Each snowflake, like each human being is unique. |
5 Sharaf 163 B.E. - January 4, 2007 This has to be the craziest piece of spam I’ve ever received. It isn’t the weirdest mind you, but the craziest. I’ve received a lot of weird spams, these usually have to do with enlarging body parts that weren’t present at birth. However, quitting coffee is ludicrous. Let’s face it, I’ve given up smoking, drinking, and chasing men. I gave drinking and smoking when I stopped going to bars. I gave up chasing men because the ones I can catch I don’t want and the ones I want run too fast. I never was a sprinter or the athletic type and the older I get the slower I get. So I’m not giving up coffee. There’s nothing more enjoyable than a good strong cup of coffee in the morning. Unless it is a cup of café mocha when I attend a poetry reading or am out shopping. Giving up coffee is ridiculous. Coffee doesn’t keep me awake at night, no matter how late in the day I have my last cup. The only draw back coffee has is that it’s a diuretic. So I have to go pee a bit more than if I didn’t drink it, big deal. The cats enjoy escorting me to the bathroom and watching me. |