Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/566037-I-voted
Rated: GC · Book · Personal · #1051691
Life, Adventure, Family, Writing what else is there? Random thoughts.
#566037 added February 6, 2008 at 11:40pm
Restrictions: None
I voted!
Super Tuesday was yesterday and I left the house at 9:15 am, walked to my polling place and voted for Hillary. *Smile* It's going to be a great Democratic race and I'm tuned in!

That said, if you want to head on over to my messageboard and pick up a copy of "DIRTY LITTLE SECRETS" it's still avail. Pop in and say "Hi." I'd love to see you over there.



Well, I guess Britney got out of the hospital today. I only have this to say: The PAPARIZZI need to leave the woman alone. She obviously needs help and them nagging her ass doesn't help.


I picked my boy up from K-Garten today and his teacher told me he was sad. He was playing basketball with two other kids from another class and they wouldn't share the ball with him. I hate mean kids. You know what - share!! Sadly, when you have mean spirited kids like that, they are a reflection of the parenting going on in the house. I told him if they do it again, walk away and find some other kids to play with.


Well, I've been in a little bit of a funk since the Pats lost. Sniff...sniff... I do admit it was a great game and the Giants were the comebacks kid. It was nice in that regard, but I remember the lean years when the Pats couldn't even get out of the cellar. Remember their loss to Chicago in 1986 at Superbowl XX? Sigh... well, you can't win 'em all. Congrats to the Giants.


Well, I wanted to get my ashes, but it just wasn't in the cards. I had to give my kids their baths tonight because I have to leave at 7:15 in the morning to get to my Taxman appointment at 9. Why leave so damn early, Steph? Is your taxman in another state? Sadly, he's about 50 miles away in 1000 Oaks. He's a great guy, I love his work, and I'll drive 50 miles to go him. Unfortunately its the morning rush and if I don't leave early I'm screwed.


Well, I've been working on my paranormal romance, "THE WOLF'S KISS." This is about my 3rd edit on the opening chapter. I'll leave it here for you. Would love to get feedback if you want to drop me a line.



Chapter One

London, 1901

My adventurous heart wanted to leave London and explore the world I’d read in my books. At nineteen and a ward to Lord Henry Archibald, I didn’t think I’d get past Surrey. That’s when I spied an unusual auto roll up to the townhouse steps from my second story window. The engine sputtered a bit and the auto shook before it quit running.

The passenger side door opened and the most exquisite man this side of the Thames popped out. I couldn’t see his eyes. They were shrouded in shadows from the hat on his head. Well, that wouldn’t do. I wanted to see his eyes. I left my room and quietly walked to the top of the stairs.

Our butler, Mr. Denton, met our mysterious visitor in the hall, taking his cloak and hat. Now Mr. Denton was blocking my eyesight. Wanting to catch a better view, I decided to walk down the stairs. If Mr. Denton asked, I’d tell him I was on my way to the kitchen.

The stranger’s eyes cut to mine. I gasped, missed a step, and took a small tumble down the stairs. Just when I thought I was going to fall flat on my hands, my mysterious stranger wrapped his arms around me and stopped my fall. His muscles were solid, his smile disarming.

“Are you all right, Miss?”

Time felt suspended in that brief moment. I stared into his eyes, a slight shiver coursed down my back as they burned into me. “Ah, I’m fine.”
Oh, his sweet malachite eyes lured me in, singing of his compassion, yet they were surrounded by a gold-yellow ring, hinting of a more feral nature which smoldered behind his mask of country gentility. He was tall with ebony hair that dared to touch his shoulders. How roguish! He had high cheeks and an aquiline nose.

He pressed his body against mine quickly as he assured both of us I was back on my feet. His clothes hid a rugged, lanky, yet muscular frame. He wore musky distinctive European cologne that complimented him well.

“Miss Douglas, should I have Mr. Alexander look at you?” asked Mr. Denton. He stood at the foot of the steps facing my stranger. Mr. Alexander was the family doctor. I slowly withdrew from my handsome visitor.

“No, please, no doctor. Really, I’m fine,” I replied.

He stood up straight and put his hand on my elbow. “Are you sure you’re all right, Miss Douglas? You look a little shaken.”

I looked directly at him. “Maybe I’ll go to the kitchen for a cup of tea to settle my nerves.”

“That’s a good idea, Miss Douglas,” said Mr. Denton. “If that’s all, I’ll take you to the study, My Lord.”

“That would be fine, Mr. Denton.” My stranger nodded his head. “Good day, Miss Douglas.”

I watched him disappear into Lord Archibald’s study. ‘My Lord’ was stunning. My Lord. Oh, he was a nobleman. As soon as he discovered I was a ward, there would be no hope for a match between us. I let out a deep breath. He’d flashed me such a smoldering smile, I knew I’d made an impression on him, but of what kind? Why was he even here? Was he from a country I’d never heard of to strike a deal with Lord Archibald? What a fanciful notion. Sadly, whatever it was that brought him here probably had nothing to do with me.

My eyes drifted toward Lord Archibald’s door. Could I capture his attention? What if I did? How would we meet again? He wasn’t British, I was sure of it. He was everything that intrigued me, yet he was from a place outside the confines of my comfortable world. Dare I consider crossing the divide that separated us? Well, first I would need opportunity.

The doorknob to the study rattled. I couldn’t have my mysterious stranger see me staring at the door, lost in my dream world. I bolted down the hall and dove into the kitchen. Thankfully, no one was there.

I took a deep breath and ran my hands through my long curly auburn hair. I’d never been so out of breath before. I took a peek in the mirror that hung on the wall. My hazel eyes sparkled back at me, but I noticed my cheeks were flushed. Is this what happens when a man excites a woman? I certainly did not look like my usual composed self. I walked away from the mirror and went to the tea cabinet.
“Lord Archibald wants to see you in his study, Miss.” It was Miss Lucinda Stone, one of the maids, standing in the doorway.

I flashed her a smile to mask my growing nervousness. “Thank you, Lucinda.”

I left the tea cabinet and made my way to my guardian’s study. Was his visitor with him now? I paused in front of the study’s door, wringing my hands. My heart raced. Oh grow up, I reminded myself. He was only a man. I held up my chin and steeled my courage. After knocking on the door, I heard Lord Archibald bid me enter.

“You sent for me, My Lord?”

My guardian’s familiar smile relaxed me. He rose from his desk and we hugged. After all my nervous anticipation, I was a little disappointed to discover his handsome visitor wasn’t with him, although the hint of his musky, foreign cologne lingered in the air.

He pointed to the couch near the bookcase. “Katherine, have a seat.”

“Why did you want to see me?” I asked.

He sat down across from me in his dark leather-clad chair and smiled. Age was starting to encroach on his appearance. His hair was littered with salt and pepper sprinkles and the lines around his eyes were more pronounced.

“Katherine, I want you to attend the masquerade ball I’ll be hosting next Friday at the country estates in Derbyshire.”



He reached out and took my hands in his. “Katherine, I’d like to afford you the opportunity to meet a young man like Elizabeth did.”

“Thank you.” My handsome stranger? I grew restless at the thought.

“Now, what were you up to before I called you down here?”

“Making tea.”

“You weren’t lost in another book?”

“No. I had another distraction.”

“Oh?” he queried.

I wanted to avoid talking about my handsome stranger for now. “When will we leave for the country?”

“On Monday,” he said.

“Then I’d better go and pack.”

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