Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/428851-
Rated: E · Book · Action/Adventure · #1111428
Jamie, the new Superboy, helps residents of a community that is stricken by a hurricane.
#428851 added May 27, 2006 at 3:45pm
Restrictions: None
H U R R I C A N E G R E G O R Y– Part 12
“I beg your pardon?” he asked her politely.

“I feel it… I… I sense it… You’re not who you appears to be, my young man… You’re really something, someone else…” she said.

“What… Why do you say that?” Jamie asked her. He was concerned that grandma knew his secret. But, how was that possible?

“What are you talking about, grandma?” Greg asked her.

“Looks can be deceiving; however this boy’s fantastic powers cannot remain hidden for long. Soon, and very soon, a large cyclone will come, and it will become the greatest challenge you have ever faced, my dear Jamie! Be ready!” Grandma Esther exclaimed.

Both Greg and Jamie gasped out loud. How did she know Jamie’s secret?

“I’m a seer, my boy…” she said, as she ran the palm of her hand through Jamie’s hair. “I can feel your might, your strength, and your power… You normally wear a blue suit, with red boots and trunks, and a long, red cape! Most people know you by your other name, ‘Superboy!’”

Jamie gazed at her in shock. His mouth dropped wide open. He was deeply concerned about grandma knowing his secret. Luckily, the old lady picked up on his fears, and she rested her hands on his broad shoulders to set him at ease.

“Don’t worry about me telling other people about you, dear Jamie…” she whispered to the concerned boy. “I have one main rule: What is secret will remain a secret. Your hidden identity is all yours and therefore it isn’t mine to reveal to others! So, rest assured, my boy.”

Jamie sighed with relief!

“Thank you, grandma…” he said to her, smiling. “I’m here on vacation and I just want to hang out at the beach with Greg. I’m not here to do any super stuff. I just want to swim and relax. In fact, I left my suit at home! I don’t even have it with me!”

Grandma looked hard at him for a moment, until she suddenly became very serious.

“A hero doesn’t need to wear a suit and a cape in order to do great things, Jamie. It’s not the suit that makes you into a hero, but your heart!” she said to him. “When the time comes to do heroic things, you will act accordingly, regardless of what you’re wearing…”

“Oh…” Jamie replied, not knowing what else to say. Grandma had figured out everything about him, without having to be told!

“Don’t be so alarmed, my young super hero!” grandma said. “You should be used to being around people who can read your thoughts! After all, we both know your older brother is psychic.”

“Y-Y-Yeah… Wesley is psychic… Just like you!” Jamie responded.

“Gosh, grandma…” Greg said proudly. “I didn’t know you were psychic!”

“Psychic abilities help me to see things about other people that I don’t know. Not only that, but it often reveals things to me about other people, that even those people don’t know about themselves! I can sense something about you right now, Gregory… It’s something you may not even be aware of…”

“What do you mean by that, grandma?” Greg wondered out loud.

“Your life will experience a dramatic change in the near future. Don’t worry, change is good! Something will happen to you, and your friend will have everything to do with it!” she said, as she pointed to Jamie with her finger.

“Oh wow… I guess I’d better be careful!” Greg concluded, upon hearing grandma’s revelation.

“Don’t worry, dear… This change will happen so fast, it will be like a flash of lightning! Don’t wait for the change to happen. Just accept it, when it does…”

She spoke to Jamie. “When the change comes to Greg, he will need you more than he ever has before; you and your brother and your father, all three! Please watch out for my grandson. And you will come to lean on him as well. You two boys are very close now. But circumstances will bring you even closer together. Very soon, you and Greg will come to be as close to each other as you and your brother are to one another. Beyond this, I cannot tell you any more. But I know all this is coming and it coming very soon!”

“Thanks, grandma!” Greg grinned, speaking for himself and Jamie. He decided not to think about what would happen in the future. She’d said it would be a good change, and that was all that really mattered to him.

“Boys! Come over here, to the van! We’re going to check in at the hotel!” Amy shouted from the van. Carrie had already joined her in the car, while the boys were talking to grandma.

Jamie and Greg said goodbye to grandma, and they walked out the store. They got back into the van...

The van drove off to the small hotel just a few streets away. The hotel was within walking distance from the beach where grandma’s shop was located. The boys had already decided that they would come back to her store, as soon as they had checked in to the hotel.

About twenty minutes later, Jamie and Greg had checked in to the hotel and they had received their room key. They placed their luggage in the room and they immediately changed into their swimming trunks and sandals! They snatched up their beach towels, dashed out of the hotel lobby and headed straight for Grandma’s store. They were ready to go for a swim!

It didn’t take long at all for the boys to get back to the store. They both entered the shop and greeted Grandma briefly, before they headed back out again and made their way out to the sandy beach.

This trip was a special treat for Jamie. Not only could he spend time with his best friend, but this was going to be his last opportunity to go on a trip like this, before the start of fall semester at school. Although he missed Wesley, Lois and Clark, he was delighted to be able to spend this time with his best friend, Greg.

The boys ran straight for the water and waded in. Once they got in about waist deep, they dove headfirst into the surf!

To be continued

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