Announcements pertaining to Writing.Com! |
Greeting Members! This notice only applies to members who setup accounts before 1/1/03 and have used their @Stories.Com email address with offsite resources. ** Please Remember To Update Email Addresses! ** If you are still using your OLD @Stories.Com email address anywhere, this is a reminder that email service for @Stories.Com addresses will end on 12/31/03. If other services have your email address in the @Stories.Com form, your time to update them is running out. We are turning these addresses off since the 12 month grace period will be over and the vast majority of incoming SPAM email is being sent to these old @Stories.Com addresses. Removing them from the system will eliminate hundreds of thousands of spam mails each month and save our servers a lot of work. We've been including this in each ANNOUNCEMENT for the last few months, but I wanted to take a moment to highlight it on its own since there is less than one month left! If you are using an @Stories.Com email address with any service, your time to update that to an @Writing.Com address is running out! Thanks and Happy Holidays! ~~ SM