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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/300616-Shhh
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #464720
You supply the reading. I'll supply the writing.
#300616 added August 2, 2004 at 4:38am
Restrictions: None
As Elmer Fudd would say...

Be vairwee, vairwee quwiette...

I don't want to draw attention to myself since I didn't renew my upgrade. I'm trying to keep a low profile. So far so good.

I think it's been almost two years since I wasn't upgraded. I'm just now noticing my port and the screens and how different everything looks. I see a lot more ads...and I do sorta miss my stats button...and the folders were nifty...and no doubt there'll be oodles of other things too but for now I can live with it. Having said that...I hope this entry gets posted. I spent hour after countless hour, copying and saving all my items, emails and entries so I'd be ready for this day. I've copied each of my journal entries, (what a pain), just in case this gets kidnapped and deleted. I hope not. There's been over 1,700 views to this thing in the 2+ years it's been here. I used to get quite a few hits a day but understandably not since I haven't been posting very often.

Hopefully I'll continue to rotate one of my five items, (the one posted first in my port), on a daily basis, (or so). I've already rotated several items there already...one of which was never posted here before. (Too late. It's already been deleted)

I'm now wondering if I should post a link on my trivia site blurb box to this port. I used to be a regular to several other sites, (one on a daily basis), but these days it's basically just here and the trivia site for me...oh and the porno sites too of course. I can't go very long without paying a visit to the Fun With Farm Critters site. *Bigsmile*

Actually I love animals...really I do but NOT in that kinda way. I consider myself a very open minded kinda guy but that's just sick! Those kind of sites and the kiddie porn sites are beneath contempt. I know it takes all kinds to make the world go round but that's way beyond sleazy. Animals and kids are my two main causes. I've always rooted for the underdog and you can't get much more underdogged than animals and kids. May God protect them all.

I just bought some shorbet(sp?) last night. I can't remember the last time I bought shorbet...hang on a sec. I'll run down and check the freezer.

I'm back. It's spelled Sorbet. Mmmm it's good. I often will go off certain types of foods only to rediscover them much later and then wonder why I went off them in the first place. Probably has something to do with being a vegetarian. It was VERY hard at first becoming a veggie...and still can be at times. It was hard to get excited about food when I could no longer eat 75% of my favourites things My turkey dinners with all the trimmings became just the trimmings. Yummmm. There are places I now never eat at anymore. For quite a while I lost interest in food but it's slowly coming back. Mitchell, (my veggie son who inspired me to become one too), drinks a LOT of soya milk and is waaaay more into vegetarianism than I am. I still drink milk and eat cheese and LOTS of ice cream...but there's no milk in sorbet. There's finally getting more veggie stuff to choose from at our local grocery stores. Unfortunately I've also discovered there's a LOT of junk food out there that fills the meat/fish/poultry/seafood/etc/etc/etc void. All this talk about food has made me hungry. I think some sorbet with all the trimmings will cure that nicely.

See ya

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