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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/246445-Early-Morning
Rated: 13+ · Book · Teen · #539698
The thought's of a troubled girl.
#246445 added August 23, 2003 at 3:02pm
Restrictions: None
Early Morning
This weekend was good. We spent Saturday afternoon at my friends house. I mostly just sat around, but I did go into the swimming pool! That night my parents went out, and I stayed home with my lil' bro, and my aunt. They came home late. My dad's friend from Louisiana had come in earlier that day, so he also went out with them. I sat with him in the living room, talking at 3:30 in the friken morning for about thirty minutes. I finally went to bed around 4:10.

The next day, (Sunday) I wasn't feeling well. So mostly I slept and did nothing. I didn't feel like eating and every time I sat up my head started throbbing. It got so bad one time that I couldn't see, everything was black, and it was like my head WAS my heart. It hurt so bad. But, I slept it off. I finally ate some chicken, although not a lot.

I went back to sleep around 9:00 at night. But, with all the EXTRA sleep I had got I guess my body didn't want to sleep anymore. Because I woke up at one in the morning and couldn't fall back asleep. I was feeling better so I didn't mind. I decided to wait till 5:30 and go and watch the sunset.

So around 5:15 I sneaked outsite in my pajama shirt and some shorts, and my slippers. The morning air was cool, and it felt sooo good. The grass was wet with morning dew, so I of course couldn't sit on the ground. I ended up sitting on the tool-box of my dad's car, on top of a shirt. Because, the truck was also wet.

I sat there, curled up in a ball and just took in my surrounds. Early morning is beautiful. The sky was a light blue, and the tempurature was perfect. Birds were chirping, but not enough to drive you insane. Just enough to soothe me. I didn't really think about anything. I just sat there, perfectly calm and collected.

I do remember, however, wishing that my girlfriend was there with me. I lost myself in blankness, and just stared out at my surrounding. Again, early morning is absolutely beautiful and charming.

Well, from my spot on my dad's truch I couldn't see the sunset because trees, a fence and a house was in the way. So I walked to the front yard and just stood there. I couldn't see the sun, but only the yellow gleam that came from it. I wanted sooo much to climb on top of my neighbors roof, where I would've had a perfect view. But I settled for where I was.

Probably about the third time since I had walked outside I really wished my girlfriend was there. Watching the sun rise made me feel different. More energetic and calm. I wanted to take her in my arms, and never let go. I wanted to tell her I loved her and that I'd always love her no matter what happened to us.

Standing in my front yard, a sent my love to her. I stood there for about ten more minutes before realizing that I would actually have a better view from my back porch. So, I walked back there. I had gotten a book out to read while I was sitting outside.

I sat in a chair, and began to read. The sun rays were visible in the corner of my eye. I don't know how long I read for, but when I looked up I could see the sun completely. I smiled to myself and just stared at it (not directly) for awhile.

Then, I decided it was time to go back in. It was 6:45 when I checked the clock when I got back into the house. I had been out there for a hour and a half! I hadn't realized time had flown by so past. I made myself breakfast and sat around as the rest of the house woke up. They didn't ask why I was up so early, and I didn't tell them.

Although I didn't get to see it fully, the sunrise was amazing. Today I've felt more...happy...I guess is the word. Tommorrow (most likely Wednesday, cause I got something to do tommorrow evening) I'm gonna pull out a blanket, set it in the grass, sit down, asnd watch the sunset. I know that I'll be able to see that more clearly. I wonder what emotions the sunset will bring out it me. Hmmmmmmm....I guess I'll just have to see and find out.

Taste the Dark Side of the Rainbow!

"What would you do if Death stared you in the face? Would you run and hide? Or take it with pride?"

Merry Meet and Blessed Be

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