Announcements pertaining to Writing.Com! |
Hello Members, In an effort to make WritingML tags a little more understandable, we've updated the system to allow dashes in the tag name. This update applies to all tags, but here's "b-item" as an example: {b-item:######} with the dash, now works just like {bitem:#####} without the dash. This is an important update particularly for new members. They're usually confused when asked to enter a bitem into a contest... That's read as "before you can eat 'em, you have to bitem!" We hope that changing the "standard" term to b-item will help new members see the connection to the item side of things. Again, this update holds true for all WritingML tags, such as r-item, s-user, l-post, l-entry, etc. We will be updating the documentation to reflect this and we'll be releasing a news email in the near future about this. The WritingML system will always and forever support the syntax both with and without dashes. You do not now and will not ever have to update your tags to include dashes. Please do consider updating any site "documentation" or help articles that you've written about using WritingML to teach new members the dashed tags. We'd also appreciate it if those running contests and newbie events started using the "with dash" syntax as soon as possible. (Also, tags are not case sensitive so b-Item, bItem and B-Item all do the same thing.) In addition, SMs just added the following 12 new emoticons: = Angel = CakeB = CakeP = Envy = Moon = Silent = Sun = X = XB = XG = XR = XV With these newbies, our List of WDC Emoticons now contains 155. And, a little off topic, but to achieve the indentation and line spacing for the emoticon list above, it is enclosed within {quote}{linespace:1.8}...{/linespace}{/quote}. Enjoy! ~~SM |