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Rated: 13+ · Book · Drama · #1251882
Don't let your heart get in the way of your head.
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#503383 added May 4, 2008 at 4:01pm
Restrictions: None
Once is All Takes. Chapter Two
" And so, that is the usual migration pattern of the Monarch butterfly, remember, quiz tomorrow! You may go!' Then the bell rang.

  Finally! Mr.Johson was such a bore.Three o' clock at last! Gina had been looking forward to this all afternoon. She ran to her locker, grabbed her homework then shoved it into her backpack. With a quick good bye and girly squeal with Hayley, Gina headed for the door. There was Christopher, leaning on a wall with his arms crossed and backpack down on the pavement.

"Hey Gina, ready to blast?" He looked at her through his sunglasses.

"Yeah, where are we going?" Did he have a car?

Gina had no idea, nor did she care. She was with him and that was all that mattered.

" Lets go to my place, maybe, we can watch TV or something, that ok?

He looked at her with this question. His house? Wow. Yes! Yes yes yes! That is what her heart screamed at her. Yet way in the back of her brain she began to ponder this a bit. As if she had her very own Jimminie Cricket way back in there,

" Now Gina, you know that is not a wise choice, you just barely met this boy," Said Jiminie.

This voice was quickly silenced by the front of Gina's brain, and the bottom of her heart.

"Oh shut up," Gina replied in her brain, and then turned to Christopher.

"Let's hit it," He smiled and led the way.


  No one was home at Chris's place. It looked nice. Pretty garden and a big tree out front. He walked up the pathway, unlocked the door and invited Gina in. It smelled weird inside. She couldn't quite place what it was, but it made her shiver. Christopher wasted no time and walked straight to the couch.

"Gina, you wanna sit?" He looked like a little puppy now, longingly, wanting her to be close to him.

How could she say no? She sat next to him. He turned the TV on and sat. Only three minutes into the afternoon news he looked sideways at Gina. Slowly, but surely he slid his hand over the cushion and grabbed hers tightly. Gina felt her stomach drop about four feet.

"Gina, I know we just met, but I really feel a connection between us, don't you? he asked.

All she could do was nod, she had no voice, when she would come to need it most. He looked her in the eyes and kept on smooth talking her. He seemed very sure of himself, as if not the first time he had said this, but what did Gina care? He was saying it to her.

"I just feel like I need to be close to you, and if I'm not I will never be happy, you know? He asked.

Again a nod only from Gina. Then he moved in quickly and kissed her surely on the lips. Wow. Gina kissed him back. He pulled away only for a moment to whisper those fatal word into Gina's ear.

"I love you," He said and then proceeded to move closer to Gina.

This was amazing, Gina thought, he is such a great guy, but I wish he would slow down a bit. She wanted to ask him to slow down, but how rude would that be? Right after he said "I love you" to her. So she kept quiet. Until he started to get too close. The kind of close where two people should only be under the oath of marriage. She found her voice for only a second to say,

" Chris, can we, I, I don't think I'm ready for this," She was certainly not ready at all.

He returned with this, "Gina, I love you, and if you loved me back you would be with me right now,"

She looked into his face and now saw a totally different person. Not the warm and inviting boy she had met, but a cold and harsh man. Maybe he was right. He did love her and she thought she loved him back, so how bad could this be? One time won't be to bad, right? Once is all it takes.


  " Hi Gina, how was training?" Her mother asked as she walked in the door at 4:15pm.

Gina could not speak, she couldn't think, she could barely walk straight.

"OK, I see you're tired, go change and I'll get dinner soon," Then Mrs.Masiello wandered into the kitchen.

Gina flopped down onto her bed. Life had stopped. Why doesn't she feel complete? He said she would. He was fine with this all. It was "no big deal", that was how he had put it when she left his place. How can something that is supposed to make you feel entire make you feel so, empty? How would she go on knowing that she was violated? That she let herself be violated? Atleast the worst is over, she thought. She had no idea what was to come.


A.L. Wright*
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