Announcements pertaining to Writing.Com! |
Greetings Members, First, thanks for your extended patiences as I work out some final bugs in this system. You all have been really wonderful and supportive through this upgrade and we really do appreciate that! As I went to email the newsletters last evening, which were late to go out because of the upgrade, I "chose poorly" the means in which an updated newsletter mailing script would deliver the letters while taking member email quotas into account. Previously, the emails were placed right into member email directories by a script, by-passing the actual action of emailing them and saving much load on the server. In trying to email them, I managed to clog the email server with over 100,000 newsletters! This led to slowed email. I have corrected the problem with newsletters so we should not have this problem again on Wednesday(s). Unfortunately, however, while I was working to correct the problem, I made a couple of changes. One of those changes did manage to force all email to Writing.Com members to bounce back to the sender with a mailbox not found message. The bouncing of email was happening from approx 2pm this afternoon until just before Midnight today. It is now corrected. (The change didn't effect the soon-to-disappear Stories.Com email addresses, so you may have received some spam during this period.) If you sent mail from your Writing.Com email account to another member, the messages about the email failure most likely would have failed to make it back to you as well. You can venture into your "Sent Mail" folder and resend anything you'd like to. Please be sure to visit your "My FeedBack" area to see if you received any reviews today. Reviews will have been lost in an email "vortex", as will have survey response notifications and other "from Writing.Com" automated emails. I sincerely appologize for the problems today and for the extended length of time this upgrade has taken. I am fairly sure that my next NOTICE will be tomorrow afternoon/evening letting everyone know we're completely done and back to normal. Thanks again for your patience and have a wonderful holiday season! ~~SM