humorous and serious observations of life |
I've been watching the news with interest as the subject of 'Christmas' has been hotly debated. And, I must admit to some confusion. People from all over the world have immigrated to this country because of the freedom it offered, especially freedom of religion. Now it seems that any religion is allowed except Christianity. The Chinese celebrate their Chinese New Year, the Hispanics celebrate Cinco de Mayo, the blacks Kwanzaa (which is just a made-up holiday started by a Marxist black rebel in the 60's), the Muslims celebrate Ramadan and the list goes on and on. But, Americans are not allowed to celebrate Christmas. It seems that it might offend someone. I don't understand this at all. Is this not our country and our traditions? Are we not entitled to the same 'freedoms' as people who flock here seeking freedom? Why should people who immigrate here be offended by our religious holidays? If they are so offensive why did they come here at all? They should have gone somewhere else, some place that would be less offensive to them. And, the most confusing part of all of this is why Americans don't stand up to this and say "NO". We are letting politcal correctness erode our freedoms slowly but surely. Freedom for all means FREEDOM FOR ALL! I fear we may fall to the same siren song of expediency that has destroyed others. The course of least resistance is the fast track to chaos and collapse. Did we learn nothing from World War II? Hitler decided to rid Europe of all segments of society he considered inferior including the retarded, the infirm and elderly, political rivals, Jews and Gypsies. He did this with a simple three step program. l. Alienate 2. Isolate 3. Terminate And the world sat quietly and tried to appease him until they finally realized that he was coming after them next. Then we were plunged into a world war. I guess this is not so much about Christmas as it is about freedom. Freedom to exercise our rights to religion. Freedom to express ourselves in any lawful way. Freedom to share our celebrations and decorations. Freedom to be who we are...Americans. And, most importantly of all, freedom to stand up and say "STOP". People need to take a firm stand and say STOP making me feel alienated because I am (take your choice) overweight, or smoke, or am a Christian, or am a conservative, or any of the other things that are now 'politically incorrect'. Our ancestors fought hard for these freedoms. And, we have to fight just as hard to preserve them. So that is my political statement for the month and MERRY CHRISTMAS to all. |