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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1371715
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#572011 added March 6, 2008 at 2:51pm
Restrictions: None
Those aren't dreams...
I rarely ever remember my dreams. And for some reason my sleep's been really spotty lately...lotta tossing and turning, sleeping anywhere from 20-45 minutes at a time, and waking up early and alternating 15 minutes of sleep with 5 minutes of tossing. And dreams...I haven't been having the regular, motion-picture dreams with plots and beginnings and ends (or near-ends when you wake up before peril). I've been dreaming in skits. Like 5 minute, bad Saturday Night Live sketches with no tangible punchline. And sometimes I even wake up in the morning believing them (the "found money" one is especially reccurring, especially when I'm short on funds...I wake up believing I actually found a $100 on the street, when sadly, I did not). Some examples:

*Bullet* I took a cd jewel box off my nightstand, took it apart, and fell asleep while reading the lyrics. When I woke I was looking all over for the jewel box, which did not exist.

*Bullet* The hot water faucet in the kitchen is broken again, only this time I can't make the water stop running.

*Bullet* Fighting in my bedroom with my brother over some Freddy Krueger-lookin' sweater that I'm sure neither of us owns, nor would we fight over (unless we were forcing it on the other).

*Bullet* Dave smoking at the dining room table and ashing everywhere except the ashtray, and me getting pissed at his clumsyness.

*Bullet* Somehow I managed to cut myself and draw blood, a lot of blood, but I don't remember where or how.

*Bullet* Flying, possibly in a helicopter, lowly over the top of a forest.

*Bullet* Squirrels running through my backyard, up the trees and atop the fence.

*Bullet* My ex was in one of 'em, yelling at me for no good reason.

*Bullet* The dreams that featured my brother are usually never of him as an adult; they're always of him as a kid, somewhere between 4 and 6 years old, but he possesses strong adult mannerisms in my dreams.

*Bullet* Half asleep, I was convinced that someone was pounding on my door, so I got up to check it...no one there. And twice I swore I heard my phone ring and 2 minutes later I reached for it, thinking I missed a call, even though I have no minutes left on my phone. Then spent awake-time thinking I lost my phone (twice) somewhere in my bed, when it was on my nightstand the whole time.

And that's just the ones I could remember. Over the last 3 nights there's been so many. Strange. Sure beats the "horror-naps" I used to get a few years back...I was a horrible napper. I'd fall half asleep, and all of the sudden:

*Bullet* I'd jump awake thinking there were thousands of spiders crawling all over me.

*Bullet* I'd swear I hear people pounding on the door (the side and/or upstairs entrance door.

*Bullet* I'm either falling off a cliff or under a truck, and when I come too I feel like I just hit the couch after being 6 inches above it.

*Bullet* I swear I hear my name being called from the outside.

*Bullet* I feel someone imaginary standing over me and trickling some sort of liquid on my arms and/or legs.

I know, how crazy is all of that? Otherwise, it's been a slow couple of days around here. Might break off for a bit to get some food and check the real-life mailbox (I'm not getting antsy or anything, am I) *Rolleyes*? I'm not even sure if I trust the Postal System anymore...it's been awhile since I've gotten even any bills. The last piece of relevant mail that wasn't address to this dude "Occupant" (and I dunno who he is, but he hasn't lived here in freakin years) was a Finish Line catalog the other day; my sis hasn't worked there in years and it's been even longer since I shopped there. Oh well.

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