This life of mine is filled with blessings and I'm gonna focus on that and move forward. |
So, it's been awhile again since I've dropped by here. I guess it is no wonder why I am NOT a professional writer; I just can't seem to write what down what is going on WHEN it is going on! I've been potty training my daughter since her birthday in November and after some prayer, some prodding and repetition, she started USING the potty. Now, my daughter is a stubborn one, I am learning, and she always starts doing things in the ninth hour. When most of our hair is gone and we are starting to feel VERY frustrated, she will do it. I'm sure you think I am being unreasonable but here's a background story. Our little one was sixteen months old and just couldn't seem to walk. She is preemie so she qualified for services to help her with walking. I reluctantly made the call, and the woman visited us both. We talked in my daughter's presence about what they would do to get her on track for walking and she left. Her appointment was the very next week and I kid you not, my daughter started walking that WEDNESDAY and our meeting was on Monday. I am telling you she KNOWS! Ok...back to her emptying her own potty bowl. Now, she is one a roll but she wants to empty her own potty bowl. (sigh) She saw what I did when I cleaned it the first time and then, viola!, my girl is up, running and yelling, "I'll do it! I'll do it!" and I'm starting to sweat thinking about the splashed urine on the carpet...but she has managed to do it just fine. Yes, I did let her empty it...she is going to be an independent one but she also realizes that there are times when she can say, "Mom, you do it", so knowing that those times will be here before I notice them, I'm going to let her do this with guidance, of course. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm back in school this semester, even though I did NOT finish the GMAT exam. The Lord intervened for me, He knew that I was loosing it for all the wrong reasons when I decided that I would go for a 2nd bachelor's instead of the MBA. I was so disheartened when I failed Econ. but a wise adviser realized this and she spoke to the MBA chair right in my presence and told him how I could use the Org. Management class and just get back in synch with a class that I could enjoy, even though I am NOT supposed to be there unless I have my GMAT. They are giving me the TIME I need to study right and I am so grateful! I feel so much lighter and I enjoy this class. I think that I will remember this time in my life as one when I felt like I almost lost my way; I almost believed that I was not the right person for the job...but I am. And I am so glad to still be in the program. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, well, that was more than a few words so I'll save the rest of what I was going to write until tomorrow. Till then, thanks for visiting! |