM): dude, you'll get eventually
three piss ants (6:21:42 PM): there are other people outside of pennsylvania
hiphopanonymous5 (6:22:31 PM): i know
hiphopanonymous5 (6:22:39 PM): but i figure my string of luck will continue
hiphopanonymous5 (6:22:59 PM): so i'll just ask for sex and get the same place as before, without the emotional attachment
three piss ants (6:24:46 PM): i dont know what to tell you anymore
three piss ants (6:24:49 PM): i never knew
three piss ants (6:25:10 PM): <sigh>
hiphopanonymous5 (6:25:24 PM): never knew?
hiphopanonymous5 (6:25:27 PM): what do u mean?
three piss ants (6:25:45 PM): i have nothing of comfort or wisdom to tell you.
three piss ants (6:25:50 PM): nothing i can say will help you
hiphopanonymous5 (6:27:34 PM): sorry
three piss ants (6:27:42 PM): why?
hiphopanonymous5 (6:30:54 PM): cause this isn't your problem at all
hiphopanonymous5 (6:30:59 PM): and i brought it on you kinda
hiphopanonymous5 (6:31:01 PM): sorry
three piss ants (6:31:04 PM): yea well
hiphopanonymous5 (6:31:05 PM): i like u, hilary
hiphopanonymous5 (6:31:21 PM): i shouldn't have tried to suck u into my life
three piss ants (6:31:58 PM): but if we're friends, then why cant i know whats happening?
hiphopanonymous5 (6:32:50 PM): u do know
hiphopanonymous5 (6:32:52 PM): but i don't
three piss ants (6:33:41 PM): that sounds cool
three piss ants (6:37:05 PM): have you ever played golf?
hiphopanonymous5 (6:37:28 PM): yes
three piss ants (6:37:56 PM): you any good?
hiphopanonymous5 (6:38:17 PM): sometimes
three piss ants (6:38:45 PM): oh?
hiphopanonymous5 (6:42:31 PM): sometimes not
three piss ants (6:42:54 PM): im playing golf next year
hiphopanonymous5 (6:43:06 PM): why?
three piss ants (6:43:13 PM): because its cool
three piss ants (6:43:21 PM): and i am just so damn cool
hiphopanonymous5 (6:43:28 PM): yes u r
three piss ants (6:43:36 PM): ha, you're just saying that
hiphopanonymous5 (6:43:53 PM): no u r
three piss ants (6:44:02 PM): well, i know i am
three piss ants (6:44:30 PM): we've been talking a long time, ben
hiphopanonymous5 (6:45:30 PM): yeah
three piss ants (6:53:28 PM): im going to go in a moment
hiphopanonymous5 (6:54:06 PM): ok
hiphopanonymous5 (6:54:09 PM): me too
hiphopanonymous5 (6:54:11 PM): shortly
three piss ants (6:54:18 PM): its nice talking to you again
hiphopanonymous5 (6:54:24 PM): yeah
hiphopanonymous5 (6:54:26 PM): same here
hiphopanonymous5 (6:54:32 PM): lemme know if u get ne nude pics
three piss ants (6:54:46 PM): you could never get them even if i do...did...
hiphopanonymous5 (6:55:21 PM): y not?
three piss ants (6:55:29 PM): didnt we already try this?
hiphopanonymous5 (6:56:00 PM): well if u could e-mail them...
three piss ants (6:56:11 PM): yes, if....but i dunno how thats gonna work out..
three piss ants (6:56:14 PM): ill try it some more though
hiphopanonymous5 (6:56:38 PM): thanks
three piss ants (6:56:42 PM): lol
three piss ants (6:56:43 PM): ok
three piss ants (6:56:56 PM): im gonna go now
hiphopanonymous5 (6:57:56 PM): k
hiphopanonymous5 (6:57:57 PM): later
three piss ants (6:58:00 PM): bye bye

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