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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #464720
You supply the reading. I'll supply the writing.
#335219 added March 18, 2005 at 1:40am
Restrictions: None
Just For You
I'm pressed for time right now. I'm ALWAYS pressed for time. I have a million things to do. So many now that I'm becoming swamped. I feel like pressing the reset button and starting from fresh again. I didn't use to be like this. Believe it or not I used to be very organized. To the point of being anal even. I made up schedules for myself. What I wanted to get accomplished each month, week and day. I even had each 24 hours broken down into 4 fifteen minutes "periods" so I could stay on schedule. Sheeesh! Inevitably something would frig up my carefully laid out plans. I like spontinaity, being silly and carefree but I can certainly use more order in my life right now.

I can't remember if I mentioned "ever neat" before here in my journal or not. Someone commented about that phrase in an email to me recently. Various people have brought it to my attention since I've been using the internet. I honestly don't know if other Canadians say "ever neat" or not. I don't even know if I say it often or not. Maybe "ever neat" is something only I go around saying? Ever neat! *Bigsmile* (I doubt it though) I used to have a bad habit of saying "yeah" when I was younger. I think it was "yeah". Maybe it was "ouch"...or "sorry"...or "put the money in the bag and noone gets hurt". One of those. It's also been brought to my attention I say "anyways" quite a bit. How ignorant. Somebody will be talking to me and I'll come out with "anyways". I remember "anyways" coz somebody said I had to remove one piece of clothing each time I said it to her. Within a few mintes I was barely dressed. I wasn't doing it on purpose either. I never realized I said it so often. With writing I can edit out my mistakes. I sometimes get silly and say stupid stuff out of the blue in real life and get all kinds of odd looks. People in real life expect the same boring behaviour and greetings ad nauseum. Do something out of the ordinary and it's like you're frigging with the laws of nature. This isn't what I wanted to write about even. AL wanted me to write more entries. She seemed somewhat curious about the last entry...the Hot Sweaty Sex one. She wanted more info about the fruit stand. Shame on you Anna-Lisa. Shame, shame, shame.

So then, For Anna-Lisa and all the other naughty minds out there, this is my fruit stand story...(but with a twist) (I like twists) (not turns) (I've taken some bad turns in the past) (I prefer twists) Some things are better left to the imagination. Don't you agree? Well too bad if you don't. You're going to have to figure this one out for yourself. If you're the sort who doesn't like a mystery then you'll probably not be interested in this...






Gary's Fruit Stand Story

It was the other day. I hadn't planned on going to the fruit stand. No, I had planned on going to the...

1/ The bowling alley. (To continue go to #5)
2/ The barber. (Go to #6)
3/ The grocery store. (Go to #7)
4/ The car parts counter. (Go to #8)

5/ Yup. I had planned on going to the bowling alley. I couldn't wait to try on all the different rental shoes. There's something very satisfying about slipping on a pair of shoes several hundred complete strangers have worn before me. Awwww *Heart* Just thinking about it makes my toes curl. After my 4th or 5th pair, I happened to glance over several allies and noticed...

9/ A gorgeous blond (Go to #13)
10/ 3 flight attendants (Go to #14)
11/ Harold (Go to #15)
12/ Nothing. I noticed nothing. I was too busy trying on rental shoes (Go to #16)

6/ Yes, I had planned on going to the barber. I have a female barber. Apparently she won't cut women's hair. I suppose she's a sexist barber but I don't care. I usually like how she cuts my hair...but this day things were different. She...

17/ Had gone out of business (Go to #21)
18/ Had her arm in a sling (Go to #22)
19/ Had another barber working with her. (Go to #23)
20/ Beckoned me to step into her room out back. (Go to #24)

7/ Yup, I was on my way to the grocery store. I often go to the grocery store, especially when I'm getting low on groceries. This day was different though. This day my grocery store was...

31/ Closed because of the holiday. (Go to #25)
32/ Crammed full of visiting female hockey players (Go to #26)
33/ All out of brocolli (Go to #27)
34/ Under new management (Go to #28)

8/ Oh yes...the car parts counter. I had planned to visit my local auto parts store. What fun. There's nothing quite as pleasing as waiting in line to buy car parts. Today's visit was a tad different though coz there in front of me in line was...

9/ A gorgeous blond (Go to #9)
10/ 3 flight attendants (Go to #10)
11/ Harold (Go to #11)
35/ Noone. I noticed noone. I was too busy thinking about buying car parts (Go to #4)

17/ Yes my female barber had gone out of business. Bummer. I suppose it was bound to happen someday. I had let my hair grow recently. It was longer than it had been in years. What was I to do? "I know!" a brilliant idea suddenly struck me. I should...

36/ Go to another barber (Go to #29)
37/ Forget about getting my haircut (Go to #30)
11/ Go visit Harold (Go to #11)
9/ Follow that gorgeous blond who just walked by (Go to #9)

34/ Yes. It was true. My beloved grocery store was under new management! I was devastated. My convienent munchie and cat food place wouldn't be the same! Maybe those rumours about the tainted milk and rancid meat were true? That might explain my sudden loss of hair and teeth lately. With this startling development, I decided to...

1/ Go bowling (Go to #1)
39/ Go to another grocery store (Go to #62)
2/ Go get my hair cut (Go to #2)
40/ Die(Go to #99)

13/ Yes. She was blond and she was gorgeous. I'm a hair guy myself. That's what I notice first. Burnettes usually get my attention first but this blond was just too gorgeous to overlook. I summoned up the courage, tapped her on the shoulder and asked...

41/ What her name was (Go to #76)
1/ If she'd like to go bowling (Go to #1)
42/ I'm hungry (Go to #78)
43/ I need a life (Go to #145)

14/ Yup...3 flight attendants. All looking mouth wateringly good in their spiffy flight attendant uniforms. Yummm. Being the weak willed male that I am, I...

1/ Asked them if they'd like to go bowling (Go to #88)
44/ Asked them if they'd like to have hot sweaty sex (Go to #222)
11/ Asked them if they knew Harold (Go to #11)
40/ Died (Go to #40)

15/ Oh yes...Harold. I'm not sure how the Hell Harold got into my fruit stand story but he's outa here as of now. I don't want to give off the wrong vibes. I've already gotten more than my fair share of poetry reviews from other guys. To each his own, but other guys just don't do it for me. Sorry Harold.

16/ Nothing. I noticed nothing. I was too busy trying on rental shoes. Have I sunk so low? HEY! How come you'd think this was how I'd get my jollies? Sheeeesh! What must you think of me? Yes I sometimes dress up in my chicken suit with the rubber legs and egg folk's houses, but that doesn't mean I'm a freak does it?

Yikes!!!!!!!!! What have I gotten myself into????? This is crazy. All these options and trying to match up the proper numbers with the right answer. I've spent over an hour on this drivel. I have real life stuff that needs attending to. I should never have started this. I'll have to leave you in suspence then Anna-Lisa. Sorry. Gotta scoot.


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