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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/328882-Woooooo
Rated: 18+ · Book · None · #488496
Only rule you must follow if you know me: You can't get mad at me for what I write.
#328882 added February 17, 2005 at 4:18am
Restrictions: None
Ok, so Valentine's Day was awesome. I slept and lounged around pretty much all day till bowling. There's a new pinball game in town and I have to say, I'm not fond of it. I mean, c'mon, I'm going from high speed car chases to gophers? Bullshit. It'll take some getting used to, but it'll work out in the end. I bowled...you know what? I forget what I bowled. I just know it wasn't my average. Just when it was getting up there too...

After bowling I went home to get all ready to visit Tara. I put my present together and wrote out my card. It was all set and ready to go. On the way down there I went through all my CD's to get all the love song ones together. When I got to the Daily Grind, she wasn't statuing, so that took a little fun out of it. I was hoping to catch her statuing so I could publicly embarass her by giving her her presents and reading my cards out loud. Woulda been funny as hell.

I gave her my present (My heart shaped box filled with Starburst) and she loved it. She thought all the cards were cute too. I didn't get quite the reaction I was hoping for, but we were in a coffee shop and she was with someone she knew, so it's understandable. After the Daily Grind closed, we went to my car and listened to love songs for about 2-3 hours. It was fantastic. Then I went home and went to sleep.

Woke up and had work at 9. Can't remember much of that day at work except one thing. I asked Julianne in bakeshop how her Valentine's Day went and she said she didn't get anything. Shocked and appauled, I went into action. I went over to the card aisle and picked out the cutest card I could find and gave it to her. She seemed pretty happy about it. It was a good time.

After work consisted of me playing Warcraft and me and Ashton climbing the mountains at Circuit City. Also some other manly things like moving ice boulders and pissing off the edge of the mountain. Good times.

Today work was good. I-sha-han (spelt wrong, but that's the way it's pronounced)was closing, so that was a good time. I got to tell her all about my time in college and such. It was fun. After work I went home and joined Derek's guild on Warcraft. All I have to say is that no one on there can take a joke. Here's the story:

So I join the guild and Derek introduces me "Hey! This is Nick Vaughan! He's my boss!" And I get a lot of "Who?"'s and "Who's that?"'s. I reply, trying to be funny to lighten the mood, "Who am I? I'm the New Messiah for the world!" I figured since my character name is 'NewMessiah' they'd all think, "Oh, haha, funny, he's cool." But nooo. I get, "Prove it." And what other funny way to prove it than saying, "I proved it to your mom last night ;o)" Bzzz! Wrong. I get a bunch of "..." replies. So the kid comes back with, "Oh yeah, well what's her name?" So I reply, "Didn't catch it, I was just in and out if ya catch my drift! BaaaaZING!" Still, all I get is "..." Derek whispers to me and tells me to shut up or else people are going to start leaving the guild. Now what the fuck is this about? A little mild humor is not acceptable in a game? I mean, what the fuck? A few other jokes came and went and I still get no replies, these people absolutely suck. Take a fucking joke, will you?

Anyways, that's about it.

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