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Another adventure in writing I decided to take now. Ideas & thoughts about writing a book.
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#733283 added September 5, 2011 at 4:00am
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Random Thoughts And The Beginning Of Something
Shady is panting heavily again which means he is awake and this is what has me super extremely concerned for him. I wrote about him yesterday and find myself focused on him, and writing about him more tonight, or this morning, which ever is appropriate. When ideas flow usually I write until there is a lull and then read what I wrote because no matter how hard i try, I accidentally hit the caps lock when I do not want to yell and I don't spell many words correctly or type efficiently correctly. Another words, I make many mistakes which I have to spent time correcting. Wow! I didn't have to correct anything! I'm surprised. Being here at my writing home must be doing a lot for my writing skills improvement because I can't help practicing writing. This is a passion I can not resist. I really like writing. Ok, ok, I love writing!! I want to help people and the best way i can do this is to write and share, educate, reach out and communicate, and use writing to help in as many ways as I possibly am able. One thing i must to is develop a plan, tools use and techniques, and a way to be certain that when an idea comes along and hits me in the head, i can write while the writing is good to go. I've got to get the thoughts and ideas written very quickly before they are most likely lost forever.

One important activity I decided to endeavor to accomplish was, to write something everyday for a month no matter what happened each day or the length, topic, reason, type, or .......well, I wasn't going to be picky about this because for me it seemed to be a good way to get me into the habit of writing everyday. Now that I've successfully written everyday for a month, it's time to move on to being more picky about the quality of my writing, what I write, and doing a better job writing.

Shady needs me, I've got to go. Sadly and unfortunately, Shady has the hurshy squirts which is another symptom that just started. He has had some lumps under his chin in the throat area and this is what caused alarm for me, and for me to get him an appointment as soon as possible with the vet. I'm glad I was awake writing because I was available to help Shady when he needed me. See, this is part of why I started this book and am dilligently working away writing the details and thoughts going through my head right now. This is very important to me. Shady is a very good dog, friend, and kind hearted creature who deserves the very best I can give to and do for him. He will live in my memory and heart along with the other dogs I have known, and cared for, and loved. Yesterday I spent considerable time taking pictures of Shady and a few of Bella my service dog. I was fortunate to be able to get pictures of Shady and Bella together. Now I'm nervous because some of my photography equipment seems to be having glitches. I can only hope all will be fine with everything and wait until I can get to the camera shop; and fathom what has happened to the stuff. And get it fixed or replaced. I hope this will be only a small expense and very easy fix.

I got so involved with writing.com activities that I didn't remember the Coke I placed into the freezer to chill; and I have to thank Shady for getting my attention. Because he needed to go out, I had to go to the door in the laundry room via the kitchen. This act caused me to think about getting a drink, which resulted in me remembering to get the Coke out the freezer.

Now, I'm waiting for my Coke to thaw enough so that I can drink it and quench my thirst. I did drink some of the Coke before placing it into the freezer which gave enough room for the liquid to expand with out blowing the bottle apart. I am very thankful I didn't find a huge mess when I opened the freezer.

So much for the Coke adventure. Amazingly I'm still writing. I don't recall ever being to write a single something this long and writing something which seems to be ....I need a word....don't think this is writers block, it's more like find the word you lost in the vast gray matter of you brain filing cabinet. Oh, well! This happens to me sometimes because my filing techniques and system is slightly disorganized.

Hey! Wow! I'm impressed! I just checked the word count and was astounded to see that i had written 790 words. That's huge for me. I usually write half that much or less if I'm lucky. This writing.com site is working wonders for my writing, thank you, thank you writing.com! Can you tell I'm excited? Amazing what setting goals and sticking with them will do to help you achieve an improvement in the skills and knowledge you are working to improve.

I looked at the word count and it is 871. My clock just said 4:00 o'clock, and I should go to bed and get some sleep.. Sleep is very important for your health, thinking and writing skills, and for your safety and other peoples safety. Read "Sleep Thieves" by Stanly Coren. It will give you the nuts and bolts, and even much more information on sleep debt and how it effects everything we do. Good night or good morning everyone depending on your loaction and when you awake from sleeping. I'm going to bed to get some much needed sleep.

Oops, i made the mistake of checking the word count and found that I have written 971 words. I'm so very close to writing 1000 words in one sitting, that I must and there is no other choice, continue to write for a few more minutes. Sleep is extremely important to me, however, when I'm this close to a a first time very major achievement, I can't resist the challenge of making this possibility a reality.

SUCCESS!!!!!!! Over 1047 words written in one writing session. This is a major first for me. Now, I can go to bed without laying awake thinking about making this goal a reality. I expect to get some quality sleep. I'm one happy person and very thankful to here and be able to reach my goal and not have to do this by writing a bunch of garbage and nothingness. I hope this helps someone improve their writing skills. Wishing you a nice restful quality sleep. And wishing you quality and success writing. Many blessings and safe travels.
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