Blog started in Jan 2005: 1st entries for Write in Every Genre. Then the REAL ME begins |
My Foundations of Science of Mind class continues on through topics that seem to bring me more to a place of questioning than answering. My teacher notes this may not be a bad thing. Abundance, Forgiveness, now Immortality...I can't say the topics have become progressively more difficult to deal with...I am more at ease this week. My beliefs about Life, Death and Eternity are comfortable to poke around and even question. I think one area of concern comes from considering my own trepidation about dying. I just hate the idea of leaving this existence before connecting with a good amount of people. Dustin Hoffman is currently speaking on Dave Letterman about Spaghetti Surprizo, a recipe from a Sicilian prostitute — strangely, I can make a connection even with it being a distractor. I was lucky to visit with my friend, Rick, today. I've never told him this, but he resembles Dustin Hoffman. That, in itself, is not important (just making that far-reaching connection). Do we get to create characters in stories, meet people that resemble or remind us of others, obsess over the ones one will probably never meet in person for a reason? To artificially expand our limited capability to meet as many people as there are out there? I just realized that it's after midnight here. My feelings on my friendships and what they mean in the scope of eternity, I guess, will just have to wait. |