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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/241870-Cradle-Mountian
by Circe
Rated: 18+ · Book · Friendship · #589633
This would be my journal...
#241870 added May 17, 2003 at 2:54am
Restrictions: None
Cradle Mountian
A little journal of Roise and Laura's b'day party in a cabin up in Cradle Mountian.

Day One

Drove to Rosie's where I managed to scare everyone with my apparently
uninfectious enthusiasm. Then we left for the cabin- no one opted to sit next
to me and Laura got stuck with the spot. I was in charge of junk food so has managed to squish it in all in with my stuff.

There was a longish ride up in which Laura and I, Being the appointed
Backseatees (Which sounds like a band but never mind) occasionally piped up with
"Are we there yet?"

Rose tried to get us to join a rousing game of Eye-spy but became increasingly
frustrated when a certain backseatee would never naming anything unrelated to
LotR. This meant games went like this:

"Something beginning with B"

"Umm, Boromir?"

"No, I can see it."


"No, Circe! It's in the car."

"Brandywine Bridge?"

"No! It has nothing to do with Middle Earth!"

"Err, Brandybuck?"

And so forth. Laura kept yelling out 'Chickens' with slight variations so we had occasionally had
'hickens!' 'bickens!' 'kickens!'

Deb remained mostly silent but did join in our conversations about Giant Killer
Penises roaming through the trees. (Don't ask- I can't remember why that became
a topic either...)

We stopped in Wilmont where people were scared of my obsessing over a church. Deb assumed I wanted to burn it down.

Finally arrived at the cabin by driving down very thin and scary roads. (Was
told AS WE DROVE that a bus had fallen down the hill right next to us.

Cabin pretty. Beds cabiny. Animals pretty. Saw possums, wombats and wallabies.
Smoke detector was hyperactive and went insane everytime we cooked. Annoying.

Rosie's college chums much scared of me and my LotR obsession. They are much
more with the Harry Potterness. Spent night one playing with the scary naked
cards and then drinking a very much. Rosie and I were the only one not drunk of
ours faces. I stayed in cabin with Renee (HP obsessed college chum) and we
wrote a poem. Which I can remember one verse of so here it is:

Draco is cool
Draco is hot
If you don't like it
Then drown in your snot.

We are true artists.

Drunken fellowship returns to cabin. Deb and Laura have mysteriously picked up
a bright orange traffic cone somewhere and Laura asks if I have any pot. I
have to reply that I do not. Laura sad. And drunk.

Turns out groups only came back to steal the alcohol that Renee and I had left
before stumbling out again. Renee has mysteriously been replaced by Pam who
buggered her ankle of said drunken walk. We proceed to have a confusing
discussion of auras before everyone returns and talks very loudly. Laura and I discover wee have a poltergeist called Ben.

People came home and feel into bed all drunk with Laura insisting that I really
was the Slayer and that I fought demons. I told her that I wasn't which
resulted in much sulking on her part.

Day Two

Woke up in middle of the night very thirsty from immense amounts of vodka.

Room- pitch black. Power- not on. Bunk- quite high.

Finally struggled down from annoyingly difficult bunk but not before waking Rosie
AND Laura. Deb snoring. Rosie gave me a torch and I sneaked like a little bunny
and had 4 glasses of water. Sneaked back to bed and managed to throw myself
back onto bunk. Everyone got settled and I realised I was still thirsty.
Decided I would rather die of thirst than actually move so stayed in bed.

Must have fallen asleep because when I next opened my eyes it was all sunny.
Everyone awake but me. Most people showered but me. Me wants to stay in bed but
the smell of cooking bacon and it's accompanying sound of the insane fire alarm
drag me out of bed. Almost fall on my butt.

Wander out and my frequent calls of 'Tomatos, sausages nice crisp bacon!' are
met by scared looks from HP fans and gentle but she's-lost-it smiles from Laura
and Rosie.

I refrain from having a shower for as long as possible because that would mean
leaving my spot but the fire. Finally grab my stuff and go after being assured
to the 'lovely warm heater!' I will find.

Shower soooo warm and nice (esp. since out shower at home is buggered and is
about as powerful and someone dribbling a sponge over you.) Get out of shower
to find that 'lovely warm heater!' is not working. Try to turn it on again.
Click. nope. click. nope. click. nope. Me, standing cold and naked, finally
realised that the power had been turned off about 15 minutes ago. Me dressed
very quickly and ran back to cabin. Deb greeted me with, 'You look cold.'

I entertain notions of the LotR boys staying next door and work on my pickup
lines. not very successful. Rosie said it would never happen. Am hurt. Wait
patiently for annoying American family with annoying whiny kids to leave.

Pam, drunken aura girl, has an swollen ankle from her Drunken Stumbling
Adventures so Jen (college chum) and Rosie decide to go get the ranger. Me
very excited at the mention of 'ranger' and ask is it will be Aragorn. Am given
an eyerolling from most people but Rosie smiles with a 'hope so!'

So they go and we wait. Sit in the bedroom with injured party and talk.
Discover that not only haven't college chums read the LotR but they found it
BORING! Am very hurt. They start to talk about Sean Biggerstaff and
I mention that I must be the only on who doesn't find him all that hot. Deb
buts it with 'yeah, but the only people you like are Elijah Wood and Josh
Hartnett!' There is a loud uproar and I have no time to change that gross
misjudgement. I don't obsess over Mr. Hartnett anymore and I don't think I'd
ever SLEEP with Mr. Wood. Am hurt by the lack of mention of Mr. Bloom and Mr.
Mortenson also, Boyd and Monaghan and the many other cuties!

hours later Rosie still not back. My suspicious mind suspects that they really
did find Aragorn and will probably never return. If Rosie has stolen Aragorn
I'm going to whack her with my staff!

Rosie finally returns bearing ice. Tells us tale of how she was made to run
around. went like this:

They went up to visitor centre. Visitor centre told them to go to ranger place.
Ranger place had ranger who came out to the car to see injured party. was
informed injured party hadn't be brought and to go to the restaurant at the
visitor centre and get some ice and bandages. Went back to visitor centre and
got ice. was informed to get bandages from ranger. went back to ranger and got
bandages and headed back to cabin. Road to our cabin was closed and they had to
walk to get back to cabin.

I've drawn a map :

*Frown* Ranger place
*Frown*road to cabin
*Frown*Visitor centre

*Smile* cabin

Everyone but Pam and Renee went out to Dove Lake. Lake not actually a
dove but still very, very pretty. Walked around and it was very nice. Drunk the
water and it was nummy. One of the tiny beaches looked like the beach at Amon
Hen and I couldn't resist 'Something draws near I can feel it.' Rosie replied
with 'Is is just me or is Circe kinda gay?'

Kept walking and fell into character our Middle Earth characters. Ellwyn/Rosie was trying to get me to help her
kill her cousin (Eowyn) and then she'd help me kill mine (Arwen). My replies that I liked my
cousin fell on deaf ears. Humans. Rosie took a photo of us on the worryingly
names 'Suicide Rock' so I can proved I walked the 7 Km. Yay me!

We went home with no more alcohol left. Played some board games and then went to sleep after reading The Quivering Elrond. People Afraid. Next morning we back up and shipped out.

*~*~*~ Circe ~*~*~*

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"Begone, if you be not deathless! For living or dark undead, I will smite you, if you touch him."-Eowyn -RotK

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My Fantasy Novel

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© Copyright 2003 Circe (UN: circe at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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