Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/299336-Caring-for-the-Widow-Allen
Rated: 13+ · Book · Mystery · #870102
Micro fiction containing a touch of horror, mystery, fantasy, and science fiction.
#299336 added July 21, 2016 at 8:20pm
Restrictions: None
Caring for the Widow Allen
Charles sighed at the tinkling of Mrs. Allen's summoning bell. He rose from his seat at the computer, Mrs. Allen's long-dead husband's bulky leather chair crinkling beneath his movements.

He would've quit as her butler years ago, but he was enjoying himself far too much, lately, to even consider departing now.

On his way to her bedroom, he retrieved a serving tray from the kitchen.

Mrs. Allen snacked on finger sandwiches on Mondays. On Wednesdays, she craved sweetbread. Fridays were reserved for devilled eyeballs.

After caring for the widow, Charles settled back into his seat, returning his gaze to the live video of the fingerless man trapped in the basement.


110 words

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